Cry Envy Concert History

CRY ENVY started by Brian (Roxxy) Riggins back in 2003/04 has recorded a total of 4 CD's. The 1st one "NEVER SAY PLEASE" in 2005, The 2nd "WELCOME TO MY HOUSE" in 2007. After the 2007 Recording Brian Went about recording the Next disc by himself with a little help from JK Northrup on Guitar and Bass as well as drums at Jeff's Studio Alien Studio's. This Album is called "YOU'RE MY DIRTY ONE" recorded between the 2007 and 2010 years.. Brian then put CRY ENVY on hold for a few years while he worked on ANGEL CITY REJECTS.

2010 2 concerts
2007 2 concerts
 Sacramento Shows
 Steve M

As Seen On: