Dante Lasalle Concert History

Hundreds of live shows, and 7 releases after his first rough recordings and freestyles Dante is one of the brightest stars breaking out of the rich Detroit Hip Hop scene. Dante has toured North America extensively on solo tours, with other artists and on the Van's Warped tour, Dante has also toured Europe several times. Dante has shared the stage with everyone from Method Man to Aphex Twin, KRS 1 to Fishbone, Ghostface to Atmosphere, D12 to Sage Francis and everyone in between.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 16, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Bring Me The Horizon / All Time Low / Rise Against / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / All That Remains / Motion City Soundtrack / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / The Academy Is... / Four Year Strong / Alesana / Every Time I Die / Anarbor / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / The Vandals / Norma Jean / Agent Orange / The Bronx / The Audition / Ludo / H2O / Authority Zero / Oceana / The Classic Crime / T.S.O.L. / The Dickies / Fear / MC Chris / GBH / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Confide / Between The Trees / Evergreen Terrace / The Human Abstract / Automatic Loveletter / Charlotte Sometimes / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / Sky Eats Airplane / The Dollyrots / Wayward / Broadway Calls / Revolution Mother / The Color Fred / Single File / Whole Wheat Bread / Chaser / Oreskaband / Dr. Manhattan / Fear Nuttin Band / The Action Design / Longway / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / black president / The Randies / Fall From Grace / Now On / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Allura / Say It Twice / Natives of the New Dawn / 5 Second Rule / Dangerzone / Paige Wood / Dante Lasalle / Spitshine / Ivens / Culture Shock Camp / Massive Monkees / With Grace We Fall / On the Surface Show all bands
Sleep Train Amphitheatre Wheatland, California, United States
Aug 05, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Bring Me The Horizon / All Time Low / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / All That Remains / Anberlin / Motion City Soundtrack / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Four Year Strong / Alesana / Every Time I Die / Every Avenue / Family Force 5 / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / Ludo / The Audition / GBH / The Classic Crime / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Confide / Evergreen Terrace / The Human Abstract / Automatic Loveletter / Charlotte Sometimes / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / Sky Eats Airplane / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / Single File / Chaser / Good Guys In Black / Dr. Manhattan / Longway / Shanti / Othello / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Brooklyn Zoo / The Randies / Sick City / Allura / Paige Wood / Dante Lasalle / Ivens / Hedged / Massive Monkees / Culture Shock Camp / Rising 4 / Hi-Fi Hand Grenades Show all bands
SaskTel Centre Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Jul 18, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / Anberlin / LIGHTS / Jack's Mannequin / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Pennywise / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Four Year Strong / Chiodos / Alesana / Every Time I Die / The Bouncing Souls / Every Avenue / Family Force 5 / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / Madina Lake / The Audition / CHIEF / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Just Surrender / Evergreen Terrace / Automatic Loveletter / Charlotte Sometimes / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / Patent Pending / Braille / After Midnight Project / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / A Cursive Memory / T.A.T / Chaser / Cinder Road / Oreskaband / Good Guys In Black / The Lordz / Longway / Shanti / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / CrashCarBurn / Pato / Settings / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Animo / Allura / The Weakend / Know Lyfe / Alamance / Vice Grip / ATAVAN / Farwell / Citizen X / D. Allie / Paige Wood / Dante Lasalle / The Recovering / Add.verse / View From Ida / Culture Shock Camp / Massive Monkees / Storms In May / Time of Plague / Steve Steadham / Our Film Star Show all bands
Comerica Park Detroit, Michigan, United States
Jul 15, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Cobra Starship / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / Pierce the Veil / Relient K / Angels and Airwaves / Anberlin / Jack's Mannequin / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Shwayze / Say Anything / Pennywise / Motionless In White / Forever the Sickest Kids / Story of the Year / Against Me! / The Academy Is... / As I Lay Dying / Four Year Strong / Alesana / Family Force 5 / Every Time I Die / Every Avenue / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / Madina Lake / The Audition / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Just Surrender / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / The Higher / The Briggs / The Pink Spiders / Braille / After Midnight Project / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Cinematic Sunrise / The Color Fred / Teflon / T.A.T / Oreskaband / Good Guys In Black / Street Drum Corps / The Lordz / Othello / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Pato / Settings / The Saint Alvia Cartel / The Great Scott / Chaser (USA) / I Am The Pilot / Allura / Skeet Skeet / The Bleeding Irish / All Left Out / Pirate Signal / Know Lyfe / Alamance / PULL the PIN / Paige Wood / Dante Lasalle / Dead Legend / Add.verse / Porcelain Smile / H Is for Hero / The Ex-Patriots / Culture Shock Camp / Massive Monkees Show all bands
Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
Show Duplicate for Jul 15, 2008
Jul 14, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / A Day to Remember / 3OH!3 / Mayday Parade / Pierce the Veil / Cobra Starship / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / The Gaslight Anthem / Anberlin / Motionless In White / The Devil Wears Prada / Jack's Mannequin / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Against Me! / Forever the Sickest Kids / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Four Year Strong / Alesana / Every Time I Die / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Every Avenue / Family Force 5 / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / Madina Lake / The Audition / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Just Surrender / The Briggs / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / After Midnight Project / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Cinematic Sunrise / The Color Fred / A Cursive Memory / T.A.T / Pivot / Chaser / Oreskaband / Cinder Road / Good Guys In Black / The Lordz / Longway / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / CrashCarBurn / Pato / Animo / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Allura / I Am The Pilot / All Left Out / Mike P / Alamance / Paige Wood / Dead Legend / Dante Lasalle / The Jealousy Game / The Recovering / Kevin Elliot and The Broken / Massive Monkees / Culture Shock Camp / The Darlings (LA/OC) / Haneda / Steve Steadham / Here's Looking at You Kid / Days Off Screen / Asian Cafe / Aloretta Show all bands
PNC Music Pavilion Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Jul 05, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Paramore / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / Anberlin / August Burns Red / Jack's Mannequin / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Alesana / Murs / Every Time I Die / Family Force 5 / Nothing More / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / The Audition / The Secret Handshake / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Valencia / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Allison / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Flash / The Color Fred / Piotta / T.A.T / Chaser / Oreskaband / Good Guys In Black / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Longway / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Allura / Breva / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Entice / Dr. Madd Vibe / The Pinkertones / Gina Cutillo / The Black Doves / Paige Wood / Dante Lasalle / Lone Star Drive By / Furthest From The Star / Kevin Goes 2 College / The Word Association / Lotus Tribe / Culture Shock Camp / Your Greatest Mistake / Massive Monkees / Last Great Assault / Steve Steadham Show all bands
Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Selma, Texas, United States
Show Duplicate for Jul 05, 2008
Hip Hop
Underground Hip-Hop
New York
Deep Tropical House
 Katrina Mc Grady
 Ron Mc Intyre
 Aye Aye Music
 Kelsi Toews
 Baeleigh Patten
 Katelyn 🌵
 Kevin Cortopassi
 Chelsea Cox
 Michelle ❀
 Joel V
 Sami Knutson
 Mark Culpepper

As Seen On: