Cains & Abels's 2011 Concert History

Cains & Abels began rehearsing in Grand Rapids, Michigan when the space shuttle Columbia exploded in 2003. Two years later, the EP, Clean Air, Cloud Science, was released on New Blood. Moving to Chicago, the band began working on its recent 2009 States Rights release, Call Me Up, engineered by NOMO member, Erik Hall.

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 08, 2011 –
Apr 09, 2011
Keweenawesomefest 2011
Nathan K. / Cains & Abels / Fiona Dickinson / Gifts Or Creatures / Math The Band / Niki Becker / Pioneer Parade / Pistolbrides / Speed's The Name / Stef Chura / Stepdad / The High Strung / The Satin Peaches / Timothy Monger / Walden Pond / Water, water everywhere Show all bands
McArdle Theatre Houghton, Michigan, United States
Grand Rapids
2013 1 concert
2012 4 concerts
2011 1 concert
2010 1 concert
2009 3 concerts
2008 1 concert
 Brett Kotecki
 Lisa Gough

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