Golden Moment / Solence / Brothers of Metal / Night Verses / ERRA / Dominum / Dying Wish / Bury Tomorrow / Casey / Bleed From Within / Silverstein / Alien Weaponry / HEALTH / Amaranthe / Shadow of Intent / Stake / Textures / Asinhell / Doro / Kerry King / BABYMETAL / Kvelertak / Comeback Kid / Crosses (†††) / Megadeth / Underoath / Alice Cooper / Tool / Polyphia / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Ne Obliviscaris / All Them Witches
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Tool / Alice Cooper / Megadeth / Kerry King / Baby Metal / Polyphia / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Crosses (†††) / Amaranthe / Underoath / Comeback Kid / Counterparts / Kvelertak / All Them Witches / Doro / Textures / Bury Tomorrow / Asinhell / Bleed From Within / Silverstein / Shadow of Intent / Dying Wish / Ne Obliviscaris / HANABIE. / Solence / ERRA / HEALTH / Alien Weaponry / Brothers of Metal / Dominium / Casey / Night Verses / Five Finger Death Punch / Judas Priest / Turnstile / Electric Callboy / Tobias Sammet's Avantasia / Pendulum / Bruce Dickinson / Biohazard / Fear Factory / P.O.D. / Tarja / Brian Downeys Alive & Dangerous / Graveyard / Fu Manchu / Nile / Vltimas / Thursday / Kadavar / Dying Fetus / Borknagar / Fit for a King / High On Fire / The Vintage Caravan / Brand of Sacrifice / Lansdowne / Dynazty / Deez Nuts / The Acacia Strain / SVARTSOT / Drug Church / Gel / Khemmis / Until I Wake / Bring Me The Horizon / Avenged Sevenfold / Limp Bizkit / Architects / Mr Bungle / While She Sleeps / Ice Nine Kills / Mammoth WVH / Kamelot / Steel Panther / Abbath performs Immortal / Wolfmother / Brutus / Blind Guardian / Uriah Heep / I Am Morbid / Empire State Bastard / Flotsam and Jetsam / Kampfar / Rotting Christ / Glenn Hughes / Frog Leap / Batushka / Fleddy Melculy / Pestilence / RED / Pain / Suffocation / VOLA / Pest Control / Iron Allies / DeathbyRomy / Spoil Engine / Defects / Scorpions / Machine Head / Deep Purple / Corey Taylor / Body Count / Emperor / Rival Sons / Extreme / Black Stone Cherry / Thy Art Is Murder / Igorrr / Slaughter To Prevail / Of Mice & Men / Karnivool / Dark Funeral / The Black Dahlia Murder / Ereb Altor / Atreyu / John Coffey / Ihsahn / Crownshift / Crystal Lake / Vukovi / The Last Internationale / Malevolence / Sanguisugabogg / Wargasm / Make Them Suffer / Better Lovers / Skynd / Future Palace / Zulu / Hammerfall / Dreamstate / Stake
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Abbath performs Immortal / Alice Cooper / All Them Witches / Asinhell / Avenged Sevenfold / Better Lovers / Biohazard / Black Stone Cherry / Bleed From Within / Blind Guardian / Ice-T & Body Count / Borknagar / Bring Me The Horizon / Brothers of Metal / Bruce Dickinson / Brutus / Bury Tomorrow / Comeback Kid / Corey Taylor / Counterparts / Crystal Lake / Dark Funeral / DeathbyRomy / Deep Purple / Defects / Doro / Dying Fetus / Dynazty / Electric Callboy / Emperor / Ereb Altor / ERRA / Extreme / Fit for a King / Five Finger Death Punch / Fu Manchu / Future Palace / Graveyard / High On Fire / I Am Morbid / Ice Nine Kills / Igorrr / Ihsahn / Iron Allies / Judas Priest / Kadavar / Kamelot / Kampfar / Karnivool / Lansdowne / Machine Head / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Megadeth / Monuments / Night Verses / Nile / Of Mice & Men / Pain / Pendulum (Live) / Pestilence / Polyphia / RED / Rotting Christ / Sanguisugabogg / Scorpions / Shadow of Intent / Silverstein / Skynd / Slaughter To Prevail / Solence / Steel Panther / Suffocation / Tarja / Textures / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Vintage Caravan / Thy Art Is Murder / Tool / Until I Wake / Vltimas / VOLA / Vukovi / Wargasm / While She Sleeps / Crosses (†††) / Alien Weaponry / Amaranthe / Architects / Atreyu / Avantasia / Batushka / Brian Downey's Alive And Dangerous / Crownshift / Drug Church / Dying Wish / Empire State Bastard / Fear Factory / Flotsam and Jetsam / Heart / Limp Bizkit / Mammoth WVH / Mr. Bungle / Ne Obliviscaris / P.O.D. / Pest Control / Rival Sons / The Last Internationale / Thursday / Turnstile / Underoath / Uriah Heep / Wolfmother / Casey / Deez Nuts / Dominum / Gel / Classic Deep Purple Live with Glenn Hughes / John Coffey / Kerry King / Khemmis / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Spoil Engine / Zulu / Fleddy Melculy / Hammerfall / Kvelertak / BABYMETAL / Brand of Sacrifice / Fleddy Melculy / HEALTH / SVARTSOT / Totolicious / Dream State
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Abbath performs Immortal / Alice Cooper / Alien Weaponry / All Them Witches / Amaranthe / AmÆzing Snäke / Architects / Asinhell / Atreyu / Avantasia / Avenged Sevenfold / BABYMETAL / Batushka / Belgian Quo Band - a tribute to Status Quo / Better Lovers / Biohazard / Black Stone Cherry / Bleed From Within / Blind Guardian / Body Count & Ice-T / Borknagar / Brand of Sacrifice / Brian Downey's Alive And Dangerous / Bring Me The Horizon / Brothers of Metal / Bruce Dickinson / Brutus / Bury Tomorrow / Casey / Classic Rock Experience / Comeback Kid / Corey Taylor / Counterparts / Crownshift / Crystal Lake / DJ Carl / DJ Morbid Geert / DJ Nathachelet / Dani Hart & Friends / Dark Funeral / DeathbyRomy / Deep Purple / Deez Nuts / Defects / Dirty Toy Company / Dominum / Doro / Dream State / Drug Church / Dying Fetus / Dying Wish / Dynazty / Electric Callboy / Emperor / Empire State Bastard / Ereb Altor / ERRA / Extreme / Fear Factory / Fit for a King / Five Finger Death Punch / Fleddy Melculy / Flotsam and Jetsam / Fu Manchu / Future Palace / Gel / Glenn Hughes performs Classic Deep Purple / Graveyard / Hammerfall / HEALTH / High On Fire / I Am Morbid / Ice Nine Kills / Igorrr / Ihsahn / In Your Honor - Foo Fighters Tribute Band / Iron Allies / Janie's Gun - Aerosmith Tribute Band / John Coffey / Judas Priest / Kadavar / Kamelot / Kampfar / Karnivool / Kerry King / Khemmis / Kvelertak / Limp Bizkit / Lansdowne / Machine Head / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Mammoth WVH / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Megadeth / Mr. Bungle / Ne Obliviscaris / Night Verses / Nile / Of Mice & Men / P.O.D. / Pain / Pendulum / Pest Control / Pestilence / Polyphia / RED / Rival Sons / Rock The Fox / Rotting Christ / Sanguisugabogg / Scorpions / Sextrow / Shadow of Intent / Silverstein / Skynd / Slaughter To Prevail / Solence / Spoil Engine / Stake / Steel Panther / Suffocation / SVARTSOT / Tarja / Textures / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Last Internationale / The Vintage Caravan / Thursday / Thy Art Is Murder / Tool / Totolicious - Toto Tribute Band / Turnstile / Underoath / Until I Wake / Uriah Heep / Vannstein - Rammstein Tribute Band / Vltimas / VOLA / Volbeatz: Volbeat / Vukovi / Wargasm / While She Sleeps / Wolfmother / Zulu / Crosses (†††)
