Crown Compass Concert History

After a few years of silence, former Textures members Daniël de Jongh and Joe Tal have joined forces with former Pestilence and Exivious drummer Yuma van Eekelen (currently with Our Oceans) and former Cynic and Exivious bassist Robin Zielhorst (currently with Our Oceans) and founded Crown Compass, a progressive/eclectic power house.

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Alternative Metal
Progressive Metal
Melodic Metalcore
Groove Metal
Technical Death Metal
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 Yair Greveling
 Sil Jaarsveld
 Pim Laan
 Lotte Faessen
 Sébastien Julien Gamez
 Ian Peters
 Joey Peters
 Daan Holth
 Sterre Marree
 Thom Van Der Veldt
 Maya Louise

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