Co-Pilgrim Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 09, 2017
Joanna Serrat / Luke Tuchsherer / Society / Co-Pilgrim / Hannah Rose Platt / Johnny Payne & The Thunder
Bucks Student Union High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK
Jul 19, 2008 –
Jul 20, 2008
Truck Festival 2008
Laura Marling / Noah & The Whale / Frank Turner / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Camera Obscura / Okkervil River / The Lemonheads / YACHT / The Magic Numbers / Stornoway / Daedelus / Ulrich Schnauss / Dodgy / Emmy the Great / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / These New Puritans / TTNG / Maps / Neil Halstead / The Nextmen / Television Personalities / Chapterhouse / Rolo Tomassi / PVT / Jonquil / Johnny Foreigner / Riz MC / Richard Walters / ALTERN 8 / Spectrum / Martin Simpson / Kyte / Post War Years / Pivot / Danny & The Champions Of The World / Piney Gir / Strategy / Rachael Dadd / Witches / Fighting With Wire / Thomas White / The Early Years / Little Sister / Lovvers / SixNationState / The Coal Porters / Walter Schreifels / Le Volume Courbe / King Cannibal / The Research / Alphabet Backwards / The Epstein / D.P. / Oliver Wilde / Ralfe Band / Aphasia / Youthmovies / Thomas Truax / Ian McLagan & The Bump Band / Little Fish / Shao Dow / Munch Munch / So So Modern / Orphan Boy / Dead Kids / Cats In Paris / Fonda 500 / Winnebago Deal / Paris Motel / Antony Elvin / Easy Tiger / Milk Kan / The Tamborines / KTB / Luke Smith / Co-Pilgrim / The Winchell Riots / Buttonhead / The Novellos / Retribution / Indigo Moss / Ye Nuns / James Rutledge / Family Machine / Restlesslist / Ruth Minnikin / Jali Fily Cissokho / Morrison Steam Fayre / Borderville / This Is Seb Clarke / Carlos Santan / Gabriel Minnikin / The Wishing Stones / Holton's Opulent Oog / The Marmadukes / Load.Click.Shoot / Dusty Sound System / Olivia Brown / Eamon Hamilton / The Drug Squad / the bronsteins / Mephisto Grande / Tristan & The Troubadours / the european union / The Youngs Plan Show all bands
Truck Festival 2008 Steventon, England, United Kingdom
Sep 22, 2007 –
Sep 23, 2007
Truck Festival 2007
Foals / Metronomy / Foy Vance / fanfarlo / Blood Red Shoes / Stornoway / Idlewild / Fuck Buttons / A Silent Film / Alberta Cross / Buck 65 / Kate Walsh / Danny George Wilson / The Electric Soft Parade / Jonquil / Josh T. Pearson / Rolo Tomassi / Richard Walters / Brakes / Sky Larkin / Trademark / Gravenhurst / Kyte / Forward, Russia! / I Was a Cub Scout / Emma Pollock / Unkle Bob / Mr. Green / Garth Hudson / Pull Tiger Tail / Babel / Clipz / Piney Gir / Glenn Tilbrook / Grand Drive / Sam Isaac / Goldrush / Pedro / Rachael Dadd / The Early Years / Little Sister / SixNationState / Chris T-T / The Matadors / nervous_testpilot / Witches / The Epstein / John Power / Look See Proof / Monkey Swallows The Universe / y / Youthmovies / Napoleon IIIrd / Thomas Truax / Gog / The See See / Barcode / WinterKids / Antony Elvin / Fonda 500 / Winnebago Deal / The Mules / Paris Motel / Lo-Fi Culture Scene / Andy Yorke / Easy Tiger / The Tamborines / George Pringle / Disco Drive / Adam Gnade / Co-Pilgrim / The Rock Of Travolta / KTB / Keyboard Choir / Luke Smith / The Winchell Riots / Pacific Ocean Fire / The People's Revolutionary Choir / Jim Protector / Uiscedwr / Nought / Retribution / The Walk Off / Restlesslist / The Lea Shores / Andy Robinson / Outl4w / The Last Army / THE CUT OUTS / Morrison Steam Fayre / Owen Tromans / A Scholar & A Physician / The Pony Collaboration / the Conscripts / Gabriel Minnikin / Roundheels / Baby Gravy / The Schla La Las / Actress Hands / HREÐA / The Marmadukes / DJ Badger / 100 Bullets Back / The Moneyshots / Garth & Maude Hudson / Chris Mcmath / VWF / Rendle will / Brother Francisco / Under the Igloo / The Quarter Finals / Eamonn McNamee / Tristan & The Troubadours / The Drug Squad / The Bartletts Show all bands
Hill Farm Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Show Duplicate for Sep 22, 2007
Sep 02, 2006
Farewell To Summer All-Dayer
The Rock Of Travolta / The Walk Off / Dusty Sound System / Brother Francisco / Palace Of Righteous Justice / Smokers Prohibition Club / Co-Pilgrim / Twat Daddies / Wingback
Port Mahon Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Power Pop
Jangle Pop
Oxford Indie
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2017 1 concert
2008 1 concert
2007 1 concert
2006 1 concert
 Roger Button

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