May 31, 2024
Primavera Sound Day 2
The National / Clipse / Jessica Pratt / The Last Dinner Party / Faye Webster / dogstar / Joanna Sternberg
Parc del Fòrum
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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May 31, 2024
Primavera Sound
Lana Del Rey / The National / Disclosure / Troye Sivan / Jai Paul / Omar Apollo / Clipse / Rels B / Arca / Barry Can't Swim / Yo La Tengo / BadBadNotGood / Milo J / Faye Webster / Mount Kimbie / Ethel Cain / Chelsea Wolfe / dogstar / Hannah Diamond / The Last Dinner Party / Mica Levi / Mushkaa / Obongjayar / Sega Bodega / Tirzah / Guitarricadelafuente
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Parc del Fòrum
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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Show Duplicate for May 31, 2024
May 30, 2024
– Jun 01, 2024
Primavera Sound 2024
Teki Latex / DJ Playero / Charli XCX / Romy / ATARASHII GAKKOO!!! / Shabaka / Eartheater / Arca / Tratratrax / Disclosure / Barry Can't Swim / Clipse / Troye Sivan / Peggy Gou / Justice / Pulp / Vampire Weekend / BB Trickz
Parc del Fòrum
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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May 29, 2024
– Jun 02, 2024
Primavera Sound Festival 2024 @ Parc del Fòrum
Lana Del Rey / SZA / Disclosure / Charli XCX / Vampire Weekend / Phoenix / Troye Sivan / Deftones / The National / Justice / PJ Harvey / Omar Apollo / Pulp / Faye Webster / FKA twigs / Yo La Tengo / Duster / Crumb / BadBadNotGood / Peggy Gou / L'Impératrice / Mount Kimbie / Royel Otis / Kim Petras / The Last Dinner Party / Barry Can't Swim / Blonde Redhead / Ethel Cain / Róisín Murphy / Slow Pulp / Amaarae / 070 Shake / Roosevelt / American Football / Romy / Clipse / Milo J / Arca / Bikini Kill / Amyl and the Sniffers / Chelsea Wolfe / Jessica Pratt / Mannequin Pussy / The Blessed Madonna / ANOTR / Lambchop / The Lemon Twigs / Jai Paul / Tirzah / Voxtrot / Eartheater / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Sofia Kourtesis / Yeule / Julie Byrne / William Basinski / Beth Gibbons / Billy Woods / Dillom / A. G. Cook / Dorian Electra / Roc Marciano / Shellac / YovngChimi / Tropical Fuck Storm / Depresión sonora / Ratboys / Freddie Gibbs & Madlib / Mochakk / Sega Bodega / Gel / Lankum / Brutus / Obongjayar / HTRK / Nala Sinephro / Hannah Diamond / La Zowi / Kode9 / Scowl / Militarie Gun / LIBERATO / AYA / Water From Your Eyes / Model/Actriz / Mica Levi / Mushkaa / Monolake / The Armed / Joanna Sternberg / Shabaka / Ikonika / Mujeres / Nieve Ella / Mandy, Indiana / Balming Tiger / Wolf Eyes / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Aiko el grupo / Space Afrika / Ferran Palau / dogstar / Teki Latex / Wiegedood / Lanark Artefax / Nazar / Tim Reaper / Eye / Lisasinson / Chloé Caillet / Maria Jaume / Jjuujjuu / Renaldo & Clara / Channel One / Sandwell District / Pelada / MJ Nebreda / HiTech (US) / Maria Hein / Charlemagne Palestine / Lolahol / Guillem Gisbert / Rainy Miller / Rita Vian / Stella Maris / Phew / Daniela Lalita / MERINA GRIS / Dj Haram / Como Vivir En El Campo / Viuda / Lisabö / Lamin Fofana / julia amor / Tercer Sol / XEXA / DJ Playero / Ojoo / ATARASHII GAKKOO!!! / DJ Fart in the Club / Isa Rojas / Mitski / Sophia Chablau / F.R.A.C Hofe / Reels B / Sillica Gel / Tratratrax / Herrensauna XXL (Salome b2b Cadency b2b Cem b2b MCMLXXXV) / Woody'92
