Cumulo Nimbus Concert History

German Folk/Renaissance Metal band. Estabilished in 2001 in Landsberg. In 2001 their first Demo-LP comes out. The first studio album is published in 2004 under the name Nachtwache.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 19, 2010 –
Aug 21, 2010
Summer Breeze
1349 / AOD / Agnostic Front / Ahab / Anathema / Annotations of an Autopsy / Asphyx / Barren Earth / Be’Lakor / Blasmusik Illenschwang / Bleeding Red / Breschdleng / Callisto / Cannibal Corpse / Children of Bodom / Count Raven / Cumulo Nimbus / Dark Funeral / Dark Tranquillity / Das Pack / Deadstar Assembly / Despised Icon / Destinity / Dew-Scented / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / disbelief / Down Spirit / Dream Evil / Dying Fetus / Eisbrecher / Eisregen / End of Green / Endstille / Ensiferum / Equilibrium / Fejd / Feuerschwanz / Fiddler’s Green / Gorgoroth / Grailknights / Gwar / Hacride / Hail of Bullets / Heaven Shall Burn / Hypocrisy / Ill Niño / InMe / Insomnium / Johnny and the Hot Rods / Kadavrik / Korpiklaani / Kylesa / Leaves’ Eyes / Letzte Instanz / Leviathan / Long Distance Calling / Macabre / Månegarm / Maroon / Milking the Goatmachine / Mono Inc / My Dying Bride / Napalm Death / Necrophagist / Obituary / Origin / Orphaned Land / Pantheon I / Parasite Inc / Parkway Drive / Poisonblack / Psychopunch / Rage / Raised Fist / Rebellion / Sepultura / Sick of It All / Sideblast / Sólstafir / Subway to Sally / Suffocation / Suicidal Angels / Swallow the Sun / The 69 Eyes / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Crown / The Devil’s Blood / The Foreshadowing / The Smack Ballz / The Very End / Tieflader / Torturized / Tracedawn / Triptykon / Undertow / Unleashed / Van Canto / War from a Harlots Mouth / Warbringer / Watain / We Butter the Bread with Butter / FreiWild Show all bands
Flugplatz Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germany
Aug 18, 2010 –
Aug 21, 2010
Summer Breeze Open Air 2010
Children Of Bodom / subway to sally / Heaven Shall Burn / Hypocrisy / Sick of It All / Dark Tranquillity / Cannibal Corpse / Obituary / Sepultura / My Dying Bride / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / Agnostic Front / Parkway Drive / Gorgoroth / Unleashed / Rage / Equilibrium / Suffocation / Suicidal Angels / Annotations of an Autopsy / MILKING THE GOATMACHINE / Ensiferum / Dark Funeral / Eisbrecher / End Of Green / Korpiklaani / Gwar / The 69 Eyes / Behemoth / Anathema / Frei.Wild / Raised Fist / Eisregen / Napalm Death / Poisonblack / Ill Nino / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Crown / Hail of Bullets / Fiddler's Green / The Devil's Blood / Dying Fetus / Triptykon / Necrophagist / Maroon / Leave's Eyes / Despised Icon / Asphyx / 1349 / Letzte Instanz / Psychopunch / Macabre / Swallow the Sun / Orphaned Land / Dream Evil / Disbelief / Watain / Count Raven / Dew-Scented / Warbringer / Insomnium / Månegarm / Origin / Kylesa / Rebellion / Sólstafir / Tracedawn / Van Canto / Long Distance Calling / Ahab / War From a Harlots Mouth / Barren Earth / Mono Inc. / undertow / InMe / Deadstar Assembly / We Butter The Bread With Butter / Hacride / Grailknights / Callisto / Feuerschwanz / The Foreshadowing / Destinity / Cumulo Nimbus / Fejd / Pantheon I / Sideblast / Be'lakor / Bleeding Red / Kadavrik / Parasite Inc. / Leviathan / A.O.D / Torturized / Breschdleng / The Very End / Tieflader / Das Pack / The Mean / Smack Ballz / Johnny & The Hot Rods / Bülent Ceylan Show all bands
