Britt Black at the young age of 20 years old already has more songwriting, recording and touring experience than most musicians twice her age. Britt began her career at 10 years of age co-writing a track Violence on a major label release Bif Naked's I Bificus.
Gym Class Heroes / Escape the Fate / All Left Out / Saves The Day / Hit the Lights / From Autumn to Ashes / Bullet for My Valentine / Silverstein / Phathom / I Am the Avalanche / The Sleeping / Against All Authority / June / The Johnstones / The Casualties / Every Time I Die / T.A.T / Alexisonfire / Germs / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Rise Against / All The Rage / The Graduate / Boysetsfire / Single File / Dr. Madd Vibe / The Sunstreak / Amory / The New Sincerity / Emery / Talib Kweli / Protest the Hero / From First to Last / The Vincent Black Shadow / The Chop Tops / So They Say / Hellogoodbye / The Early November / Armor for Sleep / The Bouncing Souls / Love Equals Death / Chiodos / Karate High School / Bleeding Orange / Underoath / mewithoutYou / Ludo / A Change of Pace / The Pink Spiders / Over It / MuteMath / Still Remains / Die Hunns / Britt Black / The Salads / Sydney / Motion City Soundtrack / NOFX / Gatsby's American Dream / Psychotic 4 / High School Football Heroes / Blacklist Royals / Pistolita / Aiden / Moneen / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Zebrahead / Thursday / Helmet / AFI / Plain White T's / Amber Pacific / Eighteen Visions / The Academy Is... / The Junior Varsity / The Living End / Valient Thorr / He Is Legend / Anti-Flag / Pathway To Providence / The Flatliners / Greeley Estates / The Bled / Billy Talent / Cartel / Someday Never / Florence / Less Than Jake / Jay Tea / Paramore / Against Me! / Thirty Seconds to Mars / All Time Low / Halifax / Valencia
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"Vans Warped Tour" / NOFX / Rise Against / Anti-Flag / Thursday / Helmet / I Am Ghost / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / The Academy Is... / Damone / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Silverstein / The Sounds / Senses Fail / near miss / Britt Black / Aiden / Gatsby's American Dream / Lorene Drive / Cartel / He Is Legend / Emanuel / Saves The Day / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Hellogoodbye / The Fully Down / Motion City Soundtrack / Alexisonfire / Billy Talent / mewithoutYou / Eighteen Visions / Against Me! / Bullet for My Valentine / Escape the Fate / The Bled / Stretch Arm Strong / The Bouncing Souls / Adair / I Am the Avalanche / Spitalfield / Down to Earth Approach / Armor for Sleep / Greeley Estates / Every Time I Die / Lydia / From First to Last / Protest the Hero / Less Than Jake / Gym Class Heroes / Halifax / sotheysay / Patent Pending / Evaline / The Loved Ones / YouInSeries
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Thirty Seconds to Mars / Motionless In White / MuteMath / Zebrahead / The Casualties / Armor for Sleep / The Bouncing Souls / Escape the Fate / Someday Never / Amber Pacific / Britt Black / Over It / All The Rage / Psychotic 4 / Florence / Phathom / The Sleeping / Single File / Halifax / Moneen / The Bled / Dr. Madd Vibe / Rise Against / Chiodos / Hellogoodbye / Gatsby's American Dream / Karate High School / Emery / A Change of Pace / The Graduate / Amory / Bleeding Orange / Plain White T's / Sydney / The Living End / Pathway To Providence / All Left Out / Helmet / The New Sincerity / mewithoutYou / Cartel / Damone / So They Say / Blacklist Royals / Tip the Van / Against All Authority / The Flatliners / The Sunstreak / The Junior Varsity / T.A.T / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / The Vincent Black Shadow / Greeley Estates / Manic Sewing Circle / The Johnstones / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Every Time I Die / Bullet for My Valentine / Less Than Jake / Boysetsfire / Die Hunns / Hit the Lights / The Pink Spiders / The Chop Tops / Talib Kweli / Smashup / Motion City Soundtrack / Thursday / Against Me! / The Early November / Anti-Flag / Gym Class Heroes / Protest the Hero / Alexisonfire / Underoath / He Is Legend / High School Football Heroes / The Salads / The Academy Is... / June / The Sounds / Shiragirl / Billy Talent / Still Remains / From First to Last / The Killing Moon / I Am the Avalanche / Ludo / Paramore / Germs / Jay Tea / Pistolita / Love Equals Death / Aiden / Eighteen Visions / From Autumn to Ashes / Valient Thorr / NOFX / Silverstein / Bad Religion / Ice Nine Kills
