Dark Sea Dream Concert History

After first exposure to Dark Sea Dream’s visceral sonic assault in a live setting, the initial reaction one might have is of physical paralysis and the frightening notion that the Virginia quartet’s raison d’être is to simply bludgeon the life out of a room, one eardrum at a time. However, once these volume-driven emanations are accepted and realized, they are justified by an overwhelming feeling of vibrancy and color that can only be experienced by complete envelopment of sound.

Date Concert Venue Location
Feb 04, 2012
Bull City Metal Fest
Black Tusk / The Body / Braveyoung / Shadow of the Destroyer / MAKE / Widow / Gross Reality / Dark Sea Dream / GROHG
Casbah Durham, North Carolina, United States
Feb 13, 2010
Dark Sea Dream Black Cat Washington, D.C., United States
Black Metal
Doom Metal
Sludge Metal
2012 1 concert
2010 1 concert

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