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Flugplatz Dinkelsbühl-Sinbronn 91550 Dinkelsbühl, Germany
Jul 30, 2009
Wacken Open Air Festival
"Wacken Open Air Festival" / Heaven and Hell / Drone / Grand Magus / Der W / Running Wild / Schandmaul / Skyline / Lacuna Coil / The BossHoss / d.a.d. / Mambo Kurt / Bloodwork / The Waltons / 5th Avenue / Reincarnatus / Cumulo Nimbus
RheinRiot Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Jul 30, 2009 –
Aug 01, 2009
Wacken Open Air 2009
Motörhead / Coheed and Cambria / Thin Lizzy / Volbeat / Anthrax / Dragonforce / The Smack Ballz / In Flames / Leave Scars / Crysys / Machine Head / Kielwater / Silence Means Death / Lacuna Coil / Reason To Kill / Victims of Madness / Irr / Amon Amarth / Callejn / A FINE DAY TO EXIT / Tank / Testament / Oa Firefighters / Airbourne / U.F.O. / Epica / Saxon / Hammerfall / Napalm Death / Mägo de Oz / Korpiklaani / D-A-D / Heaven Shall Burn / UK Subs / Enslaved / Turisas / Pentagram / The BossHoss / Nevermore / Gamma Ray / Rage / In Extremo / Walls of Jericho / Doro / Tristania / Cathedral / Trouble / Axel Rudi Pell / Running Wild / Grand Magus / Warlock / Borknagar / Adé / J.B.O. / Schandmaul / Frei.Wild / Engel / ASP / Callejon / Eths / Whiplash / Vreid / Einherjer / Swashbuckle / Retrospect / Kampfar / Der W / Waltons / Arkaea / Skyline / Endstille / Beneath / Feuerschwanz / Drone / Adorned Brood / Fejd / Nervecell / Torment / Mambo Kurt / Sarke / Tracedawn / Onkel Tom Angelripper / Eric Fish / Bai Bang / Rabenschrey / Scarred / Ingrimm / Onkel Tom / The Fading / Bloodwork / Hansi Kürsch / Insidious Disease / 5th Avenue / Feid / Split Heaven / RAGNARÖEK / Ferium / Cumulo Nimbus / Reincarnatus / Sui / Insidead / Jörg Michael / Marcel Schmier Schirmer / Heaven and Hell / subway to sally / SuidakrA / Bring Me The Horizon / Bullet for my Valentine / Pain / GWAR Show all bands
Unknown venue Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Show Duplicates for Jul 30, 2009
Jul 20, 2009 –
Aug 01, 2009
Wacken Open Air 2009
5th Avenue / Adorned Brood / Airbourne / Amon Amarth / Anthrax / Axel Rudi Pell / ASP / Bai Bang / Bloodwork / Borknagar / Bon Scott / Bring Me the Horizon / Bullet for My Valentine / Callejon / Cathedral / Charly Beutin / Coheed and Cambria / Cumulo Nimbus / D-A-D / Der W / Doro / DragonForce / Drone / Einherjer / Endstille / Engel / Enslaved / Epica / eths / Fejd / Feuerschwanz / Frei.Wild / Gamma Ray / Grand Magus / Gwar / Hammerfall / Heaven and Hell / Heaven Shall Burn / Ingrimm / In Extremo / In Flames / Insidious Disease / J.B.O. / Korpiklaani / Lacuna Coil / Machine Head / Mambo Kurt / Motörhead / Napalm Death / Nervecell / Nevermore / Onkel Tom / Pain / Pentagram / Rabenschrey / Rage / Ragnaröek / Reincarnatus / Retrospect / Running Wild / Sarke / Saxon / Schandmaul / Skyline / Subway to Sally / Suidakra / Swashbuckle / Testament / The BossHoss / The Fading / The Smackballz / The Waltons / Torment / Tracedawn / Tristania / Trouble / Turisas / UFO / UK Subs / Victims of Madness / Volbeat / Vreid / Walls of Jericho / Whiplash Show all bands
Wacken Open Air Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

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Summer Breeze Open Air 2010 on Aug 18, 2010 [530-small]

Summer Breeze Open Air 2010
Aug 18 - 21, 2010
 91550 Dinkelsbühl, Germany
  Uploaded by Laza

Folk Metal
Medieval Metal
Medieval Rock
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2010 2 concerts
2009 2 concerts
 J1 Sy
 Morton Ichabod

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