Chase Hamblin Concert History

Chase Hamblin released debut solo EP, A Fine Time, released in June 2009 with former Penny Royal front man Derek Dunivan as producer and arranger. Fine Time ranked 5 on Power Pop Station Brasil’s Top 10 EPs of 2009 and 11 on Absolute Powerpop’s Top 15 EPs of 2009.

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 22, 2016
End Hip End It
"End Hip End It" / Radio Moscow / Dimitri's Rail / Night Beats / Christian Bland & the Revelators / Ruby the Hatchet / Beware of Darkness / Venomous Maximus / ______ / mondo drag / Emily Wolfe / The Well (Austin) / Folk Family Revival / Golden Dawn Arkestra / Eric Tessmer Band / Los Skarnales / The grizzly band / Amplified Heat / Crypt trip / Vanilla Whale / Ganesha / Doomstress / Mikey Nthedrags / The Dirty Seeds / KP And The Boom Boom / The Warplanes / Chase Hamblin / The Infamists / Foxmoor Express / Panic Volcanic / Colonial Blue / Sik Mule / Muddy Belle / Thieves of Sunrise / A Tribute To The Sun / Funeral Horse / Various Hands / The Well Show all bands
Old Town Spring Spring, Texas, United States
Sep 14, 2014
Lydia Loveless / Chase Hamblin Fitzgerald's - Downstairs Houston, Texas, United States
Feb 20, 2014
Sea Wolf / Chase Hamblin Fitzgerald's - Downstairs Houston, Texas, United States
Jun 05, 2011
Free Press Summer Fest 2011
Weezer / Beirut / Chromeo / Cut Copy / Yeasayer / Neon Indian / Big Boi / MF Doom / Bun B / Ween / The Black Angels / Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings / HEALTH / Killing Joke / Lower Dens / The Black Dahlia Murder / Z-Ro / 12th Planet / Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit / Hayes Carll / Fucked Up / Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears / Yppah / Big Bang / Tobacco / Kylesa / Maria Taylor / Lil Keke / Those Darlins / Eternal Summers / Robert Ellis / Junior Brown / Fat Tony / The Protomen / Indian Jewelry / The Beets / Kam / The Eastern Sea / Guitar Wolf / Skream & Benga / Zeale / Wild Moccasins / Buxton / The Tontons / Caddywhompus / By the End of Tonight / Thavius Beck / Los Skarnales / Rivers / American Fangs / The Memorials / Amplified Heat / Stephen Farris / Sundress / Venomous Maximus / Arthur Yoria / The Niceguys / Iron Age / Sines / Young Girls / Undergang / B L a C K I E / Something Fierce / Bad Wolf / Young Mammals / Limb / Acephalix / (Co)-Pilot / Tyagaraja / Free Radicals / Handshake / Glasnost / The Back Pockets / Grandfather Child / Pasadena Napalm Division / Linus Pauling Quartet / The Crying Spell / The Manichean / Fresh Millions / Sideshow Tramps / Rusted Shut / Roller / Featherface / Muhammadali / Spain Colored Orange / Hates / Nosaprise / The Watermarks / Squincy Jones / Chase Hamblin / perseph one / Weird Party / Tax the Wolf / Ceeplus Bad Knives / Finnegan / Roky Moon & Bolt / JUXTA / Henry Chow / Omotai / Black Congress / giant princess / Eyes Burn Electric / Leg Sweeper / Female Demand / Black Leather Jesus / Born Again Virgins / Espantapajaros / Art Institute / Dead Revolt / Giant Battle Monster / Disfrutalo / Jody Seabody and The Whirls / COP WARMTH / Cavernous / Simple Success / Jasmine Rose / Dayta / Indicator Dogs / Damon Allen / Sings / Ani Difranco's Dick / The Grass Skirts / Thunderkunt / Somosuno / Wicked Poseur / The Mahas / Defending the Kingdom / Upgreyed / Clockpole / Poopy Lungstuffing / BRAINS FOR DINNER / John the Third / Michael Watts and the Swishahouse Crew / Vivian Pikkles and the Sweethearts Uber-alles / Tha Phoundation / Romulus Ate / Fredster / Grrrl Parts / Woozy Helmet / Wes Walz / Suraj K / Organ Failure / Pejman / Delicious Milk / The Annoysters / Mr castillo Show all bands
Houston, Texas, United States
Oct 08, 2010
Foals / Esben and the Witch / Chase Hamblin / The Wheel Workers
Fitzgerald's Houston, Texas, United States
Show Duplicate for Oct 08, 2010
