David Essig Concert History

I met Dave in Huntsville Ontario in the 70's. Back then he played alot of bluegrass.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 20, 2017
Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival
"Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival" / Jeffrey Foucault / Five Alarm Funk / John Primer / David Essig / Keith Scott / Charlie Jacobson / Claire Lynch / Jane Bunnett & Maqueque / DJ Shub / Kaia Kater / Maria Dunn / The Long Run / Irish Mythen / Dana Wylie / Jay Gilday / April Verch Band / Stephen Fearing / Alex Cuba Show all bands
Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival Grounds Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada
Aug 19, 2017
Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival
"Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival" / Booker T. Jones / Jeffrey Foucault / The Lil Smokies / Michael Jerome Browne / Kaia Kater / John Primer / Kenny "Blues Boss" Wayne / Rev. Robert B. Jones / Livingston Taylor / Keith Scott / David Essig / Sherman Doucette / Frazey Ford / Boogie Patrol / Toubab Krewe / Zal Sissokho / Mystic Bowie's Talking Dreads / Claire Lynch Show all bands
Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival Grounds Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada
Jul 20, 2013
Home County Folk Festival 2013
Great Lake Swimmers / Basia Bulat / Sarah Harmer / The Sadies / Royal Wood / Ken Whiteley / Valdy / David Essig
Home County Folk Festival London, Ontario, Canada
Jul 14, 2012
Vancouver Folk Festival 2012
The Head and the Heart / K'naan / The Barr Brothers / Serena Ryder / Dan Mangan / River City Extension / Johnny Clegg / Royal Wood / O.N.C.E. / Mike Farris / Blitz the Ambassador / Martyn Joseph / Ken Whiteley / Andy White / Sidi Toure / Murray McLauchlan / Geoff Berner / Mark Berube / Shakura S'Aida / Evalyn Parry / David Essig Show all bands
Vancouver Folk Festival Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Jul 15, 2011 –
Jul 17, 2011
Dawson City Music Festival 2011
Yukon Blonde / Rich Aucoin / Tanya Tagaq / Shout Out Out Out Out / Minotaurs / Shotgun Jimmie / Sarah MacDougall / Amelia Curran / David Essig / Brenda Lee Quartet / Carlyle Watt & The Sugar Strings / Chic Gamine / Coole & Downes / Dennis Allen & The Hellhounds / Done Gone Trio / Etran Finatawa / Fish & Bird / Grey Kingdom / Jeremy Strachan / Kaska Drummers / Major Conrad Flapps / Mamma Yamma / Mr. Something Something / Ryan McNally / The Stampeders / Steve Gates / The River Bends / Tim Hus / Whitey Houston / Willie Gordon Trio Show all bands
702, Third Ave, Dawson, Dawson City, YK, Canada
Jul 25, 2010
Calgary Folk Music Festival
"Calgary Folk Music Festival" / Shakura S'Aida / Roberta Flack / Geoff Muldaur / Konono No. 1 / Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens / Madviolet / St. Vincent / Joe Henry / Delhi 2 Dublin / Sunparlour Players / Ohbijou / Timber Timbre / Baskery / DJ Logic / The Hill Country Revue / Thea Gilmore / Library Voices / Peatbog Faeries / Romantica / Karla Anderson / Steve Pineo / Debashish Bhattacharya / Po'Girl / The Axis Of Conversation / Chris Gheran / Frank Turner / Laura Marling / Steve Dawson (Canada) / United Steelworkers of Montreal / Etran Finatawa / Natacha Atlas / Coolooloosh / Haydamaky / David Essig / Linda Tillery & The Cultural Heritage Choir / Caracol / Annie Lou / Jon & Roy / Tim Buckley And The Tim.buck.two Show all bands
Prince's Island Park Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Jul 24, 2010
Calgary Folk Music Festival
"Calgary Folk Music Festival" / Greg Brown / Shakura S'Aida / Ian Tyson / Tom Russell / Geoff Muldaur / Madviolet / Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens / St. Vincent / Sunparlour Players / Delhi 2 Dublin / Ohbijou / Timber Timbre / Thea Gilmore / The Hill Country Revue / The Cat Empire / Corb Lund / Baskery / Po'Girl / Laura Marling / Library Voices / DJ Logic / The Swell Season / Frank Turner / J.R. Shore / Chris Gheran / Linda Tillery & The Cultural Heritage Choir / United Steelworkers of Montreal / OX / Karla Anderson / Natacha Atlas / Debashish Bhattacharya / Dj Dolores / The Dojo Workhorse / Caracol / Jon & Roy / Finley Quaye / Mauvais Sort / David Essig / Ukrainia / Ghostkeeper / The Axis Of Conversation / Robin Holcomb / The Burning Hell Show all bands
Prince's Island Park Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Nov 09, 2009
David Essig / Rick Scott

David Essig / Rick Scott at Ironwood Stage And Grill

Ironwood Stage And Grill Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Nov 17, 2007
The D-Rangers / David Essig / Romi Mayes West End Cultural Centre Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Aug 11, 2000 –
Aug 13, 2000
Festival of Friends (2000)
Adrian Jones / Amanda Stott / Blackie And The Rodeo Kings / Bonnie LeClair / Carl Keesee / chris whitley / Daisy DeBoit / David Bradstreet / David Woodhead / Doug McArthur / Fred Eaglesmith / Jackie Washington / James Gordon / Jeffra / Joe Hall / Kim Deschamps / Klyde Broox / Lisa Winn / Mike Daley / Paul Lamb / Rheostatics / Rita Chiarelli / Ron Sexsmith / Simon Wilcox / Tanglefoot / Tony Quarrington / Washboard Hank / Act'uv Dawg / Amy Sky / Blue Willow / Brent Titcomb / Cheza / Cory Tetford / Dan Lockwood / David Essig / Dickie Bird / Elizabeth Hill / Gord Barry / Jacksoul / Jamie Oakes / Jerry Alfred / John Gracie / Kim Regimbal / Lenny Graf / Marc Jordan / Nancy White / Paul Langille / Richard Knetchel / Rob Lamothe / Ronnie Hawkins / Snack! / Tetford Lamb / Tsufit / Willie P Bennett / Andy McGaw / Arun Pal / Bob Snider / Carl Horton / Chris Mulligan / Cyrus / Dawn Duvall / David Wilcox / Donald McGeoch / Fathead / Ian Thomas / James Cheechoo / Jason Fowler / Jim Bish / Jude Johnson / Kiyoshi Nagata Ensemble / Lorraine Ingle / Maureen Brown / Paddy Tutty / Prairie Oyster / Rik Emmett / Ron Nigrini / Shannon Thunderbird / Takadja / The Skydiggers / Victor Bateman / Zaffi Gousopoulos Show all bands
Gage Park Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
2017 2 concerts
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2010 2 concerts
2009 1 concert
2007 1 concert
2000 1 concert
 Lex Fillmore
 Brendan Jure
 Jen Weaver

As Seen On: