CreateAVoid is a 5 piece hardcore/metal band from Riverside. We're 5 friends who love music and hope to share that with as many people as possible. We're all about positive from the heart lyrics. We think scenes are silly, fights are dumb, and ass holes are the worst. Break out your dancing shoes, hardcore shows are about to get fun again.
Crown The Empire / The Early November / Beebs and Her Money Makers / One Year Later / Bermuda / Cleopatra Complex / Architects UK / New Years Day / Outasight / Young London / American Scene / With Life In Mind / The Story So Far / Super Water Sympathy / Craig Owens / Chiodos / The Used / Anarbor / Stephan Jacobs / Juliet Simms / Indecent / An Obscure Signal / A Thousand Nations / Tonight Alive / We Came As Romans / Middle Finger Salute / Sleeping Giant / The Tower and The Fool / Itch / Upon A Burning Body / For The Foxes / Bring Me The Horizon / Volumes / Driver Friendly / Lionz of Zion / While She Sleeps / The City Shake Up / MC Lars / Oh, Sleeper / Charlie Simpson / The Amity Affliction / Set It Off / Reel Big Fish / Travis Alexander / Man Overboard / Memphis May Fire / Deserters / Vinnie Caruana / Five Knives / Forever Came Calling / William Beckett / I See Stars / VersaEmerge / New Empire / Story of the Year / Woe Is Me / Shy KidX / Art of Shock / Madchild / Forever the Sickest Kids / Black Veil Brides / The World We Knew / Legacy / In Alcatraz 1962 / Brian Marquis / Goldhouse / Big D And The Kids Table / Never Shout Never / Texas In July / Sleeping With Sirens / Wallpaper / Run DMT / Gin Wigmore / letlive. / Create Avoid / Bandhappy Music Lesson / Defeater / Alvarez Kings / Kairo Kingdom / No Bragging Rights / Mixtapes / Horizons / My Ticket Home / Action Item / Motion City Soundtrack / Hawthorne Heights / The Summer Set / The Black Dahlia Murder / Blessthefall / King Conquer / Icon & Anchor / The Air I Breathe / Domination / The Great Commission / Ace Enders / Echosmith / The Chariot / The Wonder Years / Like Moths to Flames / Mercy Screams / RDGLDGRN / Hands Like Houses / The Creations / Mac Lethal / Murder Death Kill / SECRETS / Silverstein / Handguns / Stick To Your Guns / Allstar Weekend / August Burns Red / Go Radio / Citizen / Bangups / Big Chocolate
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Crown The Empire / New Empire / Mixtapes / Wallpaper / The Great Commission / Go Radio / Reel Big Fish / Craig Owens / Outasight / Big D And The Kids Table / One Year Later / Run DMT / Handguns / Forever the Sickest Kids / In Alcatraz 1962 / Middle Finger Salute / American Scene / Mac Lethal / Goldhouse / While She Sleeps / Gin Wigmore / Itch / Driver Friendly / Silverstein / Kairo Kingdom / The Creations / Texas In July / Beebs and Her Money Makers / Big Chocolate / Lionz of Zion / Alvarez Kings / King Conquer / Brian Marquis / Bangups / I See Stars / Five Knives / Architects / VersaEmerge / For The Foxes / Indecent / Upon A Burning Body / Create Avoid / Black Veil Brides / The Used / The Wonder Years / Domination / Super Water Sympathy / Young London / Man Overboard / Ace Enders / Echosmith / Madchild / My Ticket Home / The Amity Affliction / Icon & Anchor / With Life In Mind / Juliet Simms / Cleopatra Complex / Stephan Jacobs / The Early November / Vinnie Caruana / Mercy Screams / The World We Knew / William Beckett / A Thousand Nations / Charlie Simpson / RDGLDGRN / Horizons / letlive / Anarbor / Like Moths to Flames / Shy KidX / The Summer Set / Memphis May Fire / Defeater / New Years Day / An