Cex is a musical project helmed by Ryan "Rjyan" Kidwell and started in 1998. Although Cex and Kidwell are frequently used interchangeably, Cex expands to several people at sporadic points, such as particular tours or albums. In the past it has included Kidwell's musical associates, friends, touring partners, or high school bandmates.
"Sled Island Festival" / Melvins / WhoMadeWho / DJ Champion / Shout Out Out Out Out / Quintron & Miss Pussycat / Bart Davenport / Angelo Spencer / The Dudes / Crystal Kid / Southeast Engine / Sugar and Gold / Cex / The Pine Tarts / GZA / Fucked Up
"Sled Island Festival" / Melvins / Dillinger Four / Ted Leo / WhoMadeWho / Girl Talk / Inlets / Quintron & Miss Pussycat / Built to Spill / Why? / Cavaliers / The Dudes / Braids / Angelo Spencer / Woodhands / Cex / Bart Davenport / The Donkeys / James Husband / Southeast Engine / Sugar and Gold / Danny Rebel & The KGB / Transit / Fucked Up / Nice Nice
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"Sled Island Festival" / Sleepy Sun / Quintron & Miss Pussycat / Ted Leo / Braids / Why? / Cavaliers / The Dudes / Hollerado / Woodhands / Cex / Bart Davenport / Deerhoof / The Donkeys / James Husband / Southeast Engine / Sugar and Gold / Go for the Eyes / Nice Nice
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Dinosaur Jr. / Black Lips / Girl Talk / Built to Spill / Ty Segall / Melvins / Peace / Deerhoof / The Posies / No Age / Why? / WhoMadeWho / The Thermals / Fucked Up / Hot Water Music / Braids / Mariachi El Bronx / GZA/Genius / The Bronx / Goose / Transit / Ted Leo and The Pharmacists / Big Freedia / Storm / Mini Mansions / The Donkeys / Sleepy Sun / Babe Rainbow / Chuck Ragan / The Pack A.D. / Women / White Lung / Hollerado / Monkey / The Dutchess and the Duke / Big Business / Nomeansno / Anti-Pop Consortium / Rah Rah / Turbo Fruits / Chain and the Gang / DM Stith / Woodpigeon / The Dudes / Panther / The Almighty Defenders / Austin Lucas / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Northcote / Cave / Gobble Gobble / Woodhands / Mark Sultan / Smalltown Djs / Cavaliers / Tyvek / Horizons / Cheeseburger / Shout Out Out Out Out / Cex / Bison B.C. / Bart Davenport / My Gold Mask / Bad Pop / Nice Nice / Manchild / Silje Nes / Makeout Videotape / Blanket / Bloodshot Bill / Cousins / Nu Sensae / Signals. / Golden Triangle / Boyfriends / Southeast Engine / So Cow / Sugar & Gold / Piper Davis / Azeda Booth / By Divine Right / The Albertans / CMON / Carpenter / Apollo Ghosts / Slam Dunk / Feral Children / Deadhorse / Cope / nR / The Whitsundays / Myths / Raleigh / Rattail / Spookey Ruben / Freak Heat Waves / Friendo / Greg MacPherson / MICO / Mockingbird, Wish Me Luck / Christine Owman / Egon / Swing State / The Provincial Archive / Mares of Thrace / Headaches / Honeybear / Fist City / Sarah Clark / The Grown-Ups / Hellshovel / Angelo Spencer Et Les Hauts Sommets / Trigger Effect / Whitey Kirst / Dead Hands / Miesha and the Spanks / Cartoon Violence / Puberty / Construction & Destruction / Boogie Monster / Passenger Action / Brazilian Money / Mount Analogue / The Bash Brothers / North Of America / Hard Drugs / Hunter-Gatherer / Myelin Sheaths / Go for the Eyes / Boys Who Say No / Blines / The Ramblin' Ambassadors / Savk / Amy Wood / The Throwaways / The Nymphets / Rape Revenge / The Famines / Sans AIDS / Rum Runner / SSRIs / The Sharp Ends / Madcowboys / Man Legs / Party at the Moontower / Ghost Factory / Noel Johnson / Red Cedar / Crystal Kid / The Mants / Economics / Brain Fever / Abstract Asylum / Mantrakid / Thee Manipulators / Ricca Razor Sharp / Bad Habits Die Hard / Jane Vain / Pine Tarts / Touch and Nato / Random Task Collective / Fireside Riot / Night Committee / Stalwart Sons / The Spastic Panthers / 40 Gun Flagship / DJ Jonathan Toubin / The Square Waves / Bonnaventure James / Susie Forsyth / Battle Snakes / Profound Sound / Gyre, Spire & Spindle / Fuck the Tundra / Crippled Children / Radians / Sing City Lights / Mat Wilkins / Seizure Salad / Topless Mongos / Envelopes Filled With Cash / The Poly Shores / Bikeland / St. Gilles / Minstrel Cycle / Hamas / Cinister Cee / Monroeville Music Centre / Wyzaker / Ruddy Guy / Shep & Dj Stilz / Ghosts of the Land / Foonyap and the Roar / Float Like Stones / Equazn / City of Fiction / Black Magic Pyramid / A Decade Lost / Beneath These Idle Tides / The Tension Slips / Bogus Tokus / Wild Choir / Mariya Soetaert / Sara Tkachuk