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Paramore / Rise Against / Plain White T's / Gym Class Heroes / Bullet for My Valentine / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Talib Kweli / AFI / Escape the Fate / Hellogoodbye / NOFX / Billy Talent / Motion City Soundtrack / MuteMath / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Silverstein / Underoath / Less Than Jake / Cartel / Motionless In White / The Academy Is... / Against Me! / Chiodos / Alexisonfire / The Sounds / Anti-Flag / Every Time I Die / The Bouncing Souls / Thursday / Helmet / Saves The Day / Hit the Lights / From First to Last / Emery / The Living End / The Early November / Protest the Hero / Armor for Sleep / mewithoutYou / Zebrahead / Amber Pacific / Aiden / From Autumn to Ashes / Ludo / The Casualties / The Flatliners / A Change of Pace / He Is Legend / Boysetsfire / Eighteen Visions / Halifax / The Sleeping / The Bled / Greeley Estates / Damone / I Am the Avalanche / The Pink Spiders / Gatsby's American Dream / Moneen / So They Say / June / Against All Authority / Over It / Valient Thorr / Still Remains / Single File / The Graduate / Blacklist Royals / T.A.T / The Salads / The Chop Tops / The Junior Varsity / The Vincent Black Shadow / The Sunstreak / Karate High School / Die Hunns / Love Equals Death / The Johnstones / Florence / Shiragirl / Germs / Pistolita / Sydney / Smashup / Tip the Van / Pathway to Providence / High School Football Heroes / All Left Out / Dr. Madd Vibe / Someday Never / Britt Black / Manic Sewing Circle / Phathom / All The Rage / Amory / Jay Tea / Psychotic 4 / The New Sincerity / Bleeding Orange
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Florence / The Sleeping / Senses Fail / The Bouncing Souls / Jay Tea / Saves The Day / Pistolita / The Living End / Pathway To Providence / The Sounds / The Casualties / Smashup / Germs / He Is Legend / So They Say / Chiodos / Someday Never / Over It / From First to Last / Phathom / Cartel / Aiden / The Graduate / Amber Pacific / Manic Sewing Circle / The Chop Tops / Emery / Karate High School / Boysetsfire / Anti-Flag / Damone / Plain White T's / Love Equals Death / Protest the Hero / AFI / The Junior Varsity / Bleeding Orange / Amory / Still Remains / June / A Change of Pace / Alexisonfire / Single File / The Johnstones / Greeley Estates / mewithoutYou / Armor for Sleep / Paramore / Sydney / Eighteen Visions / The Vincent Black Shadow / Blacklist Royals / Escape the Fate / Gym Class Heroes / Bullet for My Valentine / The Pink Spiders / From Autumn to Ashes / Britt Black / Motionless In White / Billy Talent / Hellogoodbye / The Flatliners / Moneen / Rise Against / The Academy Is... / Ludo / Shiragirl / Psychotic 4 / The Sunstreak / Against All Authority / Tip the Van / The Bled / Zebrahead / MuteMath / I Am the Avalanche / All The Rage / High School Football Heroes / T.A.T / Die Hunns / Gatsby's American Dream / Thursday / Against Me! / Hit the Lights / Halifax / The Early November / Dr. Madd Vibe / Valient Thorr / Helmet / Motion City Soundtrack / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Silverstein / All Left Out / Less Than Jake / Every Time I Die / Talib Kweli / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / The Salads / The New Sincerity / NOFX / Thirty Seconds to Mars / Therefore I Am