Obscure Signal / Hawthorne Heights / Secrets / Chiodos / The Tower and The Fool / Sleeping Giant / Legacy / Sleeping With Sirens / Volumes / MC Lars / Deserters / Motion City Soundtrack / The Story So Far / The Air I Breathe / Forever Came Calling / Set It Off / Bandhappy Music Lesson / August Burns Red / Oh, Sleeper / Blessthefall / No Bragging Rights / Bermuda / Travis Alexander / The City Shake Up / Hands Like Houses / Stick To Your Guns / The Black Dahlia Murder / Bring Me The Horizon / Story of the Year / Tonight Alive / Woe Is Me / We Came As Romans / Art of Shock / Citizen / Murder Death Kill / Action Item / Never Shout Never / Allstar Weekend
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Bring Me The Horizon / Sleeping With Sirens / The Used / Echosmith / Never Shout Never / Black Veil Brides / We Came As Romans / Motion City Soundtrack / August Burns Red / Silverstein / Reel Big Fish / Memphis May Fire / Blessthefall / Forever the Sickest Kids / Story of the Year / Hawthorne Heights / Crown The Empire / Chiodos / Outasight / The Wonder Years / The Story So Far / I See Stars / Tonight Alive / The Summer Set / Architects / The Amity Affliction / Woe Is Me / Allstar Weekend / Set It Off / Go Radio / The Black Dahlia Murder / Hands Like Houses / Gin Wigmore / Anarbor / Like Moths to Flames / Citizen / The Early November / Man Overboard / While She Sleeps / Wallpaper / Stick To Your Guns / Secrets / Upon A Burning Body / Volumes / VersaEmerge / Defeater / letlive / Juliet Simms / Big D And The Kids Table / New Years Day / Texas In July / Oh, Sleeper / Mac Lethal / Charlie Simpson / MC Lars / Craig Owens / Madchild / Goldhouse / For The Foxes / Big Chocolate / Handguns / My Ticket Home / Run DMT / RDGLDGRN / William Beckett / Forever Came Calling / Sleeping Giant / Itch / Mixtapes / No Bragging Rights / New Empire / Action Item / Legacy / The Air I Breathe / Five Knives / Shy KidX / American Scene / Driver Friendly / Kairo Kingdom / Alvarez Kings / Horizons / King Conquer / Middle Finger Salute / Ace Enders / Young London / Bermuda / The Great Commission / Stephan Jacobs / The Creations / Brian Marquis / Beebs and Her Money Makers / Vinnie Caruana / Indecent / One Year Later / Bangups / With Life In Mind / The Tower and The Fool / American Pinup / The World We Knew / Murder Death Kill / Super Water Sympathy / Deserters / Domination / In Alcatraz 1962 / An Obscure Signal / Create Avoid / Icon & Anchor / Art of Shock / Mercy Screams / Lionz of Zion / Cleopatra Complex / Travis Alexander / The City Shake Up / Bandhappy Music Lesson / A Thousand Nations
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Bring Me The Horizon / Sleeping With Sirens / The Used / Echosmith / Never Shout Never / Black Veil Brides / We Came As Romans / Silverstein / August Burns Red / Motion City Soundtrack / Reel Big Fish / Memphis May Fire / Blessthefall / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Hawthorne Heights / Crown The Empire / Architects / The Story So Far / Set It Off / The Amity Affliction / The Wonder Years / Chiodos / I See Stars / Tonight Alive / Outasight / The Summer Set / Woe Is Me / Anarbor / Allstar Weekend / Go Radio / Hands Like Houses / The Black Dahlia Murder / Citizen / While She Sleeps / Gin Wigmore / Like Moths to Flames / The Early November / Man Overboard / Stick To Your Guns / Upon A Burning Body / Wallpaper / Secrets / Volumes / New Years Day / Defeater / letlive / VersaEmerge / Juliet Simms / Big D And The Kids