Bushwhacker's 2015 Concert History

Bushwhacker is a doom/progressive metal band from Vancouver, Canada. Originally from the Yukon, the band was once known as Minotaur. Their sound combines influences from many decades — from traditional death and black metal genres to 60s and 70s British prog and psychedelia, and even further to jazz and darker 1800s-era classical. The result is a complex and thoughtful arrangement that both challenges and pleases the ear — defying classification.

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 17, 2015
Nothing Is Heavy
"Nothing Is Heavy" / Sacrifice / Anciients / Black Wizard / Skull Vultures / Neck of the Woods / Aggression / Bushwhacker
The Rickshaw Theatre Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Thrash Metal
Doom Metal
Progressive Metal
Stoner Metal
Sludge Metal
Groove Metal
Vancouver Metal
Show more genres
2017 1 concert
2015 1 concert
 Serena Embree

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