Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 17, 2017
Whitey Morgan and the 78's / Tony Martinez / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels Aggie Theatre Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
Jun 16, 2017
Whitey Morgan and the 78's / To Be Announced / Dalton Domino / Tony Martinez / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels Cowboy Saloon & Dance Hall Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
Dec 21, 2013
Railbenders / Jamestown Revival / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels Bluebird Theater Denver, Colorado, United States
Jul 19, 2013
Mudhoney / Bleached / El Toro de la Muerte / School Knights / The Belle Jar / The Seven Hats / Genetic Engines / The Gristle Gals / Ivory Circle / Dudebabes / Water Babys / Ruckus / 4H Royalty / Common Anomaly / Sweet Tooth Meat Tooth / Maudlin Ma...
Mudhoney / Bleached / El Toro de la Muerte / School Knights / The Belle Jar / The Seven Hats / Genetic Engines / The Gristle Gals / Ivory Circle / Dudebabes / Water Babys / Ruckus / 4H Royalty / Common Anomaly / Sweet Tooth Meat Tooth / Maudlin Magpie / Treehouse Sanctum / Atomga / Ryan Chrys / Deaf Kid / The Raven and the Writing Desk / Better Than Bacon / The Octaves / The Blood Lines / The Reverend Red / Sawmill Joe / Tomahawk Fox / Kristi Stice / Broken Spirits / Ned Garthe / Science Partner / The Maykit / Thee Dang Dangs / Paradise Ducks / Joshua Trinidad / Shenandoah Davis / Accordion Crimes / Weather Maps / Paa Kow's By All Means Band / Oliver Bravado / Mega Gem / Jillian Grutta / Chimney Choir / Dirty Few / Jeffrey Dallet / pink hawks / Knew / The Yawpers / Ark Life / Bop Skizzum / Idlewhile / Land Lines / Stephanie Dorman / The Photo Atlas / Musketeer Gripweed / Zebroids / Hollow Talk / Faceman / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels Show all bands
Gary Lee's Motor Club & Grub Denver, Colorado, United States
Sep 29, 2011
Whitey Morgan and the 78's / Casey James Prestwood / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels Moe's Original Bar-B-Que Denver, Colorado, United States
Jul 21, 2011 –
Jul 24, 2011
UMS - The Underground Music Showcase 2011
Birdy / Hellogoodbye / Generationals / Lake Street Dive / Timber Timbre / Bear Hands / El Ten Eleven / Sage Francis / Gardens & Villa / Kitten / The Black Heart Procession / Oh No Oh My / Gauntlet Hair / The Boys / A Great Big Pile of Leaves / Dominique Young Unique / Royal Bangs / Ha Ha Tonka / Outfit / Achille Lauro / Royal / Cannons / Sam Lee / Denison Witmer / Scattered Trees / Fort Frances / Colourmusic / B. Dolan / Old Canes / The Fling (CA) / Olin & the Moon / Danielle Ate The Sandwich / Spires / Flashlights / The Caves / LexiconDon / Fierce Bad Rabbit / A Shoreline Dream / The Epilogues / The Fox and the Bird / The Photo Atlas / The Heyday / Dynamic / Mark Mallman / In The Whale / Deerpeople / The Orbans / Bad Weather California / Patrick Lee / Finn Riggins / Dan Craig / Rob Drabkin / Eldren / Trees / When I Was 12 / The Tangle / Metermaids / Alameda / The Melismatics / Hideous Men / Moon Tides / Josh Dillard / Kissing Party / Bare Bones / Bobby C Sound Tv / Micah Schnabel / Wheelchair Sports Camp / The Galaxies / Snake Rattle Rattle Snake / Fingers of the Sun / American Tomahawk / Boulder Acoustic Society / Tin Horn Prayer / Dirty Mittens / Sauna / Coles Whalen / Jessica Sonner / Bop Skizzum / Foot / Knew / Blkhrts / Strange Americans / ManCub / Colfax Speed Queen / IZCALLI / Savannah Smith / A Tom Collins / Rubedo / Pina Chulada / Chimney Choir / Lizzie Huffman / Mr. Anonymous / The Dendrites / Porlolo / Force Publique / Jaden Carlson / Maudlin / The Raven and the Writing Desk / Vices I Admire / Fresh Breath Committee / Flashbulb Fires / King Mob / The Overcasters / Twin Guns / Pictures of Then / Git Some / School Knights / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels / Pirate Signal / The Beaten Sea / Jesse Daniel / Bonnie and the Beard / Petals of Spain / Instant Empire / Musketeer Gripweed / Hindershot / Drail / Caleb Slade / Wire Faces / Varlet / The Say So / Science Partner / Married in Berdichev / Take to the Oars / Hearts in Space / pink hawks / Shane Sweeney / Mombi / John Common & Blinding Flashes of Light / The Oak Creek Band / Monroe Monroe / andrea ball / Night Sweats / Joe Sampson / Weather Maps / Il Cattivo / The Bonnie Situation / Boyhollow / Joshua Novak / The Don'ts and Be Carefuls / M. Pyres / Port Au Prince / Accordion Crimes / The Sunshine House / Rachel James / Kevin Costner Suicide Pact / Liz Clark / Fairchildren / Jesse Manley / Fellow Citizens / Magic Cyclops / Holly Lovell / Peace Officer / The Reverend Red / Safe Boating Is No Accident / Ukulele Loki's Gadabout Orchestra / Blnx / Khaira Arby and Her Band / Lil' Thunder / A Mouthful of Thunder / Pacific Pride / 2dubaii / Zebroids / The Maykit / Mr. Pacman / The Polkanauts / Eolian / The Mile Markers / Serious Moonlight / Mane Rok / Amazing Twin / Nathan & Stephen / The Kentucky Street Parlor Pickers / Be The Ant / Young Cities / El Toro de la Muerte / Bad Luck City / Lords of Fuzz / J Shogren / dustin edge / Reviving Cecilia / 4H Royalty / 3two / PANAL S.A. DE C.V. / Glass Hits / The Legendary River Drifters / i sank molly brown / Double Shadow / Kal Cahoone & the Dirty Pretty / Sarah Slaton / Thee Goochi Boiz / 200 Million Years / Broken Spirits / e-s guthrie / End Hits / Tim Pourbaix / Cotton Keys / Jim Mcturnan and the Kids That Killed the Man / Oliver Vanity / Hot White / Radical Knitting Circle / Brothers O'hair / Kingdom Of Magic / Water Babys / Lexigram / All Liver No Onions / Lee Penn Sky / Lightlooms / Girls Walk By / Holophrase / Sun Red / False Colours / Block Scholars / Chella Negro / Land Line / Windslo / Lion Sized / The Mighty 18 Wheeler / Ideal Fathers / All Capitals / Wanderdusk / Doubters / Saturn Cowboys / Cardinal Grey / The Yes We Cans / abi robins / DRY CREEK / Hunter Dragon / Tulip Wars / Genetic Engines / Tim Bruns / Bury My Bones / Vicious Women / The Reckless Nights / Jen Korte / Sam Well Hell / Jon Boland / Mike Disco / Aenka / Bottesini Project / Carl Carrell / Blue Million Miles / Rainbowhead / Sin Desires Marie / Apparition of Michael Glader / Mike Marchant's Outerspace Party Unit / Death Rides West / The Constallations / Van Louvin / Ian Cooke Band / Sweet Tooth Meat Tooth / Marcus Church / littles paia / The Hollyfields / Alone At / Jay J Matott / Ross Etherton / Sid Pink / Corey Teruya / Rev Deadeye Show all bands
Denver, Colorado, United States
Jun 18, 2011
Westword Music Showcase 2011
Young the Giant / Chromeo / Yo La Tengo / Del the Funky Homosapien / The Sword / Murder By Death / Air Dubai / Ume / Flashlights / Fierce Bad Rabbit / The Epilogues / Horse / The Photo Atlas / Bad Weather California / Kinetix / Faceman / Hideous Men / Kissing Party / Reno Divorce / Fingers of the Sun / Snake Rattle Rattle Snake / Boulder Acoustic Society / Tin Horn Prayer / Bop Skizzum / Blkhrts / Knew / Adai / Wheelchair Sports Camp / DJ Vajra / Achille Lauro / Sauna / Peter Black / ManCub / Glowing House / The Overcasters / Dj Dragon / A Tom Collins / King Mob / Vices I Admire / Pirate Signal / Della / Fresh Breath Committee / Git Some / Whiskey Tango / Force Publique / Caleb Slade / The Vitamins / Katey Laurel / John Common & Blinding Flashes of Light / Take to the Oars / The Raven and the Writing Desk / The Widows Bane / Greg Harris Vibe Quintet / Something Underground / Lost Point / Monroe Monroe / Le Divorce / The Big Motif / Frogs Gone Fishin' / The Prime Element / Kal Cahoone / The Sunshine House / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels / Potcheen / Boyhollow / Novus Folium / Mr. Midas / John Common / SP Double / Boldtype / Whygee / Yerkish / Young Cities / Safe Boating Is No Accident / PANAL S.A. DE C.V. / Port Au Prince / Mane Rok / Innerstate Ike / pink hawks / The Gromet / Spools of Dark Thread / Ninth and Lincoln / Kingdom Of Magic / Choke the Word / The Food Chain / Eolian / Ploy for Extinction / DJ Ktone / Radical Knitting Circle / Gangcharger / King F.o.e. / Lil' Slugger / Spoke In Wordz / Diamond Boiz / Boa and The Constrictors / Aakash Mittal / Traitors to the Queen / Cysko Rokwel / Lionsized / Mike Merchant / Cacheflow / Danielle Ate The Sandwich Show all bands
Unknown venue Denver, Colorado, United States
Aug 17, 2010
Asleep At the Wheel / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels Belly Up Aspen Aspen, Colorado, United States
Contemporary Country
Traditional Country
Modern Country Rock
Roots Americana
Honky Tonk
Show more genres
2017 2 concerts
2013 2 concerts
2011 3 concerts
2010 1 concert
 Halo Eleven
 Tye Battistella
 Therese Denver
 Whitney Testa

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