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Parc del Fòrum
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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May 29, 2024
– Jun 02, 2024
Primavera Sound Festival 2024
Lana Del Rey / SZA / Disclosure / Vampire Weekend / Charli XCX / Phoenix / Troye Sivan / Deftones / The National / Justice / PJ Harvey / Pulp / Omar Apollo / FKA twigs / Faye Webster / Yo La Tengo / Duster / BadBadNotGood / Crumb / Peggy Gou / Mount Kimbie / L'Impératrice / Kim Petras / Royel Otis / The Last Dinner Party / Blonde Redhead / Barry Can't Swim / Róisín Murphy / Ethel Cain / Slow Pulp / 070 Shake / Amaarae / Roosevelt / American Football / Clipse / Romy / Arca / Milo J / Bikini Kill / Amyl and the Sniffers / Chelsea Wolfe / Jessica Pratt / Mannequin Pussy / The Blessed Madonna / Lambchop / ANOTR / The Lemon Twigs / Jai Paul / Tirzah / Voxtrot / Eartheater / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Julie Byrne / Yeule / Sofia Kourtesis / William Basinski / Billy Woods / Beth Gibbons / Dillom / Dorian Electra / A. G. Cook / Roc Marciano / Shellac / YovngChimi / Tropical Fuck Storm / Freddie Gibbs & Madlib / Depresión sonora / Ratboys / Mochakk / Sega Bodega / Lankum / Gel / Brutus / Obongjayar / HTRK / Hannah Diamond / Kode9 / La Zowi / Scowl / Nala Sinephro / Militarie Gun / LIBERATO / AYA / Water From Your Eyes / Mica Levi / Model/Actriz / Mushkaa / Monolake / The Armed / Joanna Sternberg / Ikonika / Mujeres / Shabaka / Mandy, Indiana / Nieve Ella / Balming Tiger / Wolf Eyes / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Aiko el grupo / Ferran Palau / Space Afrika / dogstar / Teki Latex / Wiegedood / Lanark Artefax / Nazar / Eye / Tim Reaper / Lisasinson / Chloé Caillet / Jjuujjuu / Maria Jaume / Renaldo & Clara / Sandwell District / Channel One / Pelada / MJ Nebreda / Hi-tech / Maria Hein / Charlemagne Palestine / Lolahol / Guillem Gisbert / Rainy Miller / Rita Vian / Stella Maris / Phew / MERINA GRIS / Daniela Lalita / Dj Haram / Como Vivir En El Campo / Viuda / Lisabö / Lamin Fofana / julia amor / Tercer Sol / XEXA / DJ Playero / Ojoo / DJ Fart in the Club / Sophia Chablau / Mitski / ATARASHII GAKKOO!!! / Isa Rojas / Herrensauna XXL (Salome b2b Cadency b2b Cem b2b MCMLXXXV) / Tratratrax / Sillica Gel / Reels B / F.R.A.C Hofe / Woody'92
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Parc del Fòrum
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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May 29, 2024
– Jun 02, 2024
Primavera Sound Festival 2024