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"Vans Warped Tour" / NOFX / Rise Against / Anti-Flag / Thursday / The Bouncing Souls / Throwdown / Emery / Remembering Never / The Academy Is... / Helmet / Chiodos / MuteMath / Cartel / Every Time I Die / The Fully Down / Adair / Alexisonfire / Senses Fail / Armor for Sleep / From First to Last / Aiden / Over It / My American Heart / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Against Me! / Emanuel / Evaline / The Smashup / It Dies Today / Nural / The Living End / I Am Ghost / Silverstein / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Britt Black / Greeley Estates / Gym Class Heroes / Down to Earth Approach / Less Than Jake / Kidnap Kings / Saves The Day / Left Alone / Amber Pacific / Protest the Hero / Saosin / Eighteen Visions / Underoath / The Bled / Hellogoodbye / Zebrahead / Escape the Fate / Plain White T's / Motion City Soundtrack
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Paramore / Rise Against / Plain White T's / Gym Class Heroes / Escape the Fate / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / NOFX / Hellogoodbye / Silverstein / Motion City Soundtrack / Underoath / Less Than Jake / Senses Fail / Against Me! / Saosin / Cartel / The Academy Is... / Chiodos / Anti-Flag / Every Time I Die / The Bouncing Souls / Helmet / Thursday / Saves The Day / From First to Last / The Living End / Hit the Lights / Emery / Protest the Hero / Armor for Sleep / Aiden / Amber Pacific / From Autumn to Ashes / The Casualties / A Change of Pace / Throwdown / Emanuel / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / My American Heart / Eighteen Visions / Reggie and the Full Effect / Evaline / The Bled / Greeley Estates / Patent Pending / The Pink Spiders / Kennedy / I Am Ghost / Moneen / Spitalfield / Lorene Drive / Valient Thorr / Over It / The Summer Obsession / Rocket / T.A.T / Dropping Daylight / Remembering Never / The Chop Tops / Adair / The Vincent Black Shadow / The Sunstreak / Die Hunns / Down to Earth Approach / Love Equals Death / Shiragirl / We Are The Fury / Fully Down / Smashup / Bangkok Five / The Stiletto Formal / Eight Fingers Down / The Blackout Pact / Round Three Fight / Black Furies / Voltera / Secret Lives of the Free Masons / Britt Black / Punk Bunny / Kandi Coded / split fifty / Mental Hygiene / The Modern Day Saint / Candy From Strangers / Stigma 13 / Flash Bathory
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"Vans Warped Tour" / Remembering Never / Against Me! / Anti-Flag / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / The Bouncing Souls / Helmet / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / The Living End / The Germs / Emery / Adair / Street Drum Corps / Paramore / Every Time I Die / Silverstein / Armor for Sleep / Aiden / The Fully Down / Cartel / Britt Black / Down to Earth Approach / Rise Against / Amber Pacific / Protest the Hero / The Outline / Throwdown / My American Heart / The Randies / Over It / Zebrahead / The Academy Is... / The Smashup / Emanuel / I Am Ghost / Escape the Fate / Plain White T's / Chiodos / NOFX / Nural / Underoath / It Dies Today / Senses Fail / The Panic Division / Greeley Estates / Lydia / Kidnap Kings / From First to Last / Less Than Jake / Saosin / Saves The Day / Thursday / Gym Class Heroes / Eighteen Visions / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / The Bled / Hellogoodbye / Left Alone / Motion City Soundtrack / Evaline / A Static Lullaby
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"Vans Warped Tour" / Down to Earth Approach / Rise Against / Saves The Day / Armor for Sleep / The Randies / Over It / Evaline / Thursday / Eighteen Visions / Emanuel / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Motion City Soundtrack / Zebrahead / The Living End / It Dies Today / Anti-Flag / Underoath / The Bled / I Am Ghost / The Smashup / The Panic Division / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Helmet / Chiodos / Greeley Estates / NOFX / Adair / Kidnap Kings / Silverstein / Paramore / Senses Fail / The Germs / Cartel / Britt Black / Saosin / Aiden / Amber Pacific / Protest the Hero / Remembering Never / Throwdown / Hellogoodbye / Plain White T's / Nural / The Academy Is... / Emery / Escape the Fate / Against Me! / The Bouncing Souls / Lydia / From First to Last / Gym Class Heroes / Less Than Jake / The Fully Down / Every Time I Die / Street Drum Corps / Left Alone / The Outline / My American Heart
