Crane Your Swan Neck Concert History

Crane Your Swan Neck -- a melancholy drawn from a 19th Century dancehall, a dirge-like Tom Waits-style beat, and an elastic-voiced swain pleading his case most sympathetically as he rearranges the marbles in his mouth.

Date Concert Venue Location
Dec 13, 2014
Wintersong 2014
Anna Vogelzang / Count This Penny / Corey Mathew Hart / Paul Otteson / Faux Fawn / Whitney Mann / Crane Your Swan Neck / Dietrich Gosser
Barrymore Theatre Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Dec 06, 2013
Anna Vogelzng / Count This Penny / Dietrich / Gosser / Phox / Witney Mann / Crane Your Swan Neck / Corey Hart / Paul Otteson Majestic Theatre-WI Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Apr 30, 2011
Generationals / Crane Your Swan Neck The Rathskeller Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Nov 15, 2010
Pearl and the Beard / Corey Hart / Crane Your Swan Neck The Project Lodge Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Sep 19, 2008
"Forward Music Festival" / Decibully / Headlights / Nick Jaina / The Daredevil Christopher Wright / Crane Your Swan Neck

Forward Music Festival

Cafe Montmartre Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Show Duplicate for Sep 19, 2008
Aug 29, 2008
Murder By Death / National Beekeepers Society / Crane Your Swan Neck The Annex @ The Red Zone Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Texas Pop Punk
2014 1 concert
2013 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2010 1 concert
2008 2 concerts
 Stacey Lansing
 Joseph Erbentraut

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