Brooklyn Pool's 2012 Concert History

Brooklyn Pool started in 2007 under the name "As Far As Foxes Go" in Tacoma Washington. They have been under the radar in the Tacoma indie scene for two years now, and they are now getting the attention that they deserve. Recently coming out with a new CD "Dandelion" to follow up their 08' Demo. There music has matured and grown into a style that is unique. Brooklyn Pool has even been said to be "the band to watch" by Tacoma's City Arts magazine. They hope to soon get a more established group of friends and get signed to a label.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 24, 2012
Brooklyn Pool / No Ghost / Rhythm / Method

Brooklyn Pool @ Nectar Lounge

Nectar Lounge Seattle, Washington, United States
2016 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2010 1 concert

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