Lana Del Rey / SZA / Disclosure / Vampire Weekend / Phoenix / Troye Sivan / Charli xcx / Deftones / The National / Justice / PJ Harvey / Pulp / Omar Apollo / FKA twigs / Yo La Tengo / Faye Webster / BadBadNotGood / Duster / Crumb / Peggy Gou / Mount Kimbie / L'Impératrice / Kim Petras / Blonde Redhead / The Last Dinner Party / Róisín Murphy / Royel Otis / Barry Can't Swim / Ethel Cain / Slow Pulp / 070 Shake / Amaarae / Roosevelt / Clipse / American Football / Romy / Arca / Bikini Kill / Milo J / Chelsea Wolfe / Amyl and the Sniffers / Jessica Pratt / Mannequin Pussy / Lambchop / The Lemon Twigs / The Blessed Madonna / Jai Paul / Voxtrot / Tirzah / ANOTR / Eartheater / Julie Byrne / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Yeule / Billy Woods / William Basinski / Sofia Kourtesis / Dorian Electra / Shellac / Roc Marciano / Beth Gibbons / Dillom / A. G. Cook / Freddie Gibbs & Madlib / Tropical Fuck Storm / YovngChimi / Depresión sonora / Ratboys / Lankum / Sega Bodega / Mochakk / Gel / Obongjayar / Brutus / HTRK / Hannah Diamond / Kode9 / La Zowi / Scowl / LIBERATO / AYA / Militarie Gun / Nala Sinephro / Mica Levi / Water From Your Eyes / Model/Actriz / Monolake / Mushkaa / The Armed / Ikonika / Joanna Sternberg / Mujeres / Mandy, Indiana / Shabaka / Balming Tiger / Wolf Eyes / Nieve Ella / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Aiko el grupo / Ferran Palau / Space Afrika / Teki Latex / Wiegedood / dogstar / Lanark Artefax / Nazar / Eye / Tim Reaper / Lisasinson / Jjuujjuu / Sandwell District / Chloé Caillet / Channel One / Maria Jaume / Renaldo & Clara / Pelada / MJ Nebreda / Charlemagne Palestine / Hi-tech / Maria Hein / Rainy Miller / Lolahol / Guillem Gisbert / Stella Maris / Rita Vian / Phew / Dj Haram / Como Vivir En El Campo / MERINA GRIS / Daniela Lalita / Lisabö / Viuda / Lamin Fofana / julia amor / Tercer Sol / XEXA / DJ Playero / Ojoo / ATARASHII GAKKOO!!! / DJ Fart in the Club / Sophia Chablau / Mitski / Isa Rojas / Herrensauna XXL (Salome b2b Cadency b2b Cem b2b MCMLXXXV) / Tratratrax / Sillica Gel / Reels B / F.R.A.C Hofe / Woody'92 / Arab Strap / ML Buch / Ángeles, Víctor, Gloria & Javier / DJ Ramon Sucesso / Armand Hammer
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Parc del Fòrum
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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May 29, 2024
– Jun 02, 2024
Primavera Sound Barcelona 2024
Lana Del Rey / SZA / Disclosure / Vampire Weekend / Phoenix / The National / Troye Sivan / Charli XCX / Deftones / Justice / PJ Harvey / Pulp / Yo La Tengo / Omar Apollo / BadBadNotGood / Faye Webster / Mount Kimbie / Duster / Crumb / Blonde Redhead / Róisín Murphy / Peggy Gou / L'Impératrice / 070 Shake / Clipse / Roosevelt / American Football / Ethel Cain / Romy / Arca / Barry Can't Swim / Chelsea Wolfe / Bikini Kill / Amaarae / Slow Pulp / Lambchop / Amyl and the Sniffers / Voxtrot / The Last Dinner Party / The Lemon Twigs / Tirzah / Jessica Pratt / Royel Otis / Jai Paul / Mannequin Pussy / Arab Strap / Shellac / Julie Byrne / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Eartheater / Dorian Electra / William Basinski / Roc Marciano / Billy Woods / Freddie Gibbs & Madlib / Yeule / The Blessed Madonna / Tropical Fuck Storm / ANOTR / Dillom / A. G. Cook / Depresión sonora / Sofia Kourtesis / Beth Gibbons / Brutus / Kode9 / Lankum / Ratboys / HTRK / Obongjayar / Sega Bodega / Hannah Diamond / Mochakk / AYA / LIBERATO / La Zowi / YovngChimi / Mica Levi / Monolake / Gel / Ikonika / Nala Sinephro / Scowl / The Armed / Model/Actriz / Militarie Gun / Mujeres / Wolf Eyes / Water From Your Eyes / Joanna Sternberg / Mushkaa / Mandy, Indiana / Teki Latex / Balming