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Solence / Silverstein / Stake / Kerry King / Megadeth / Tool / Dominum / Amaranthe / Doro / BABYMETAL / Alice Cooper / Brothers of Metal / Dying Wish / Shadow of Intent / Asinhell / Textures / Kvelertak / Crosses (†††) / Polyphia / ERRA / Bleed From Within / Bury Tomorrow / Counterparts / Comeback Kid / Underoath / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Night Verses / Casey / Alien Weaponry / HEALTH / Ne Obliviscaris / All Them Witches / Lansdowne / P.O.D. / Fear Factory / Avantasia / Turnstile / Five Finger Death Punch / Dynazty / Brian Downey's Alive And Dangerous / Hammerfall / Bruce Dickinson / Electric Callboy / Judas Priest / SVARTSOT / Brand of Sacrifice / Borknagar / Dying Fetus / Vltimas / Nile / Tarja / Pendulum (Live Set) / Gel / Drug Church / The Acacia Strain / Deez Nuts / Fit for a King / Thursday / Biohazard / Until I Wake / Khemmis / The Vintage Caravan / High On Fire / Kadavar / Fu Manchu / Graveyard / Fleddy Melculy / Mammoth WVH / Ice Nine Kills / While She Sleeps / Limp Bizkit / Bring Me The Horizon / Spoil Engine / Flotsam and Jetsam / Steel Panther / Mr. Bungle / Architects / Avenged Sevenfold / Pest Control / Suffocation / Pestilence / Batushka / Rotting Christ / Kampfar / I Am Morbid / Abbath performs Immortal / Iron Allies / RED / Glenn Hughes performs Classic Deep Purple / Uriah Heep / Blind Guardian / Kamelot / Defects / DeathbyRomy / VOLA / Pain / Empire State Bastard / Brutus / Wolfmother / The Last Internationale / Extreme / Rival Sons / Corey Taylor / Scorpions / John Coffey / Atreyu / Black Stone Cherry / Body Count / Deep Purple / Machine Head / Wargasm / Sanguisugabogg / Crystal Lake / Ihsahn / Erab Altor / The Black Dahlia Murder / Dark Funeral / Emperor / Zulu / Better Lovers / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Of Mice & Men / Slaughter To Prevail / Igorrr / Karnivool
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Alice Cooper / Alien Weaponry / All Them Witches / Amaranthe / AmÆzing Snäke / Architects / Asinhell / Atreyu / Avantasia / Avenged Sevenfold / BABYMETAL / Batushka / Better Lovers / Biohazard / Black Stone Cherry / Bleed From Within / Blind Guardian / Body Count / Borknagar / Brand of Sacrifice / Bring Me The Horizon / Brothers of Metal / Bruce Dickinson / Brutus / Bury Tomorrow / Casey / Comeback Kid / Corey Taylor / Counterparts / Crownshift / Crystal Lake / Dark Funeral / DeathbyRomy / Deep Purple / Deez Nuts / Defects / Dominium / Doro / Dream State / Drug Church / Dying Fetus / Dying Wish / Dynazty / Electric Callboy / Emperor / Empire State Bastard / Ereb Altor / ERRA / Extreme / Fear Factory / Fit for a King / Five Finger Death Punch / Fleddy Melculy / Flotsam and Jetsam / Fu Manchu / Future Palace / Gel / Graveyard / Hammerfall / HEALTH / High On Fire / I Am Morbid / Ice Nine Kills / Igorrr / Ihsahn / Iron Allies / John Coffey / Judas Priest / Kadavar / Kamelot / Kampfar / Karnivool / Kerry King / Khemmis / Kvelertak / Lansdowne / Limp Bizkit / Machine Head / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Mammoth WVH / Megadeth / Mr. Bungle / Ne Obliviscaris / Night Verses / Nile / Of Mice & Men / P.O.D. / Pain / Pendulum (Live) / Pest Control / Pestilence / Polyphia / RED / Rival Sons / Rock The Fox / Rotting Christ / Sanguisugabogg / Scorpions / Shadow of Intent / Silverstein / Skynd / Slaughter To Prevail / Solence / Spoil Engine / Stake / Steel Panther / Suffocation / SVARTSOT / Tarja / Textures / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Last Internationale / The Vintage Caravan / Thursday / Thy Art Is Murder / Tool / Turnstile / Underoath / Until I Wake / Uriah Heep / Vltimas / VOLA / Vukovi / Wargasm / While She Sleeps / Wolfmother / Zulu / Crosses (†††)
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Tool / Alice Cooper / Megadeth / Kerry King / Baby Metal / Polyphia / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Crosses (†††) / Amaranthe / Underoath / Comeback Kid / Counterparts / Kvelertak / Stake / All Them Witches / Doro / Textures / Bury Tomorrow / Asinhell / Bleed From Within / Silverstein / Shadow of Intent / Dying Wish / Ne Obliviscaris / Solence / ERRA / HEALTH / Alien Weaponry / Brothers of Metal / Dominium / Casey / Night Verses / Five Finger Death Punch / Judas Priest / Turnstile / Electric Callboy / Tobias Sammet's Avantasia / Pendulum / Bruce Dickinson / Biohazard / Fear Factory / Hammerfall / P.O.D. / Tarja / Brian Downey's Alive And Dangerous / Graveyard / Fu Manchu / Nile / Vltimas / Thursday / Kadavar / Dying Fetus / Borknagar / Fit for a King / High On Fire / The Vintage Caravan / Brand of Sacrifice / Landsdowne / Dynazty / Deez Nuts / The Acacia Strain / SVARTSOT / Drug Church / Gel / Khemmis / Until I Wake / Bring Me The Horizon / Avenged Sevenfold / Limp Bizkit / Architects / Mr. Bungle / While She Sleeps / Ice Nine Kills / Mammoth WVH / Kamelot / Steel Panther / Abbath / Wolfmother / Brutus / Blind Guardian / Uriah Heep / I Am Morbid / Empire State Bastard / Flotsam and Jetsam / Kampfar / Rotting Christ / Classic Deep Purple Live with Glenn Hughes / Bathuska / Fleddy Melculy / Pestilence / RED / Pain / Suffocation / VOLA / Pest Control / Iron Allies / DeathbyRomy / Spoil Engine / Defects / Scorpions / Machine Head / Deep Purple / Body Count & Ice-T / Emperor / Rival Sons / Extreme / Black Stone Cherry / Thy Art Is Murder / Igorrr / Slaughter To Prevail / Of Mice & Men / Karnivool / Dark Funeral / The Black Dahlia Murder / Ereb Altor / Atreyu / John Coffey / Ihsahn / Crownshift / Crystal Lake / Vukovi / The Last Internationale / Malevolence / Sanguisugaboog / Wargasm / Make Them Suffer / Better Lovers / Skynd / Dream State / Future Palace / Zulu
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Gutalax / Bleed From Within / Fit for a King / Alpha Wolf / James and the Cold Gun / Aviva / Of Mice & Men / Enter Shikari / The Struts / The Prodigy / The Amazons / Wargasm (UK)📸 / Against the Current / La Dispute / Bambi Thug / Underoath / DeathbyRomy / Parkway Drive / The Offspring / Black Box Revelation / Counterparts / Hot Milk / RED / Hoobastank / Royal Republic / Avril Lavigne / Shadow of Intent / Bring Me The Horizon / Alien Weaponry / Palaye Royale / SOFTPLAY / Casey / Bombay Bicycle Club / Yungblud / Pendulum (Live) / Thy Art Is Murder / Crystal Lake / Sum 41 / dogstar
