Cubies's 2018 Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 25, 2018 –
Jun 27, 2018
INmusic festival #13
Queens of the Stone Age / Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds / Interpol / David Byrne / Alice In Chains / St. Vincent / Portugal. The Man / The Kills / Bombino / PINS / Superorganism / Reykjavíkurdætur / General Elektriks / Straight Mickey and the Boyz / Šumski / She Loves Pablo / Tshegue / Super Besse / Jinx / Témé Tan / Them Moose Rush / Irena Žilić / J.R. August / Sana Garić / Tyger Lamb / Lika kolorado / Tús Nua / Koala Voice / Cubies / Killed A Fox / ZMaJ / Ischariotzcky / Bad Notion / Nellcote / False Heads / Futurski / Rival Bones / Grapevine Babies / Moskau / Rens Argoa / YEM Kolektiv / DJ Ilko / DJ Veles Show all bands
Jarun Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Croatia
2020 1 concert
2018 1 concert
 Die Anne
 Patrix Matrix

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