Create Avoid Concert History

CreateAVoid is a 5 piece hardcore/metal band from Riverside. We're 5 friends who love music and hope to share that with as many people as possible. We're all about positive from the heart lyrics. We think scenes are silly, fights are dumb, and ass holes are the worst. Break out your dancing shoes, hardcore shows are about to get fun again.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 13, 2013
Vans Warped Tour 2013
Crown The Empire / The Early November / Beebs and Her Money Makers / One Year Later / Bermuda / Cleopatra Complex / Architects UK / New Years Day / Outasight / Young London / American Scene / With Life In Mind / The Story So Far / Super Water Sympathy / Craig Owens / Chiodos / The Used / Anarbor / Stephan Jacobs / Juliet Simms / Indecent / An Obscure Signal / A Thousand Nations / Tonight Alive / We Came As Romans / Middle Finger Salute / Sleeping Giant / The Tower and The Fool / Itch / Upon A Burning Body / For The Foxes / Bring Me The Horizon / Volumes / Driver Friendly / Lionz of Zion / While She Sleeps / The City Shake Up / MC Lars / Oh, Sleeper / Charlie Simpson / The Amity Affliction / Set It Off / Reel Big Fish / Travis Alexander / Man Overboard / Memphis May Fire / Deserters / Vinnie Caruana / Five Knives / Forever Came Calling / William Beckett / I See Stars / VersaEmerge / New Empire / Story of the Year / Woe Is Me / Shy KidX / Art of Shock / Madchild / Forever the Sickest Kids / Black Veil Brides / The World We Knew / Legacy / In Alcatraz 1962 / Brian Marquis / Goldhouse / Big D And The Kids Table / Never Shout Never / Texas In July / Sleeping With Sirens / Wallpaper / Run DMT / Gin Wigmore / letlive. / Create Avoid / Bandhappy Music Lesson / Defeater / Alvarez Kings / Kairo Kingdom / No Bragging Rights / Mixtapes / Horizons / My Ticket Home / Action Item / Motion City Soundtrack / Hawthorne Heights / The Summer Set / The Black Dahlia Murder / Blessthefall / King Conquer / Icon & Anchor / The Air I Breathe / Domination / The Great Commission / Ace Enders / Echosmith / The Chariot / The Wonder Years / Like Moths to Flames / Mercy Screams / RDGLDGRN / Hands Like Houses / The Creations / Mac Lethal / Murder Death Kill / SECRETS / Silverstein / Handguns / Stick To Your Guns / Allstar Weekend / August Burns Red / Go Radio / Citizen / Bangups / Big Chocolate Show all bands
Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum Uniondale, New York, United States
Show Duplicates for Jul 13, 2013
Jul 05, 2013
Vans Warped Tour 2013
A Thousand Nations / Citizen / The Creations / Brian Marquis / Anarbor / Create Avoid / Bermuda / Action Item / King Conquer / Reel Big Fish / While She Sleeps / Texas In July / Itch / Travis Alexander / Stick To Your Guns / For The Foxes / Beebs and Her Money Makers / Domination / Indecent / Legacy / Forever Came Calling / Big Chocolate / Five Knives / Story of the Year / Vinnie Caruana / Madchild / Art of Shock / Young London / Super Water Sympathy / Woe Is Me / Gin Wigmore / Volumes / Handguns / The Tower and The Fool / In Alcatraz 1962 / Alvarez Kings / Like Moths to Flames / Set It Off / The Great Commission / SECRETS / Horizons / Bangups / Sleeping Giant / Deserters / MC Lars / Mercy Screams / Defeater / New Empire / The City Shake Up / No Bragging Rights / Silverstein / Oh, Sleeper / With Life In Mind / Go Radio / We Came As Romans / VersaEmerge / Lionz of Zion / Craig Owens / Ace Enders / Big D And The Kids Table / Cleopatra Complex / RDGLDGRN / Crown The Empire / An Obscure Signal / Middle Finger Salute / Echosmith / My Ticket Home / Icon & Anchor / The Amity Affliction / One Year Later / Stephan Jacobs / Bandhappy Music Lesson / William Beckett / Kairo Kingdom / Run DMT / Outasight / The Air I Breathe / Mac Lethal / The American Scene / Upon A Burning Body / The Early November / Shy KidX / Architects / Juliet Simms / Goldhouse / The World We Knew / The Summer Set / Wallpaper / Mixtapes / Murder Death Kill / Motion City Soundtrack / Man Overboard / Blessthefall / letlive. / Bring Me The Horizon / Sleeping With Sirens / The Used / Never Shout Never / Black Veil Brides / August Burns Red / Forever the Sickest Kids / Memphis May Fire / Hawthorne Heights / Chiodos / I See Stars / The Wonder Years / Tonight Alive / Allstar Weekend / The Story So Far / The Black Dahlia Murder / Hands Like Houses / Charlie Simpson / New Years Day / Driver Friendly / Seaway / July / The Chariot Show all bands
The Flats at Molson Amphitheatre Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May 25, 2012
No Bragging Rights / Create Avoid / A Shipwreck a Castaway / Mike Perez The Vibe Bar & Grill Riverside, California, United States
Jan 07, 2012
"Pure Noise Records Showcase" / The Story So Far / The American Scene / Troubled Coast / Forever Came Calling / Create Avoid

Pure Noise Records Showcase

924 Gilman Street Berkeley, California, United States
Mar 25, 2011
Senses Fail / Transit / The Ghost Inside / Man Overboard / Create Avoid
Chain Reaction Anaheim, California, United States
Aug 28, 2010
Create Avoid / letlive. / A Shipwreck a Castaway Pipe Dreams Corona, CA, US
Jul 23, 2010
Sound and Fury Festival
"Sound and Fury Festival" / Bitter End / Create Avoid / Creatures / Expire / Heartsounds / Hostage Calm / The Mongoloids / Mother Of Mercy / Outspoken / Ruckus / Strife / This Is Hell / Touché Amoré / At Our Heels / Deadhead / Fire & Ice / Product of Waste / Beartrap Show all bands
Earl Warren Showgrounds Santa Barbara, California, United States
Jun 11, 2010
Create Avoid / No Bragging Rights / Destruction of A Rose / A Shipwreck a Castaway / Wrath And Rapture The Ship Riverside, California, United States
Jun 09, 2010
Destruction of A Rose / Create Avoid / I Omega / Wrath / The Rapture Slidebar Rock-n-Roll Kitchen Fullerton, CA, US
Mar 06, 2010
Give Em Hell / Red Tape / Create Avoid / The Challenge / Havenside / Recognize Shire Road Club Sacramento, California, United States
Hardcore Punk
Melodic Hardcore
New Zealand
Show more genres
2013 2 concerts
2012 2 concerts
2011 1 concert
2010 10 concerts
2009 1 concert
 Lauren Salvatore
 Sacramento Shows
 Amy C
 J Montalvo914
 Mike Yablon
 Nikki Marie
 Carley Sohn
 Sarah Galvin
 Nikki Klang

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