Table / Mac Lethal / Oh, Sleeper / Charlie Simpson / Texas In July / MC Lars / Madchild / Goldhouse / Craig Owens / For The Foxes / Big Chocolate / Handguns / My Ticket Home / William Beckett / RDGLDGRN / Run DMT / Sleeping Giant / New Empire / Forever Came Calling / Itch / No Bragging Rights / Mixtapes / Action Item / Legacy / Five Knives / The Air I Breathe / Shy KidX / Alvarez Kings / American Scene / Driver Friendly / Kairo Kingdom / Horizons / Ace Enders / King Conquer / Bermuda / Young London / Middle Finger Salute / The Great Commission / Stephan Jacobs / The Creations / Beebs and Her Money Makers / Brian Marquis / Vinnie Caruana / Indecent / One Year Later / Bangups / With Life In Mind / The Tower and The Fool / American Pinup / The World We Knew / Murder Death Kill / Domination / Super Water Sympathy / Deserters / In Alcatraz 1962 / An Obscure Signal / Create Avoid / Icon & Anchor / Art of Shock / Mercy Screams / Lionz of Zion / Travis Alexander / Cleopatra Complex / The City Shake Up / Bandhappy Music Lesson / A Thousand Nations
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Bring Me The Horizon / Sleeping With Sirens / The Used / Echosmith / Never Shout Never / Black Veil Brides / We Came As Romans / Motion City Soundtrack / Silverstein / August Burns Red / Reel Big Fish / Memphis May Fire / Blessthefall / Forever the Sickest Kids / Story of the Year / Hawthorne Heights / Crown The Empire / The Story So Far / Chiodos / The Wonder Years / Outasight / I See Stars / Architects / Tonight Alive / The Amity Affliction / The Summer Set / Set It Off / Woe Is Me / Allstar Weekend / Go Radio / Hands Like Houses / Anarbor / The Black Dahlia Murder / Gin Wigmore / Citizen / While She Sleeps / Like Moths to Flames / The Early November / Man Overboard / Wallpaper / Stick To Your Guns / SECRETS / Upon A Burning Body / Volumes / Defeater / VersaEmerge / letlive / New Years Day / Juliet Simms / Big D And The Kids Table / Mac Lethal / Oh, Sleeper / Texas In July / Charlie Simpson / MC Lars / Goldhouse / Craig Owens / Madchild / For The Foxes / Big Chocolate / Handguns / My Ticket Home / William Beckett / RDGLDGRN / Run DMT / Sleeping Giant / Forever Came Calling / New Empire / Itch / No Bragging Rights / Mixtapes / Action Item / Legacy / Five Knives / The Air I Breathe / Shy KidX / American Scene / Alvarez Kings / Driver Friendly / Kairo Kingdom / Horizons / King Conquer / Ace Enders / Bermuda / Middle Finger Salute / Young London / Stephan Jacobs / The Great Commission / The Creations / Brian Marquis / Beebs and Her Money Makers / Vinnie Caruana / Indecent / One Year Later / Bangups / With Life In Mind / The Tower and The Fool / American Pinup / The World We Knew / Murder Death Kill / Super Water Sympathy / Domination / Deserters / In Alcatraz 1962 / An Obscure Signal / Create Avoid / Icon & Anchor / Art of Shock / Mercy Screams / Lionz of Zion / Cleopatra Complex / Travis Alexander / The City Shake Up / Bandhappy Music Lesson / A Thousand Nations / The All Ways