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Enter Shikari / Of Mice & Men / Donots / Against the Current / La Dispute / Underoath / Bambie Thug / Parkway Drive / Chinchilla / The Offspring / Avril Lavigne / IC3PEAK / Bring Me The Horizon / Sum 41 / I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME / Casey / Vukovi / Yungblud
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Fit for a Kinga / Enter Shikari / The Prodigy / Bleed From Within / Alpha Wolf / Of Mice & Men / Gutalax / Thy Art Is Murder / The Amazons / Against the Current / The Offspring / Wargasm (UK)📸 / Parkway Drive / Crystal Lake / Bambie Thug / DeathbyRomy / Hot Milk / Royal Republic / Avril Lavigne / Bring Me The Horizon / Counterparts / RED / dogstar / Sum 41 / Shadow of Intent / Alien Weaponry / Palaye Royale / Kerry King / Bombay Bicycle Club / Yungblud / Police Symphony Orchestra / I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME / Pendulum / blackgold / Soft Play / Vukovi / Casey / GIRLBAND!
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Bring Me The Horizon / Avril Lavigne / Parkway Drive / Alpha Wolf / Crystal Lake / Dead Pony / Hot Milk / Kaizers Orchestra / La Dispute / Neck Deep / Shadow of Intent / Aneta Langerová / John Wolfhooker / The Offspring / Against the Current / HANABIE. / Enter Shikari / Sum 41 / Ice-T & Body Count / Alien Weaponry / DeathbyRomy / IC3PEAK / Bombay Bicycle Club / Fit for a King / The Amazons / I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME / The Prodigy / Yungblud / Pendulum / Anna Vaverkova / Annet X / Arrogant Twins / Aviva / Beth McCarthy / Black Box Revelation / blackgold / Bleed From Within / Bitter Season / Bitter Season / Bombardak / Brutalismus 3000 / Cimbal Hell Band / Counterparts / Crawlers / DAGNY / Deaf Heart / Delilah Bon / Dmitrievna / dogstar / Donots / Dying Wish / Fast Food Orchestra / Fulu Miziki / Glad For Today / Good Times Only / Gutalax / High Fade / Hoobastank / Chinchilla / Itaca Band / Chinchilla / Itaca Band / J.a.r. / J.a.r. / James and the Cold Gun / James and the Cold Gun / James Marriott / James Marriott / Kerry King / Noah Finnce / Kerry King / MISSIO / Noah Finnce / Lakeside x / Lazy Habits / Lakeside x / Maz Univerze / Lazy Habits / Of Mice & Men / Maz Univerze / Pam rabbit / Of Mice & Men / Pendl / Pam rabbit / Picture Parlour / RED / Pendl / Picture Parlour / REDZED / RED / The Ecsasty of Saint Theresa / The Lathums / The Struts / Royal & the Serpent / REDZED / The Truth Is Out There (CZ) / Royal Republic / Thumper / Royal & the Serpent / Thy Art Is Murder / Thomas Robin / Royal Republic / Royel Otis / Trombenik / Royel Otis / Sanguisugabogg / Underoath / Sanguisugabogg / Until I Wake / Scowl / Scowl / Vukovi / Shame / Shame / Wargasm / 311 / Skyline / Skyline / 58G / Skywalker / Skywalker / Smack One / Smack One / Sofian Medjmedj / Sofian Medjmedj / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Solence / Solence / The Atavists / The Atavists / The Darkness / The Darkness / Miles Kane / Casey / Landsdowne / Massive Wagons / Pinkshift / Radio Free Alice / Shell Beach / Soft Launch / Tillie / Bambie Thug / P.O.D. / Wild Classical Music Ensemble / Aviana / Palaye Royale / The Haunted
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