1. Chelsea (UK) punk rock band formed in London in 1976. melodic punk with socialist, atheist and internationalist inspired lyrics, which can to remind: The Clash, Billy Bragg, Red London, The Selecter or Madness. the band has recorded twelve albums.
Cockney Rejects / The skids / Circle Jerks / Anti-Flag / Wonk Unit / Svetlanas / Riskee & The Ridicule / Janus Stark / Desperate Measures / The Ramonas / Sham 69 / Blockheads / Slaughter Bite Back / The Professionals / Booze & Glory / Infa Riot / Newtown Neurotics / IDestroy / The Bolokos / Cock Sparrer / The Last Resort / Gimp Fist / 999 / Arch Rivals / Los Fastidios / Asfixia Social / Stiff Little Fingers / Ruts DC / UK Subs / Peat & Diesel / Chelsea / The Avengers / Random Hand / The Cundeez / Backstreet Abortions / The Bar Stool Preachers / The Boys / Johnny Moped / Spizzenergi / In Evil Hour / Dirtbox Disco / Knock Off / Spider / M.DM. / Vomit / Litterbug / Red London / Migrana Social / Tiger Sex / Popes Of Chillitown / Church of Confidence / Spunk Volcano And The Eruptions / Ignite / Moscow Death Brigade / TV Smith & The Bored Teenagers / Subhumans / Steve Ignorant / Hung Like Hanratty / Motorheadache / The Exploited / Discharge / GBH / M.D.C. / The Defects / Special Duties / The Samples / Chaotic Dischord / Mau Maus / Destructors / 1983 / Filhos de Inácio / Bad Ass / Acidez / The Insane / [Spunge] / Doyle / Evil Conduct / Conflict / Cro-Mags / Theatre of Hate / Talisman / Last Tree Squad / Radical Dance Faction / Splodgenessabounds / Menace / Slice of Life / The Warriors / Drongos For Europe / Sick on the Bus / Fluffy Machine / Subalternos / Suzi Moon / Dedo Podre / Vulpynes / On The Huh / Abraskadabra / The Outcasts / The Lovely Eggs / The Stupids / Mannequin Death Squad / Alternative / Fire Exit / Blyth Power / Suede Razors / Surgery Without Research / The Take / Crown Court / Takers & Users / Spectrum 4 / Batallion Zoska / Sex Gang Children / The Godfathers / The Rezillos / Culture Shock / Mick Rossi's Gun St / Grade 2 / Paranoid Visions / The Gonads / Bull Brigade / Headsticks / Crashed Out / The Lee Harveys / Dead 77 / Death Trails / MC16 / The DeRellas / Ultra Sect / Black September / Patriot / Resistance 77 / The Drowns / Maid of Ace / Demob / Citizen Fish / The Membranes / Bad Nerves / Panic Shack / Last Hounds / DeeCracks / Plague UK / Smiley and The Underclass / Petrol Bastard / Slackrr / Slalom D / Rites Of Hadda / Knife Club / Sinful Maggie / Penelope Tree / Fidget And The Twitchers / Last Edition / HAEST / N.V.S. / Mondo Wave / The P45s / Sadistic Slobs / Broken Cuffs / Change Persona / Bite Me / Hellcity / DOMT / Tom Tom and the Knuckleheads / Sub Existencia / T-Bitch / Turtles Jr / Penny Was Right / Arxx / Yur Mum / The Meffs / Deadbeat At Dawn / Heavy Lungs / Eryx London / Pirates of the Pubs / Bob Vylan / JOHN / Grandmas House / The Chisel / Bridge City Sinners / Rum Lad / Midwich Cuckoos / Erection / Rabies Babies / Lady Rage / Rumkicks / Piss Kitti / Himnos / Sudor Obrero / The Webb / Gogoponies / Redlightz / Dog Rotten / Thee Acid Tongue / Riviera Kid / Dee Skusting & The Rodents / Kicked in The Teeth / Crimetime / The Freudian Session / Lumpen / Madbeat / Punik / Ashpipe / Glitchers / Danger!Man / Zero Tolerance / The Sentence / Benefits / Anti-Flag / Billy Liar / Ferocious Dog / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Healthy Junkies / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / The Crows / Static Kill / Grant Sharkey / Music In Our Underpants / Tim Holehouse / Edweena Banger / Gareth James / Sally Pepper / Bite Me / The Antipoet / Miss Fragile / The Cundeez / Emily Flea / Los Fastidios / Carol Hodge / Alex Wonk / Max Splodge / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Danbert Nobacon / Lesley Woods / The Boys / Blyth Power / Ruts DC / The skids / The Outcasts / TV Smith / The Ramonas / Henry Cluney / Nick Cash / Barnstormer 1649 / Gina Birch / Pauline Murray / Helen McCookery Book / The Bar Stool Preachers / Steve Drewett / Jess Silk / Ashpipe / Catlow / Henshaw / Miffy Englefield / Jonny Robson / Rum Direction / Mauri Clash / Millions of Dead Cowboys / Country Moans / Subalternos / AJ Simmons / Cherry & Peesh / Davey Malone / Attila the Stockbroker / Dave Sharp / Headsticks / The Ramstampits / The Avengers / Mick Rossi / TV Smith / Death Trails / Country Moans / The Bouncing Souls / Pizza Tramp
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999 / Acidez / The Adolescents / Altered Images / Alternative / Anti-Flag / The Antipoet / Arch Rivals / Asfixia Social / The Avengers / Backstreet Abortions / Bad Ass / The Bar Stool Preachers / Batallion Zoska / Beans on Toast / Benefits / Billy Bragg / Bishops Green / Blockheads / Blyth Power / Bob Vylan / The Bolokos / Booze & Glory / The Bouncing Souls / The Boys / Bridge City Sinners / Broken Cuffs / Buzzcocks / Chameleons / Chaotic Dischord / Chelsea / Cherry & Peesh / The Chisel / Chron Gen / Circle Jerks / Cock Sparrer / Cockney Rejects / Conflict / Corrupted Youth / Country Moans / Crashed Out / Crimetime / Cro-Mags / Crown Court / Culture Shock / The Cundeez / Danbert Nobacon / Dead 77 / Dedo Podre / Dee Skusting & The Rodents / DeeCracks / Death Trails / The Defects / Demob / The DeRellas / Desperate Measures / The Dickies / Dirtbox Disco / Discharge / DOA / Dog Rotten / Doyle / Dragster / Dreadzone / Drongos For Europe / The Drowns / Emily Flea / The Exploited / Ferocious Dog / Filhos de Inácio / Fire Exit / Fluffy Machine / From The Jam / Funeral Dress / Gareth James / Gary Numan / GBH / GENN / Gimpfist / The Godfathers / Gogoponies / The Gonads / Grade 2 / Grandmas House / Grant Sharkey / He Who Cannot Be Named / Headsticks / Healthy Junkies / Heavy Lungs / Hellcity / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Hollie Cook / Honey Bane / Hung Like Hanratty / I, Doris / IDestroy / Infa Riot / Janus Stark / Jess Silk / Jilted John / JOHN / Karl Philips & The Rejects / Kicked in The Teeth / Knife Club / Knock Off / The Last Resort / Last Tree Squad / The Lee Harveys / Levellers / Los Fastidios / The Lovely Eggs / M.D.C. / M.D.M. / Maid of Ace / Mau Maus / Mauri Clash / The Meffs / Menace / Mick Rossi's Gun St / Miffy Englefield / Migrana Social / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Millions of Dead Cowboys / Miss Fragile / Misty In Roots / Moscow Death Brigade / Motorheadache / Newtown Neurotics / Nick Cash / The Outcasts / Paranoid Visions / Patriot / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / Peter & The Test Tube Babies / Peter Hook & The Light / Petrol Bastard / Pirates of the Pubs / Pizzatramp / Plizzken / pop will eat itself / Popes Of Chillitown / The Primitives / The Professionals / Radical Dance Faction / The Ramonas / Redlightz / Resistance 77 / The Restarts / The Rezillos / Riskee & The Ridicule / Roundeye / Rumkicks / RUST / Ruts DC / Sally Pepper / The Samples / Sex Gang Children / Sham 69 / The skids / Slackrr / Slaughter Bite Back / Slice of Life / Smiley and The Underclass / Spear of Destiny / Special Duties / Spectrum 4 / Splodgenessabounds / Spunge / Spunk Volcano And The Eruptions / Squeeze / Steve Drewett / Steve Ignorant / Stiff Little Fingers / The Stranglers / The Stupids / Sub Existencia / Subalternos / Subhumans / Suede Razors / Surgery Without Research / Sveltanas / T-Bitch / The Take / Takers & Users / Tiger Sex / Tim Holehouse / Tom Robinson Band / Tom Tom and the Knuckleheads / Toyah / Turtles Jr / UK Subs / Ultra Sect / The Undertones / the vapors / Vomit / Vulpynes / The Warriors / The Wildhearts / Wonk Unit / Young Offenders / Yer Mum / Zero Tolerance
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"Undercover Festival" / Chelsea / The Blockheads / Eddie & The Hot Rods / Sex Pistols Experience - Trib. To Sex Pistols / Wyrd Sisters / Roddy radiation and the skabilly rebels / Sonic Boom Six / Witchdoktors
"Undercover Festival" / The Selecter / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / 999 / Chelsea / Sex Pistols Experience - Trib. To Sex Pistols / Menace / The Tuts / Lost Cherrees / Ray Gun
"GuilFest" / Sir Bob Geldof & The Boomtown Rats / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Public Service Broadcasting / The Blackout / Shadow Child / Canterbury / Sham 69 / The Vibrators / Chelsea / Stone Foundation / The Other Tribe / The Jokers / The Doors Alive / Paper Boats / Jason Chance / The Hoosiers / Feed the Rhino
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The Activators / Adam Bloxsome / Ade / The AfterParty / Aimée / The Algorithm / Ally Kemp / Andrew Morris / DJ Andi Warren / Any Given Thursday / Arcane Roots / A Room Swept White / Ashley Roberts / Badman Beats / Bad Solution / Bambarra / Barry Obzee / Bel Esprit / Bemis / Ben Lovejoy / The Bermondsey Joyriders / Black Futures / The Blackout / Blobbie Williams / Boney M / Boom & Bass / The Boomtown Rats / Boy Jumps Ship / The Brompton Mix / B.Traits / Buzzcocks / Canterbury / Captain Flatcap / Carnival Youth / Charlotte Sterland / Chelsea / Cherry Pie / Chopshop / Chukonu / Claudia / Confessions of a Traitor / Cosmic Encounters / The Correspondents / The Crosstown Trio / The Darling Buds / Davinci Sound / DDHR / Dead Kansas / Defect / Dirty Revolution / The Doors Alive / Dreadzone / Easy On The Amoeba / Echo and The Empress / Electric River / Emnibis / Empress AD / The Enemy / The Farm / Feed the Rhino / Fin Evans / Fire At Night / Floored Capri And Robi-Wan / Following Foxes / Forleigh / Fred V & Grafix / Freshold / Friction ft P Money And Linguistics / Fun Lovin' Criminals / The Fureys / Gallows / Gavin Thomas / Gnarlwolves / Golding / Hammerjack / The Handsome Devils Club / Hannah Wants / Headlight / Heart of a Coward / The Human League / Itch / Imperial Leisure / I See Monstas / James Bluck / James Trystan / Jamie Lenman / Jason Chance / Jay Info / Jedward / Jez Charles / Joe Carabine / The Jokers / Kamla / Katrina / Kid In The Cloud / The Kelly Lee Band / Kenelis / Kidnap Kid / Kingsland Road / Kool & The Gang / La Flamme / Lions / Lit Like Vegas / Mak And Pasteman / Manu / Maria Lua & Band / Mary Jane Burning / Matt Price / Maybe Gaga / Maybe Neverland / Metronome / Miss Vincent / Model Society / Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer / Mr Fame / Ms Dynamite / Murkle / My Nu Leng / My Never Time / DJ Naughty And Missy D / Naughty Boy / The Nefarious Picaroons / Neighbourhood Threat / New Town Kings / Norman Jay MBE / Nylon Sky / Orange Bomb / Orangafruup / Orbit / The Other Tribe / Paper Boats / Parkway / Passenger Smith / PBS & JS / Pig Ignerents / Pipe And Tabor / Public Service Broadcasting / Radio Riddler / The Ramonas / Red Emperor / Reverbed / Riskee and the Ridicule / Risking The Writer / Rival Empires / Rock Choir / Ruts DC / Sam Bailey / The Scintillas / Second Hand Citizens / Second Hand Poet / The Serial Thrillers / Servers / The Sex Pistols Experience / Shadow Child / The Shakespearos / Sham 69 / Shane Richie & the Prelude / Sigma / Sister Leona / Skaciety / The Skints / Slim Chance / Soulfly / Soundation / Space / Spink / Split Glory / Spotlight Cannibal / Spriggan Mist / Squat Dom / Street Vibes / Stone Foundation / Stu (Cause4Concern) / The Sugarhill Gang / Synergy / Their Turn To Lose / Three's A Crowd / The Toniks / Tomorrow Is Ours / Tom Upton / Traced / Tree House Fire / The True Deceivers / Timmy Seashoe / Two Sense / Underview / The United Stoats Of America / The Urban Voodoo Machine / Vanity Draws Blood / Vector Vendetta / The Vibrators / Ward Thomas / Weyward Chile / White Hot Flames / Witchdoktors / The Wonderyears / The Zone / NERVE / the spitfires
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"Rebellion Festival" / Buzzcocks / The Damned / Eddie & The Hot Rods / Steve Ignorant / Maximum Rnr / The Exploited / The Adicts / The Business / Subhumans / The Casualties / Peter & The Test Tube Babies / The Skints / Chelsea / Barb Wire Dolls / Neck / Mad Sin / The Restarts / The Flatliners / Long Tall Texans / Vince Ray and The Boneshakers / The Argies / The Vibrators / Radio Dead Ones / The Duel / Pink Hearse / The Red Paintings / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / Smokey Bastard / Justin Sullivan / Dean White
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Rancid / Buzzcocks / Public Image Ltd. / Bow Wow Wow / MxPx / Stiff Little Fingers / Altered Images / Agnostic Front / The Only Ones / UK Subs / The Slackers / The Real McKenzies / Subhumans / Off With Their Heads / The Boys / 999 / 7Seconds / The Business / The Creepshow / Snuff / The Monochrome Set / The Hillbilly Moon Explosion / Conflict / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Sonic Boom Six / Vice Squad / Jaya The Cat / Penetration / Citizen Fish / Chelsea / The Lurkers / Slaughter and the Dogs / The Last Resort / Varukers / Menace / Spizzenergi / Random Hand / Piranhas / The Mob / King Kurt / The Restarts / Deadline / One Way System / Ruts DC / Splodgenessabounds / The Duel / The Neville Staple Band / Blood Or Whiskey / Viv Albertine / Abrasive Wheels / Anti-Pasti / The JB Conspiracy / TV Smith / The Filaments / Neck / Pipes and Pints / Segismundo Toxicomano / RUST / The Roughneck Riot / Goldblade / The Here and Now / Argy Bargy / The Pigs / Rubella Ballet / The Cravats / Rory McLeod / Notsensibles / The Fits / Heavy Metal Kids / Resistance 77 / The Agitators / Crashed Out / Drongos For Europe / Sunliner / Eastfield / Choking Susan / Hagar The Womb / Patrick Fitzgerald / P.O.G. / Anti Vigilante / Screama Ballerina / Hardskin / Robin Leitch / Shakespearos / Chas Ikstan & the Bon Bon Bons
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