Tiger / Ferran Palau / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Wiegedood / Lanark Artefax / Nieve Ella / Nazar / Eye / Space Afrika / Aiko el grupo / Channel One / Tim Reaper / Renaldo & Clara / dogstar / Jjuujjuu / Lisasinson / Charlemagne Palestine / Pelada / Shabaka / Hi-tech / Chloe Caillet / Dj Haram / Phew / Stella Maris / Maria Hein / MJ Nebreda / Rainy Miller / Rita Vian / Como Vivir En El Campo / Lisabö / MERINA GRIS / Guillem Gisbert / Lamin Fofana / Lolahol / Viuda / Tercer Sol / julia amor / XEXA / DJ Playero / DJ Fart in the Club / Mitski / ATARASHII GAKKOO!!! / Ojoo / Isa Rojas / Herrensauna XXL (Salome b2b Cadency b2b Cem b2b MCMLXXXV) / Tratratrax / Sillica Gel / Reels B / Sophia Chablau / F.R.A.C Hofe / Woody'92 / Mabel / Maria Jaume / Alcalé Norte / Armand Hammer / Legowelt / Nusar3000 / Princess Superstar / Silica Gel / Snow Strippers
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Parc del Fòrum
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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May 29, 2024
– Jun 02, 2024
Primavera Sound Festival 2024
Lana Del Rey / SZA / Disclosure / Vampire Weekend / Phoenix / Troye Sivan / Charli XCX / The National / Deftones / Justice / PJ Harvey / Pulp / FKA twigs / Omar Apollo / Yo La Tengo / Faye Webster / BadBadNotGood / Duster / Crumb / Mount Kimbie / Peggy Gou / L'Impératrice / Blonde Redhead / Róisín Murphy / The Last Dinner Party / 070 Shake / Ethel Cain / Barry Can't Swim / Slow Pulp / Clipse / Roosevelt / Amaarae / American Football / Romy / Royel Otis / Arca / Bikini Kill / Chelsea Wolfe / Milo J / Amyl and the Sniffers / Lambchop / Mannequin Pussy / Jessica Pratt / The Lemon Twigs / Voxtrot / Jai Paul / Tirzah / The Blessed Madonna / Eartheater / Julie Byrne / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / ANOTR / Billy Woods / William Basinski / Yeule / Dorian Electra / Roc Marciano / Shellac / Sofia Kourtesis / Dillom / Freddie Gibbs & Madlib / Tropical Fuck Storm / A. G. Cook / Depresión sonora / Ratboys / Beth Gibbons / YovngChimi / Lankum / Sega Bodega / Brutus / Obongjayar / Mochakk / HTRK / Gel / Kode9 / Hannah Diamond / La Zowi / AYA / LIBERATO / Scowl / Nala Sinephro / Militarie Gun / Mica Levi / Monolake / Model/Actriz / Water From Your Eyes / Ikonika / The Armed / Mushkaa / Joanna Sternberg / Mujeres / Mandy, Indiana / Wolf Eyes / Balming Tiger / Nieve Ella / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Aiko el grupo / Ferran Palau / Teki Latex / Shabaka / Space Afrika / Wiegedood / Lanark Artefax / Nazar / Eye / dogstar / Tim Reaper / Lisasinson / Sandwell District / Jjuujjuu / Channel One / Renaldo & Clara / Chloe Caillet / Pelada / Maria Jaume / Charlemagne Palestine / MJ Nebreda / Hi-tech / Maria Hein / Rainy Miller / Lolahol / Stella Maris / Guillem Gisbert / Rita Vian / Phew / Dj Haram / Como Vivir En El Campo / MERINA GRIS / Daniela Lalita / Lisabö / Viuda / Lamin Fofana / julia amor / Tercer Sol / XEXA / DJ Playero / Ojoo / DJ Fart in the Club / Mitski / ATARASHII GAKKOO!!! / Isa Rojas / Herrensauna XXL (Salome b2b Cadency b2b Cem b2b MCMLXXXV) / Tratratrax / Sillica Gel / Reels B / Sophia Chablau / F.R.A.C Hofe / Woody'92 / Bruckner
