Bugs Henderson's 1979 Concert Photos

Bugs Henderson was born in Palm Springs, California in 1943 and grew up in Tyler, Texas. Bugs had a burning desire to pick up the 6 string at an early age. At the age of 6 he discovered his first love. Beginning in the early 1960's he began working in a record store in Tyler. As a teen he would sneak out of the house against his fathers wishes just to catch live gigs in the local joints. Beginning his own band, the Sensors, at age 16 he soon joined his friend, Ronnie Weiss, in a band called Mouse and the Traps.

Bugs Henderson on Jun 28, 1979 [624-small]

Bugs Henderson
Jun 28, 1979
 Lubbock, Texas, United States
  Uploaded by Rsparkman

1979 1 photo

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