Brian Sentient Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 05, 2024 –
Apr 09, 2024
Texas Eclipse Music and Arts Festival
Tipper / 1200 Mics By Riktam / Abstrakt / Ahee / Ajja / All:Lo Collective / Amplify / Animalien / Anna Morgan / ASHEZ / ATA / Atash / Atmos / Atyya / Avalon / Avalon & Mad Maxx Present: Horizon / Axel Thesleff / Bad Snacks / Balkan Bump / BARAKUDA / Barclay Crenshaw / Bei Ng / Big Gigantic / Bigredmachine / Bob Moses / Bogl / Boogie T / Boogie / Brian Sentient / Britta Arnold / Bwoy De Bhajan / Captain Hook / Chmura / Christian Martin / Christopher Lawrence / CloZee / Cosmic Trigger / Coupe Dvlle / Daijiro / Daksinamurti / Dana Nada / Danni G / David Starfire / Deep Dark And Dangerous (Truth, Abstrakt Sonance, & Khiva) / Desert Dwellers / desert hearts / Digital Hippie / DIMOND SAINTS / Dirt Monkey / Dirtwire / Dj Digoa / DJ Three / Dov1 / Dragonfly / Drrtywulvz / DUFFREY / Dylalien / Eitan Meter / El Papachango / Elephant Heart / Equanimous / Evan Hatfield / Fanna-Fi-Allah / Floret Loret / Freedom Fighters / Full Spektrum / Galen / Giz / Gms / Golden Dawn Arkestra / Govinda / GU / Halsteady / Hamdi / Hatta / High Step Society / iterate / Ivy Lab / Jaguartivist Ephicto / JoaqoPelli / Joe Russo's Almost Dead / jordnmoody / Josh Teed / Jossie Telch / JuJu / K.L.O. / K+Lab / Kabayun / Kasey Taylor / Kelsifer / Kenergy / Kerala Dust / Khiva / Khromata / Kleiman / Konstantin / KR3TURE / Kromagon / Lee Burridge / Lemonella / Leo Burnside / Level up / Liquid Bloom / Lis / Logie / Loopus In Fabula / Lotte ahoi / LP Giobbi / LSDREAM / Maayan Nidam / Mad Tribe / Magik / MaguPi / Mah Ze Tar / Majitope / Manynames / Mark Farina (Mushroom Jazz Set) / Martha van Straaten / Matt Canes / Maya Jane Coles / Megan Hamilton / Mira / Modus / Monty / Mood Swing and Chevy Bass / Moontricks / Mose / Nathalis / Of The Trees / Oona Dahl Patricio / OPIUO / Oteil Burbridge and Friends / Out Of Orbit / Paradigm / parkbreezy / Parus / Paul Oakenfold / Penta / Perfect Stranger / Pheel. / Pilocka Krach / Plxmtrees / potions. / Rafe Pearlman + Daniel Berkman / RED GIANT PROJECT / Regan / Riri / Rob Fractaltribe / Saka / Savej / Schrott / Seth Troxler / Shawna Tiga / Shove / Sicaria / skeler / Skysia / Snow Raven / Somatoast / Sonance / Soohan / Souleye / Spoonbill / STS9 / Subtronics / Sunsquabi / Sylph / TF Marz / The Disco Biscuits / The Floozies / The Librarian / The String Cheese Incident / Thought Process / Tonyinorbit / Tooker & Wazoo / Treavor Moontribe / Tripp St. / Truth / Tsuyoshi Suzuki / Tv Broken Ft Katie Skene / Tycho / Vincent Antone / Vintage Culture / Vulfpeck / Zeds Dead / Zen Selekta / Zingara Show all bands
Reveille Peak Ranch Burnet, Texas, United States
Aug 17, 2017
Oregon Eclipse 2017