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Parc del Fòrum
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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May 29, 2024
– Jun 02, 2024
Primavera Sound Festival 2024
Lana Del Rey / SZA / Disclosure / Vampire Weekend / Charli XCX / Phoenix / Troye Sivan / Deftones / The National / Justice / PJ Harvey / Pulp / Omar Apollo / FKA twigs / Yo La Tengo / Faye Webster / BadBadNotGood / Duster / Crumb / Peggy Gou / Mount Kimbie / L'Impératrice / Kim Petras / The Last Dinner Party / Royel Otis / Blonde Redhead / Róisín Murphy / Barry Can't Swim / Ethel Cain / Slow Pulp / 070 Shake / Amaarae / Roosevelt / Clipse / American Football / Romy / Arca / Milo J / Bikini Kill / Chelsea Wolfe / Amyl and the Sniffers / Jessica Pratt / Mannequin Pussy / Lambchop / The Lemon Twigs / The Blessed Madonna / Jai Paul / ANOTR / Tirzah / Voxtrot / Eartheater / Julie Byrne / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Yeule / Sofia Kourtesis / Billy Woods / William Basinski / Beth Gibbons / Dorian Electra / Dillom / Shellac / Roc Marciano / A. G. Cook / Freddie Gibbs & Madlib / Tropical Fuck Storm / YovngChimi / Depresión sonora / Ratboys / Lankum / Mochakk / Sega Bodega / Gel / Brutus / Obongjayar / HTRK / Hannah Diamond / Kode9 / La Zowi / Scowl / Militarie Gun / LIBERATO / Nala Sinephro / AYA / Water From Your Eyes / Mica Levi / Model/Actriz / Monolake / Mushkaa / The Armed / Ikonika / Joanna Sternberg / Mujeres / Shabaka / Mandy, Indiana / Balming Tiger / Nieve Ella / Wolf Eyes / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Aiko el grupo / Ferran Palau / Space Afrika / Teki Latex / dogstar / Wiegedood / Lanark Artefax / Nazar / Eye / Tim Reaper / Lisasinson / Jjuujjuu / Chloé Caillet / Maria Jaume / Sandwell District / Channel One / Renaldo & Clara / Pelada / MJ Nebreda / Charlemagne Palestine / Hi-tech / Maria Hein / Lolahol / Rainy Miller / Guillem Gisbert / Stella Maris / Rita Vian / Phew / Dj Haram / MERINA GRIS / Como Vivir En El Campo / Daniela Lalita / Lisabö / Viuda / Lamin Fofana / julia amor / Tercer Sol / XEXA / DJ Playero / Ojoo / DJ Fart in the Club / Sophia Chablau / Mitski / ATARASHII GAKKOO!!! / Isa Rojas / Herrensauna XXL (Salome b2b Cadency b2b Cem b2b MCMLXXXV) / Tratratrax / Sillica Gel / Reels B / F.R.A.C Hofe / Woody'92
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Parc del Fòrum
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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Show Duplicates for May 29, 2024
Nov 17, 2023
Concert Hall
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
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Nov 11, 2023
– Nov 12, 2023
Camp Flog Gnaw
The Hillbillies / SZA / Tyler, The Creator / AG CLUB / Fana Hues / Paris Texas / Balming Tiger / Teezo Touchdown / BadBadNotGood / redveil / Ravyn Lenae / Clipse / Kevin Abstract / beabadoobee / PinkPantheress / Rex Orange County / Dominic Fike / Earl Sweatshirt / Syd / Kali Uchis / Fuerza Regida / Ice Spice / Lil Yachty / Turnstile / Cuco / Toro Y Moi / Willow / d4vd / Domo genesis / Daisy World / Baby Rose / SPINALL / Maxo / Mike G / Left Brain / Julie / Maxo Kream / Khamari / Liv.e
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Dodger Stadium
