Butcher Knives's 2015 Concert History

Brooklyn-based Butcher Knives is a multilingual whirlwind of international musical and cultural movements, anchored to a high-octane punk rock aesthetic. The band’s members collectively hail from four countries, speak five languages, and possess three U.S. passports and a handful of work visas. With roots in Morocco, Israel, Colombia, New York, and New Orleans, Butcher Knives truly embody their multi-lingual, diverse, and multi-cultural sound and message.

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 01, 2015
Skinny Lister / Butcher Knives / Otter Knitting Factory New York, New York, United States
Sep 04, 2015
Muddy Roots Music Festival (Day 1 of 3)
Southern Culture On The Skids / Legendary Shack Shakers / Sean Wheeler & Zander Schloss / Woody Pines / Hillbilly Casino / Bradford Lee Folk & The Bluegrass Playboys / East Cameron Folkcore / The Hooten Hallers / Denver Broncos UK / Matt Woods (US) / Carrie Nation and the Speakeasy / Urban Pioneers / Calamity Cubes / Barnyard Stompers / My God the Heat / Butcher Knives / Clem McGuillicutty & The Burnouts / Swamp Rats / The Tosspints / White Trash Blues Revival / Dead Eye Zack Show all bands
Junebug Ranch Cookeville, Tennessee, United States
Punk Rock
2016 1 concert
2015 2 concerts
2014 3 concerts
2012 1 concert
 Anna B

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