BASSNECTAR / The String Cheese Incident / STS9 / Beats Antique / CocoRosie / CVBZ / Dachambo / Desert Dwellers / DIMOND SAINTS / Dirtwire / Emancipator / G Jones / Gaudi / MarchFourth / Minnesota / Moon Hooch / OPIUO / Papadosio / Phutureprimitive / Random Rab / Rigzin / Ry X / Shpongle / The Glitch Mob / The Polish Ambassador / Thriftworks / TroyBoi / William Close & the Earth Harp Collective / Zilla / 1200 Mics / Ace Ventura / Airsine / Ajja / Aluxes Goldilox / Ascension / Atmos / ANTIX / Avalon / Avery Runner / Barakuda & Spyros / Bodhi / Brian Sentient / Captain Hook / CPU / D-NOX / Daijiro / Dark Whisper / Darshan / Deafchild / Gorilladust / Derango / Dickster / Earthling / Emok / Epsylon / Fractal Cowboys / Fractillians / Grouch In Dub / Hallucinogen / Hatta / Hypogeo / Jahbo / James Monro / Jossie Telch / Kabayun / Kalz / Kasadelica / Kashyyyk / Khromata / Killerwatts / Kindzadza / Kode Iv / Koxbox / Kri Samadhi / Loopus In Fabula / Loud / Marcus Henriksson / Masa / Megalopsy / Merkaba / Mubali / Nanoplex / Ocelot / Oso / Paradigm / Parasense / Penta / Perfect Ace / Perfect Stranger / Regan / Ryanosaurus / Shadowfx / Shotu / Shove / Simiantics / Skyfall / Smoke Sign / Southwild / Spliffnik / Swarup / System 7 / Ticon / Tongue & Groove / Treavor Moontribe / Tripswitch / Tristan / Tron / Yuta / X-Dream / Zen Mechanics / Zentura / Goa Gil / Ariane / Alter Echo / E3 / Andreilien / an-ten-nae / Barisone / Bleep Bloop / Bogl / Bumble / Chrome Wolves / CloZee / Danny Corn / Deep Medi / Dela Moontribe / Dov1 / Dysphemic / El Papachango / Eprom / Gladkill / Griff / Hugo & Treats / Huxley Anne / jPod / K+Lab / Machinedrum / Mandai / Tank Gyal / Mat the Alien / Mihkal / Mr. Bill / Om Unit / Prsn / Self Evident / Sweet Anomaly / The Gaslamp Killer / The Librarian / Tigerfresh / Tsurda / Zeke Beats / &Me / Acid Pauli / Amir Javasoul / Ana Sia / ANRI / Ardalan / Audley / Be Svendsen / Bhaskar / Britta Arnold / Cat's Pajamas / Christian Martin / Damian Lazarus / Dave Dinger / David Dorad / desert hearts / Dirty Doering / DJ Tennis / Doc Martin / Eitan Reiter / Evan Marc / Feathered Sun / Gabe / Galen / Garth & Jeno / Goldcap / J.Phlip / Jake The Rapper / Justin Martin / KMLN / Kojiro / Lassmalaura / Lee Foss / Madmotormiquel / Majitope / Marques Wyatt / Matthias Meyer / Max Cooper / Maxi Storrs / Michael Manahan / Mimi Love / Mira / Nico Stojan / Oliver Koletzki / Öona Dahl / Patrice Bäumel / Pedro / Pezzner / Ree.k / Sabota / Sebastian Mullaert / Secret Cinema / Shef / Solar / Terrakroma / Thugfucker / Tony Inorbit / Uone & Western / Wild Life / Worthy / Yuli Fershtat / Akasha / Aligning Minds / Amani / Atayya / Austero / Beatfarmer / Benzhino / Brds Of Paradise / Bluetech / Bushman / Bwoy De Bhajan / Chamerlain / CharlesTheFirst / Evin Kroes / Digital Rust / dj Dakini / Dragonfly / Drrtyqulvz / Drumspyder / Dzadzakin / Electrocado / Elisa Rose / Frameworks / Friend / Goopsteppa / Govinda / Hedflux / Hideyo Blackmoon / hinkstep / Janover / Kalya Scintilla / Kaminanda / Kaya Project / Kilowats / Landswitcher / Liberation Movement / Liquid Love Drops / Living Light / Loopus / Lubdub / Luke Mandala / Mirror System / MystNaasko / Nanda / Nge Duo / Nominus / Numantik / PartyWave / Phaeleh / Platrae / Ponder / Quanta / Santos Y Zurodo / Saqi / Shaman's Dream / Sixis / Soulular / Spoken Bird / Staunch / Sun:Monx / Tempi / The Human Experience / Tor / Tribone / Whitebear / Yage / 2Melo / Antibalas / Ayla / Nereo / Brian Hartman / Brooklyn Gypsies / Carlo / Climbing Poetree / The Dogon Lights / Dustin Thomas / Electrique Thumbprint / Fanna-Fi-Allah / Filastine / Footprints / Heart Of Sound / House of Hamsa / House Of Tarot / Huun-Huur-Tu / Jai Uttal / Jef Stott / Jeremy Sole / Jaoqopelli / Joro-boro / Kirtaniyas / La Misa Negra / Masaladosa / Mike Love / Mista Savona / Nickodemus / Nicola Cruz / Prisma / Quantic / Roots Transmission / Sara Tone / Tubby Love / Amber Lily / Rouge / Shea Freedom / Sidecar Tommy / SORNE / Stella Mara / Takimba / Talisman Caravan / Trevor Hall / Vesica Pisces / Yaima / Youssoupha Sidibe / Zeb The Spy From Cairo / Ziv / Carinae / Cello Joe / Chervona / Elephant Revival / Eoto / Five Alarm Funk / High Step Society / Jazz Mafia / Jet Black Pearl / Karl Denson's Tiny Universe / Lynx / Lyrics Born / Mortisville / Planet Booty / Polyrhythmics / Rebirth Brass Band / Sepiatonic / Shovelman / Solovox / Steve Kimock / The Heavy Pets / The Saloon Ensemble / The Space Cowboy / Zoe L'amore / The Ukeladies / Vokab Kompany / Vourteque / Zion I Show all bands
Big Summit Prairie Prineville, OR
Sep 20, 2007 –
Sep 24, 2007
Symbiosis Gathering 2007
BASSNECTAR / Flying Lotus / The Glitch Mob / Lotus / Shpongle / Liquid Stranger / Telefon Tel Aviv / Ott / Mala / Phutureprimitive / Eoto / Bluetech / Random Rab / Dj Drez / Kelpe / Vibesquad / Random / Phono / Eat Static / Entheogenic / Abstract Rude / Deru / Ticon / KJ Sawka / Lazer Sword / Spoonbill / Elf / D-NOX / D-Nox & Beckers / Welder / Rinkadink / Zilla / BLVD / Djunya / Dubconscious / Solead / Shawna / Evan Marc / Audiopharmacy / Chris De Luca / Danny Corn / Liberation Movement / Triptych / Waterjuice / Kode Iv / Audio Angel / Dimitri Nakov / Mystic Beats / Dj Ricardo / ABSYNTH / Nick Taylor / Audiovoid / Rocker T / Chlorophil / Michael Kang / Shamanic Cheerleaders / CHRIS DE LUCA vs PHON.O / anahata sound / Pnuma / Hallucinogen In Dub / Tetraktys / Reality Engine / Resident Anti-Hero / Funginears / Shakatura / Cosmic Selector / GATTO MATTO / Panjea / James Christopher / Anasia / Naasko / Pedro Gomide / Majitope / Brian Sentient / Mala Dmz / Chris Berry Trio / Dj Ripple / The Zoopy Show / Sporque / Saturnia Corybant / Wazulu the Ill Dravidian / Trance Zen Dance / Sasha Butterfy / Patch Bay / Hip Hop Shabbat / Sean Candy / Motion (FR) / Symbiotic Orchestra / Liquid Fire Mantra / Big Tadoo Puppet Crew / Telepathik / Sons of Aurora / E.L.F. Gabriel / Manny (LA) / Kyma Stream / Slot Machine (US) / The Colonel Mc / BLVD & MC Souleye Show all bands
Avery Ranch Angels Camp, California, United States
2024 1 concert
2017 1 concert
2007 1 concert
 Mindless Electro
 Paul Baratti

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