Los Angeles, California, United States
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Nov 11, 2023
– Nov 12, 2023
Camp Flog Gnaw 2023
Kendrick Lamar / Tyler, The Creator / SZA / Lil Yachty / Kali Uchis / Rex Orange County / Earl Sweatshirt / Toro Y Moi / Dominic Fike / Baby Keem / Cuco / beabadoobee / BadBadNotGood / Kevin Abstract / Ravyn Lenae / Domo genesis / Clipse / Turnstile / Teezo Touchdown / Maxo / Balming Tiger / julie (us) / Fana Hues / Syd / Willow
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Dodger Stadium
Los Angeles, California, United States
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Nov 11, 2023
– Nov 12, 2023
Camp Flog Gnaw 2023
Kendrick Lamar / Tyler, The Creator / SZA / Lil Yachty / Kali Uchis / Rex Orange County / Earl Sweatshirt / Toro Y Moi / Dominic Fike / Baby Keem / Cuco / beabadoobee / BadBadNotGood / Kevin Abstract / Ravyn Lenae / Domo genesis / Clipse / Turnstile / Teezo Touchdown / Maxo / Balming Tiger / julie (us) / d4vd / Willow / redveil
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Dodger Stadium
Los Angeles, California, United States
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Nov 11, 2023
– Nov 12, 2023
Camp Flog Gnaw 2023
SZA / Kendrick Lamar / Tyler, The Creator / Lil Yachty / Kali Uchis / Rex Orange County / Earl Sweatshirt / Toro Y Moi / Dominic Fike / Baby Keem / Cuco / beabadoobee / BadBadNotGood / Kevin Abstract / Ravyn Lenae / Domo genesis / Clipse / Turnstile / Teezo Touchdown / Maxo / Balming Tiger / julie (us) / Willow / Maxo Kream / Paris Texas / Ice Spice / PinkPantheress
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Dodger Stadium
Los Angeles, California, United States
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Nov 11, 2023
– Nov 12, 2023
Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival
AG CLUB / Fana Hues / Paris Texas / Balming Tiger / Teezo Touchdown / BadBadNotGood / redveil / Ravyn Lanae / Clipse / Kevin Abstract / Beabadoobe / PinkPantheress / Rex Orange County / Dominic Fike / Earl Sweatshirt / Syd / The Hillbillies / SZA / Tyler, The Creator / Kali Uchis / Fuerza Regida / Ice Spice / Lil Yachty / Turnstile / Cuco / Toro Y Moi / Willow / d4vd / Domo genesis / Daisy World / Baby Rose / SPINALL / Maxo / Maxo Kream / Mike G. / Left Brain / Julie / Khamari / Liv.e
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Dodger Stadium
Los Angeles, California, United States
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Nov 11, 2023
– Nov 12, 2023
Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival 2023
Tyler, The Creator / SZA / Kendrick Lamar / Baby Keem / Kali Uchis / Fuerza Regida / Ice Spice / Lil Yachty / Turnstile / Rex Orange County / Dominic Fike / Earl Sweatshirt / Syd / Clipse / Kevin Abstract / beabadoobee / PinkPantheress / Cuco / Toro Y Moi / Willow / d4vd / Domo genesis / Daisy World / Baby Rose / DJ Spinall / Maxo / Mike G / Teezo Touchdown / BadBadNotGood / redveil / Ravyn Lenae / AG CLUB / Fana Hues / Paris Texas / Balming Tiger / Left Brain / Julie / Maxo Cream / Khamari / Liv.e
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Dodger Stadium
Los Angeles, California, United States