Jun 05, 2010 –
Jun 06, 2010
Free Press Summer Fest 2010
The Flaming Lips / Ra Ra Riot / Girl Talk / Dead Prez / Slim Thug / Givers / The Growlers / Kid Sister / Medeski, Martin & Wood / Lucero / Yppah / Detroit Cobras / Municipal Waste / Uh Huh Her / Cro-Mags / Lymbyc Systym / Mix Master Mike / The Eastern Sea / The Entrance Band / Wild Moccasins / Saviours / Buxton / Energy / Sugar & Gold / American Fangs / Muhammad Ali / Gold Sounds / Young Mammals / B L a C K I E / 30 Foot Fall / Dissent / Grandfather Child / The Manichean / Sideshow Tramps / Rusted Shut / Hollywood Floss / Shina Rae / listenlisten / The Watermarks / perseph one / Chase Hamblin / Spain Colored Orange / Ceeplus Bad Knives / giant princess / Elaine Greer / Female Demand / The Saviors / Leg Sweeper / Guerilla Foco Clan / Hell City Kings / The Small Sounds / Sharks and Sailors / Prince Klassen / Damon Allen / Dayta / Somosuno / I Am Mesmer / The Mahas / Fredster / check other / Grrrl Parts / DJ Czech One / DJ Jester The Filipino Fist Show all bands
Eleanor Tinsley Park Houston, Texas, United States
Aug 09, 2009
Free Press Summer Festival
"Free Press Summer Festival" / of Montreal / The McKenzies / Chase Hamblin / The Small Sounds / News on the March / Sky Blue 72 / Grand Father Child / The Eastern Sea / Sideshow Tramps / Wild Moccasins / Prince Paul / Voxtrot / What Made Milwaukee Famous / Devin The Dude / Come See My Dead Person / Elaine Greer / The Hates / Roky Moon & Bolt / Southern Backtones / The Manichean / Hearts of Animals / Buxton / Riverboat Gamblers Show all bands
Eleanor Tinsley Park Houston, Texas, United States
Aug 08, 2009
Broken Social Scene / of Montreal / Explosions in the Sky / Voxtrot / What Made Milwaukee Famous / Devin The Dude / O Pioneers / Ume / The Octopus Project / Scale The Summit / Los Skarnales / The Watermarks / Wild Moccasins / The Sword / The Tonto...
Broken Social Scene / of Montreal / Explosions in the Sky / Voxtrot / What Made Milwaukee Famous / Devin The Dude / O Pioneers / Ume / The Octopus Project / Scale The Summit / Los Skarnales / The Watermarks / Wild Moccasins / The Sword / The Tontons / Southern Backtones / H.I.S.D. / Hearts of Animals / B L a C K I E / News on the March / Fat Tony / perseph one / Ceeplus Bad Knives / Buxton / Riff Tiffs / Mechanical Boy / Sideshow Tramps / The Small Sounds / Ryan Scroggins & The Trenchtown Texans / COP WARMTH / Young Mammals / The Manichean / Skyblue72 / Come See My Dead Person / American Fangs / The Eastern Sea / I Am Mesmer / Chase Hamblin / Ghost Town Electric / The Fucking Transmissions / Grandfather Child / Grrrl Parts / Juzcoz / Muhammidali Show all bands
Eleanor Tinsley Park Houston, Texas, United States
Aug 08, 2009 –
Aug 09, 2009
Free Press Houston Summer Fest 2009
Explosions in the Sky / Broken Social Scene / of Montreal / Devin The Dude / The Sword / Voxtrot / The Octopus Project / Scale The Summit / Fat Tony / What Made Milwaukee Famous / The Eastern Sea / Ume / Wild Moccasins / Buxton / The Tontons / O Pioneers / Los Skarnales / American Fangs / B L a C K I E / Young Mammals / Southern Backtones / Grandfather Child / The Manichean / Sideshow Tramps / H.I.S.D. / The Watermarks / Chase Hamblin / perseph one / Come See My Dead Person / Ceeplus Bad Knives / Skyblue72 / News on the March / Mechanical Boy / Ryan Scroggins & The Trenchtown Texans / Hearts of Animals / The Small Sounds / COP WARMTH / Riff Tiffs / Juzcoz / I Am Mesmer / Ghost Town Electric / Muhammidali / Grrrl Parts / The Fucking Transmissions Show all bands
Eleanor Tinsley Park Houston, Texas, United States
Power Pop
Houston Indie
2016 1 concert
2014 2 concerts
2011 1 concert
2010 2 concerts
2009 2 concerts
 Houston Hh
 Alicia Pace
 Macey Taylor
 Derek Hansen

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