Cal Scruby's 2020 Concert History

Cal Scruby is a 35-year-old product of Cincinnati, OH and the Ohio State University. Much of his childhood was spent in the small town of Londen, OH surrounded by a close-knit group of family and friends. Cal's interest in hip-hop grew from an early age until he started making music in 2011. His music covers the aspects of his young adult lifestyle, often using wordplay that references sports and pop-culture. With each project, he focuses on personal and artistic progression.

Hip Hop
United States
Pop Rap
Underground Hip-Hop
Indie Pop Rap
Deep Underground Hip Hop
Ohio Hip Hop
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2023 22 concerts
2022 1 concert
2021 6 concerts
2020 7 concerts
2018 1 concert
2017 3 concerts
2016 5 concerts
2015 3 concerts
2014 4 concerts
2013 4 concerts
2012 2 concerts
 Brennah Soboslai
 Mitchell A. Noufer
 Jordan Rush
 Brooklyn Shahan
 Elizabeth Servick
 Allison Servick
 Tj Frasher
 Ivy Diane

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