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"Vans Warped Tour" / Helmet / Danny Diablo / It Dies Today / Emery / Nural / The Bouncing Souls / Chiodos / Lydia / Paramore / Gym Class Heroes / Less Than Jake / Every Time I Die / Britt Black / Saves The Day / Protest the Hero / The Academy Is... / Anti-Flag / Eighteen Visions / Remembering Never / Hellogoodbye / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Adair / Against Me! / The Bled / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Greeley Estates / Zebrahead / The Living End / NOFX / Senses Fail / Down to Earth Approach / From First to Last / Armor for Sleep / Cartel / Rise Against / Aiden / Saosin / Throwdown / The Randies / Thursday / Emanuel / Motion City Soundtrack / Evaline / The Germs
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"Vans Warped Tour" / The Bouncing Souls / Helmet / The Randies / Motion City Soundtrack / Emanuel / The Academy Is... / Amber Pacific / Against Me! / Evaline / NOFX / Danny Diablo / Emery / Senses Fail / Cartel / Thursday / The Living End / The Smashup / Saves The Day / Greeley Estates / Throwdown / Britt Black / Aiden / Eighteen Visions / Remembering Never / Every Time I Die / Armor for Sleep / It Dies Today / Nural / Chiodos / Underoath / Lydia / Paramore / Adair / Protest the Hero / I Am Ghost / From First to Last / Hellogoodbye / Less Than Jake / Gym Class Heroes / Saosin / Silverstein / Down to Earth Approach / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Anti-Flag / Rise Against / The Bled / Plain White T's / Over It / Escape the Fate / Vaux / AFI / Kidnap Kings / The Fully Down
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"Vans Warped Tour" / Anti-Flag / Underoath / Remembering Never / It Dies Today / Evaline / Against Me! / Emery / Nural / Catch 22 / Senses Fail / Saves The Day / Thursday / Kidnap Kings / Lydia / Britt Black / Greeley Estates / Saosin / Amber Pacific / Protest the Hero / Rise Against / Eighteen Visions / Emanuel / The Randies / The Academy Is... / Plain White T's / Helmet / I Am Ghost / The Bouncing Souls / Every Time I Die / NOFX / Chiodos / Paramore / Silverstein / Cartel / Adair / Down to Earth Approach / Armor for Sleep / Vaux / The Fully Down / AFI / From First to Last / Over It / Gym Class Heroes / Less Than Jake / Aiden / Escape the Fate / The Bled / Hellogoodbye / Motion City Soundtrack / The Smashup / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Riverboat Gamblers
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"Vans Warped Tour" / Remembering Never / Emery / Senses Fail / Every Time I Die / Paramore / It Dies Today / Greeley Estates / Aiden / Nural / Thursday / Britt Black / Kidnap Kings / From First to Last / Rise Against / The Fully Down / Amber Pacific / Evaline / Hellogoodbye / Against Me! / Escape the Fate / Underoath / NOFX / Adair / Silverstein / Spitalfield / Armor for Sleep / Catch 22 / AFI / Cartel / Saves The Day / Down to Earth Approach / Gym Class Heroes / Less Than Jake / Protest the Hero / Eighteen Visions / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Motion City Soundtrack / Over It / Vaux / Anti-Flag / The Bled / Chiodos / The Academy Is... / The Bouncing Souls / The Smashup / Lydia / Emanuel / Plain White T's / I Am Ghost / Helmet / The Panic Division / Saosin / The Randies
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"Vans Warped Tour" / Spitalfield / Adair / Cartel / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Saves The Day / NOFX / Catch 22 / Greeley Estates / The Fully Down / Senses Fail / Down to Earth Approach / Lorene Drive / Aiden / Motion City Soundtrack / Evaline / Protest the Hero / Underoath / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Helmet / Patent Pending / Emanuel / I Am Ghost / Emery / Nural / Paramore / Every Time I Die / Britt Black / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / As Cities Burn / Gym Class Heroes / Armor for Sleep / Kidnap Kings / Less Than Jake / Thursday / From First to Last / Rise Against / Buzzcocks / Vaux / Over It / Amber Pacific / Anti-Flag / The Academy Is... / The Bled / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Hellogoodbye / The Smashup / Against Me! / Plain White T's / The Bouncing Souls / Escape the Fate / Silverstein