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Bring Me The Horizon / Sleeping With Sirens / The Used / Echosmith / Black Veil Brides / Never Shout Never / We Came As Romans / Silverstein / August Burns Red / Architects / Motion City Soundtrack / Memphis May Fire / Set It Off / Reel Big Fish / Story of the Year / Blessthefall / The Story So Far / Crown The Empire / Hawthorne Heights / The Amity Affliction / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Wonder Years / I See Stars / Chiodos / Tonight Alive / The Summer Set / Outasight / Anarbor / Citizen / While She Sleeps / Woe Is Me / Hands Like Houses / The Black Dahlia Murder / Allstar Weekend / Gin Wigmore / Go Radio / Like Moths to Flames / Upon A Burning Body / Volumes / Stick To Your Guns / The Early November / Man Overboard / SECRETS / New Years Day / Wallpaper / Defeater / letlive. / VersaEmerge / Big D And The Kids Table / Juliet Simms / Mac Lethal / Oh, Sleeper / Texas In July / Charlie Simpson / Madchild / MC Lars / Goldhouse / Chariot / Craig Owens / For The Foxes / Big Chocolate / Handguns / My Ticket Home / William Beckett / RDGLDGRN / Run DMT / Sleeping Giant / Forever Came Calling / New Empire / Itch / No Bragging Rights / Mixtapes / Legacy / The Air I Breathe / Action Item / Five Knives / Shy KidX / American Scene / Alvarez Kings / Driver Friendly / Kairo Kingdom / Horizons / Bermuda / King Conquer / Ace Enders / The Great Commission / Young London / Middle Finger Salute / Stephan Jacobs / The Creations / Beebs and Her Money Makers / Brian Marquis / Vinnie Caruana / Indecent / One Year Later / Bangups / With Life In Mind / The Tower and The Fool / American Pinup / The World We Knew / Murder Death Kill / Domination / Super Water Sympathy / Deserters / In Alcatraz 1962 / An Obscure Signal / Art of Shock / Icon & Anchor / Create Avoid / Mercy Screams / Lionz of Zion / Travis Alexander / Cleopatra Complex / Bandhappy Music Lesson / The City Shake Up / A Thousand Nations
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A Thousand Nations / Citizen / The Creations / Brian Marquis / Anarbor / Create Avoid / Bermuda / Action Item / King Conquer / Reel Big Fish / While She Sleeps / Texas In July / Itch / Travis Alexander / Stick To Your Guns / For The Foxes / Beebs and Her Money Makers / Domination / Indecent / Legacy / Forever Came Calling / Big Chocolate / Five Knives / Story of the Year / Vinnie Caruana / Madchild / Art of Shock / Young London / Super Water Sympathy / Woe Is Me / Gin Wigmore / Volumes / Handguns / The Tower and The Fool / In Alcatraz 1962 / Alvarez Kings / Like Moths to Flames / Set It Off / The Great Commission / SECRETS / Horizons / Bangups / Sleeping Giant / Deserters / MC Lars / Mercy Screams / Defeater / New Empire / The City Shake Up / No Bragging Rights / Silverstein / Oh, Sleeper / With Life In Mind / Go Radio / We Came As Romans / VersaEmerge / Lionz of Zion / Craig Owens / Ace Enders / Big D And The Kids Table / Cleopatra Complex / RDGLDGRN / Crown The Empire / An Obscure Signal / Middle Finger Salute / Echosmith / My Ticket Home / Icon & Anchor / The Amity Affliction / One Year Later / Stephan Jacobs / Bandhappy Music Lesson / William Beckett / Kairo Kingdom / Run DMT / Outasight / The Air I Breathe / Mac Lethal / The American Scene / Upon A Burning Body / The Early November / Shy KidX / Architects / Juliet Simms / Goldhouse / The World We Knew / The Summer Set / Wallpaper / Mixtapes / Murder Death Kill / Motion City Soundtrack / Man Overboard / Blessthefall / letlive. / Bring Me The Horizon / Sleeping With Sirens / The Used / Never Shout Never / Black Veil Brides / August Burns Red / Forever the Sickest Kids / Memphis May Fire / Hawthorne Heights / Chiodos / I See Stars / The Wonder Years / Tonight Alive / Allstar Weekend / The Story So Far / The Black Dahlia Murder / Hands Like Houses / Charlie Simpson / New Years Day / Driver Friendly / Seaway / July / The Chariot
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