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Dinosaur Jr. / Black Lips / Girl Talk / Built to Spill / Ty Segall / Melvins / Peace / Deerhoof / The Posies / No Age / Why? / The Thermals / Fucked Up / WhoMadeWho / Hot Water Music / Braids / GZA/Genius / Mariachi El Bronx / The Bronx / Goose / Transit / Ted Leo and The Pharmacists / Storm / The Donkeys / Mini Mansions / Big Freedia / Sleepy Sun / Chuck Ragan / The Pack A.D. / Women / White Lung / Hollerado / Babe Rainbow / The Dutchess and the Duke / Monkey / Big Business / Anti-Pop Consortium / Nomeansno / Rah Rah / Turbo Fruits / Chain and the Gang / DM Stith / Woodpigeon / The Dudes / The Almighty Defenders / Panther / Austin Lucas / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Northcote / Gobble Gobble / Woodhands / Cave / Mark Sultan / Cavaliers / Tyvek / Smalltown Djs / Horizons / Cheeseburger / Shout Out Out Out Out / Bison B.C. / Cex / My Gold Mask / Bad Pop / Bart Davenport / Nice Nice / Silje Nes / Makeout Videotape / Manchild / Cousins / Nu Sensae / Signals. / Golden Triangle / Blanket / Bloodshot Bill / Southeast Engine / So Cow / Sugar & Gold / Azeda Booth / Boyfriends / The Albertans / By Divine Right / C'mon / Piper Davis / Carpenter / Apollo Ghosts / Feral Children / Slam Dunk / Deadhorse / The Whitsundays / Myths / Raleigh / Cope / Rattail / nR / Spookey Ruben / Friendo / Freak Heat Waves / Greg MacPherson / Mockingbird, Wish Me Luck / Christine Owman / Swing State / Egon / The Provincial Archive / Headaches / Mares of Thrace / Honeybear / MICO / Fist City / The Grown-Ups / Hellshovel / Sarah Clark / Angelo Spencer Et Les Hauts Sommets / Trigger Effect / Whitey Kirst / Construction & Destruction / Miesha and the Spanks / Cartoon Violence / Dead Hands / Puberty / Passenger Action / Brazilian Money / Boogie Monster / Mount Analogue / Hard Drugs / Myelin Sheaths / Hunter-Gatherer / Go for the Eyes / Boys Who Say No / The Ramblin' Ambassadors / Savk / North Of America / Amy Wood / The Nymphets / Blines / The Throwaways / Rape Revenge / The Famines / The Bash Brothers / Rum Runner / Sans AIDS / The Sharp Ends / SSRIs / Madcowboys / Man Legs / Party at the Moontower / Crystal Kid / Economics / Ghost Factory / Brain Fever / Noel Johnson / Red Cedar / The Mants / Abstract Asylum / Mantrakid / Thee Manipulators / Ricca Razor Sharp / Pine Tarts / Random Task Collective / Fireside Riot / Bad Habits Die Hard / Jane Vain / Touch and Nato / Stalwart Sons / The Spastic Panthers / Night Committee / Bonnaventure James / 40 Gun Flagship / DJ Jonathan Toubin / The Square Waves / Profound Sound / Susie Forsyth / Fuck the Tundra / Crippled Children / Battle Snakes / Seizure Salad / Gyre, Spire & Spindle / Radians / Sing City Lights / Minstrel Cycle / Mat Wilkins / Topless Mongos / Envelopes Filled With Cash / The Poly Shores / Bikeland / St. Gilles / Hamas / Cinister Cee / Ruddy Guy / Shep & Dj Stilz / Ghosts of the Land / Foonyap and the Roar / Float Like Stones / Equazn / City of Fiction / Black Magic Pyramid / A Decade Lost / Beneath These Idle Tides / The Tension Slips / Bogus Tokus / Wild Choir / Monroeville Music Centre / Mariya Soetaert / Wyzaker / Sara Tkachuk
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Dan Deacon / The Death Set / The Deathset / Adventure (US) / Video Hippos / Future Islands / Nuclear Power Pants / DJ Dog Dick / Blood Baby / height / Cex / Smart Growth / Double Dagger / Videohippos / Bloody Baby / Lizz King / Nuclear Power Plants / The Adventure
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Beach House / Future Islands / Langhorne Slim / Dan Deacon / JONES / Parts and Labor / Teengirl Fantasy / Matmos / The Death Set / Black Dice / The Mae Shi / Ninjasonik / Celebration / Ponytail / Jana Hunter / Air Waves / Arbouretum / White Williams / Negativland / Cex / Paul Kim / Oxes / Juiceboxxx / Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez / Double Dagger / dd/mm/yyyy / Grand Buffet / Ear Pwr / Creepers / Daniel Higgs / Thank You / Ecstatic Sunshine / Gregg Gillis / Matteah Baim / Food for Animals / Videohippos / Dufus / Sewn Leather / The Facts / Adventure (US) / Bird Names / Teeth Mountain / DJ Dog Dick / Lexie Mountain Boys / height / Eyeball Skeleton / Witch Hat / WZT Hearts / Killer Whales / The Tall Grass / The Smarts / Santa Dads / Human Host / Blood Baby / Lizz King / wheatie mattiasich / Butt Stomach / Leprechaun Catering / Blue Leader / Ram Ones / Benny Stoofy / Andy Abelow / Ric Royer / Eagle Ager
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