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Show Duplicates for Nov 11, 2023
Aug 19, 2023
Clipse / Armani White / Lola Brooke
Genius IQ/BBQ
Knockdown Center
New York, New York, United States
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Jul 28, 2023
Clipse / Rick Ross
The Rooftop at Pier 17
New York, New York, United States
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Jun 17, 2023
– Jun 18, 2023
Hyde Park Summer Fest
2 Chainz / Clipse / Tobe Nwigwe / Robert Glasper / Uncle Waffles / Vic Mensa / Twista / Do Or Die / Shawnna / Crucial Conflict / Jonathan McReynolds / Terry Hunter
Midway Plaisance Park
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Apr 28, 2023
– Apr 30, 2023
SOMETHING IN THE WATER 2023 @ Virginia Beach - Ocean Front
Lil Wayne / Mumford & Sons / Kid Cudi / Skrillex / Pharrell Williams / Lil Uzi Vert / Lil Yachty / Kehlani / Wale / Machine Gun Kelly / Wu-Tang Clan / Summer Walker / Aminé / The Kid LAROI / Kaytranada / Lil Durk / NLE Choppa / Polo G / d4vd / Feid / Masego / Maren Morris / Flo Milli / Jazmine Sullivan / BadBadNotGood / SWV / Wet Leg / Remi Wolf / Latto / Coi Leray / Grace Jones / 100 gecs / JESSIE MURPH / Kamasi Washington / ayra starr / Doechii / Clipse / Flo / Babyface Ray / Riovaz / Weston Estate / Gigi Perez / yvngxchris / Black Sherif / Saucy Santana / Chika / Kaycyy / Nile Rodgers & Chic / KITTY CA$H / Jay Pharoah / Yendry / UMI / Arcade Fire / Jonas Brothers
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Virginia Beach - Ocean Front
Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
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Apr 28, 2023
– Apr 30, 2023
Something In The Water 2023
Lil Wayne / Mumford & Sons / Kid Cudi / Skrillex / Pharrell Williams / Lil Uzi Vert / Wale / Kehlani / Lil Yachty / Machine Gun Kelly / Wu-Tang Clan / Aminé / Kaytranada / Summer Walker / Lil Durk / Polo G / Maren Morris / Jazmine Sullivan / The Kid LAROI / Maségo / NLE Choppa / BadBadNotGood / SWV / Grace Jones / Feid / Kamasi Washington / Clipse / Wet Leg / Flo Milli / 100 Gecs / Remi Wolf / Coi Leray / Latto / d4vd / JESSIE MURPH / Flo / ayra starr / Weston Estate / Chika / Babyface Ray / Doechii / Riovaz / Saucy Santana / yvngxchris / Black Sherif / Gigi / Kaycyy / Jay Pharoah / Yendry / Kenny Beats / KITTY CA$H / Nile Rodgers & Chic / UMI / A$AP Rocky / Busta Rhymes / De La Soul / MIA / Jonas Brothers / Arcade Fire / Third Eye Blind
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Virginia Beach - Ocean Front
Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
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Show Duplicate for Apr 28, 2023
Jun 17, 2022
– Jun 19, 2022
Something in the water 2022
Baird / Hope Tala / Montell Fish / Duckwrth / Syd / Quinn XCII / Lil Baby / Usher / Jean Dawson / Q / Paris Texas / Role Model / J.I.D / Snoh Aalegra / Lil Uzi Vert / Pharrell Williams / Justin Timberlake / T.I. / Clipse / YungManny / Rei Ami / Saba / Slowthai / Post Malone / Omar Apollo / Thundercat / Pusha T / 21 Savage / Tyler, The Creator
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Independence Avenue and SW Third Street
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
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