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"Vans Warped Tour" / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / Helmet / NOFX / Adair / Silverstein / Senses Fail / Every Time I Die / Down to Earth Approach / Less Than Jake / Britt Black / Greeley Estates / Rise Against / Gym Class Heroes / Aiden / The Fully Down / Lorene Drive / Thursday / Protest the Hero / Emanuel / Patent Pending / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Evaline / Nural / Emery / I Am Ghost / Paramore / AFI / Underoath / Spitalfield / From First to Last / Catch 22 / Cartel / As Cities Burn / Armor for Sleep / Amber Pacific / Saves The Day / Over It / Buzzcocks / Vaux / Hellogoodbye / The Bled / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / The Academy Is... / Motion City Soundtrack / The Smashup / Anti-Flag / Against Me! / Escape the Fate / The Bouncing Souls / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Plain White T's / Kidnap Kings
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Helmet / Patent Pending / Escape the Fate / I Am Ghost / Adair / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Against Me! / The Smashup / NOFX / Greeley Estates / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Armor for Sleep / Protest the Hero / Less Than Jake / Gym Class Heroes / From First to Last / Every Time I Die / Saves The Day / Evaline / Over It / Lorene Drive / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Emanuel / The Academy Is... / The Bouncing Souls / Nural / Underoath / The Bled / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / Emery / Aiden / Paramore / Down to Earth Approach / Spitalfield / Senses Fail / Britt Black / Cartel / Thursday / Hellogoodbye / Rise Against / Catch 22 / Buzzcocks / Motion City Soundtrack / Anti-Flag / Amber Pacific / Remembering Never / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Rediscover / Plain White T's
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"Vans Warped Tour" / Nural / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Adair / Armor for Sleep / NOFX / Every Time I Die / As Cities Burn / Senses Fail / Spitalfield / Less Than Jake / Rise Against / Britt Black / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Hellogoodbye / Buzzcocks / The Fully Down / Anti-Flag / Lorene Drive / Patent Pending / The Academy Is... / Emery / Plain White T's / Emanuel / Against Me! / Escape the Fate / I Am Ghost / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Underoath / The Bled / The Smashup / The Letters Organize / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / Greeley Estates / Silverstein / Aiden / Down to Earth Approach / Paramore / Protest the Hero / Gym Class Heroes / From First to Last / Saves The Day / Cartel / Thursday / Catch 22 / Amber Pacific / Motion City Soundtrack / Over It / Evaline / Helmet / Vaux / The Bouncing Souls
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"Vans Warped Tour" / As Cities Burn / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / I Am Ghost / Silverstein / Danny Diablo / Adair / Cartel / Armor for Sleep / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / Saves The Day / Aiden / The Vincent Black Shadow (CAN) / Gym Class Heroes / The Fully Down / Every Time I Die / Vaux / Motion City Soundtrack / The Smashup / Evaline / Plain White T's / The Bouncing Souls / Helmet / Underoath / The Academy Is... / Paramore / NOFX / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Spitalfield / Senses Fail / Britt Black / Thursday / Greeley Estates / Buzzcocks / Down to Earth Approach / From First to Last / Protest the Hero / Less Than Jake / The Spill Canvas / Rise Against / The Bled / Hellogoodbye / Over It / Amber Pacific / Against Me! / Escape the Fate / Anti-Flag / Emanuel / Emery
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