Breva Concert History

an incredibly unique group of individuals gathered from sacto, california. you will never hear anything like them.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 23, 2011 –
Sep 24, 2011
Folsom LIVE 2011
Pat Benatar / Los Lobos / Ronnie Milsap / Tigerlily / Diego's Umbrella / Stones Throw / Lucy Angel / Tainted Love / Zoo Station / Lydia Pense & Cold Blood / Atomic Punks / Breva / Whiskey Dawn / Stung / The Drinkers / Nathan Dale / Rip Tide / The Eleven Band / Abbey Sky / Low Tide Riot / Miles Schon Band Show all bands
Sacramento, California, United States
Aug 05, 2011
Dredg / Fair To Midland / The Trophy Fire / Breva
Ace of Spades Sacramento, California, United States
Jul 16, 2011
F1rst Class Citizen / Silent Treatment / Nam Classic / EgoStall / Breva The Boardwalk Orangevale, California, United States
May 07, 2011
Dredg / The Dear Hunter / Balance and Composure / The Trophy Fire / Breva Ace of Spades Sacramento, California, United States
Mar 13, 2011
Fair To Midland / Breva / Journal / Periphery / Scale The Summit
Ace of Spades Sacramento, California, United States
Feb 22, 2011
Sick of Sarah / Breva / Dead Sara The Roxy Theatre West Hollywood, California, United States
Jan 27, 2011
Breva / LP Sessions Press Club Sacramento, California, United States
Nov 17, 2010
Green Audio / Breva / The Left Hand / Verbatim Powerhouse Pub Folsom, California, United States
Oct 17, 2009
Green Audio / Properdose / Breva / Color the Sound Fire Escape Citrus Heights, California, United States
Dec 22, 2008
Breva / A.D.D. / Smash the Glass Powerhouse Pub Folsom, California, United States
Sep 18, 2008
The stalking distance / Breva / A Single Second
Old Ironsides Sacramento, California, United States
Jul 16, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Four Year Stong / The Maine / Longway / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Breva / Cyanide City / We Shot The Moon / Oreskaband / Jack's Mannequin / Cobra Starship / Against Me! / You, Me, & Everyone We Know / Horrorpops / Gym Class Heroes / The Color Fred / The Aggrolites / Every Time I Die / Jet Lag Gemini / From First to Last / August Burns Red / Farewell / Anberlin / Novella / The Lordz / The Pink Spiders / 1997 / Say Goodbye / Family Force 5 / A Day to Remember / Piotta / Set Your Goals / T.A.T / Norma Jean / Beat Union / Braille / Entice / Relient K / Architects / Paramore / Pierce the Veil / NINE LIFE FIRE / Evergreen Terrace / Shwayze / The Pinkertones / Stick To Your Guns / We The Kings / Midnight to Twelve / Say Anything / Angels and Airwaves / The Briggs / Mayday Parade / Valencia / Alesana / As I Lay Dying / MC Chris / 3OH!3 / Forever the Sickest Kids / Reel Big Fish / Murs / Broadway Calls / Street Dogs / Story of the Year / The Academy Is... / Protest the Hero / Katy Perry / Greeley Estates / Charlotte Sometimes / Between The Trees / Dr. Madd Vibe / The Bronx / 12 Summers Old / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster Show all bands
Merriweather Post Pavilion Columbia, Maryland, United States
Jul 06, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Paramore / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Cobra Starship / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / Pierce the Veil / Relient K / Angels and Airwaves / Anberlin / Jack's Mannequin / The Devil Wears Prada / August Burns Red / Shwayze / Say Anything / Reel Big Fish / Forever the Sickest Kids / Story of the Year / Against Me! / The Academy Is... / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / Family Force 5 / Murs / Every Time I Die / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Nothing More / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Audition / The Bronx / The Secret Handshake / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Valencia / The Aggrolites / Horrorpops / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / The Briggs / Allison / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / T.A.T / Piotta / Oreskaband / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Beat Union / The Fabulous Rudies / Breva / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Dr. Madd Vibe / Entice / The Pinkertones / Supe / The Western Civilization / NOVISTA / The Word Association / VORTEXAS / The Arma Mirage / Emery Drive / Oreska Show all bands
Houston, Texas, United States
Jul 05, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Paramore / Gym Class Heroes / A Day To Remember / 3OH!3 / Pierce the Veil / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / The Devil Wears Prada / August Burns Red / Anberlin / Jack's Mannequin / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Against Me! / Forever the Sickest Kids / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Alesana / Nothing More / Every Time I Die / Murs / Family Force 5 / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / The Audition / The Secret Handshake / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Valencia / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Allison / Evergreen Terrace / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / Charlotte Sometimes / The Pinker Tones / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Flash / Piotta / The Color Fred / T.A.T / Chaser / Oreskaband / Good Guys In Black / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Longway / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Allura / Breva / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Entice / Dr. Madd Vibe / The Pinkertones / Gina Cutillo / The Black Doves / Paige Wood / Furthest From The Star / Lone Star Drive By / Dante Lasalle / Kevin Goes 2 College / The Word Association / Massive Monkees / Your Greatest Mistake / Lotus Tribe / Culture Shock Camp / Steve Steadham / Last Great Assault Show all bands
Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Selma, TX, US
Show Duplicate for Jul 05, 2008
Jul 02, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Paramore / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Cobra Starship / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / Pierce the Veil / Relient K / The Maine / Angels and Airwaves / Anberlin / Jack's Mannequin / August Burns Red / Reel Big Fish / Shwayze / Say Anything / Forever the Sickest Kids / Story of the Year / Against Me! / The Academy Is... / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / Architects / Murs / Every Time I Die / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Valencia / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Briggs / The Pink Spiders / Seasons After / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / We Shot The Moon / T.A.T / Piotta / 1997 / Oreskaband / Reach / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Longway / Pomeroy / Breva / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Milkdrop / Dr. Madd Vibe / Entice / The Pinkertones / Barbaric Merits / Snake Eater / Audio Spaghetti Show all bands
Overland Park, Kansas, United States
Jul 01, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Reel Big Fish / Against Me! / Say Anything / Street Dogs / As I Lay Dying / Norma Jean / From First to Last / Alesana / Jack's Mannequin / Cobra Starship / Anberlin / 3OH!3 / Set Your Goals / Architects / Family Force 5 / Relient K / Longway / August Burns Red / Protest the Hero / The Color Fred / Evergreen Terrace / Every Time I Die / Broadway Calls / Gym Class Heroes / Valencia / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Aggrolites / Braille / The Bronx / The Academy Is... / Shwayze / Angels and Airwaves / Greeley Estates / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Farewell / Between The Trees / Murs / T.A.T / Jet Lag Gemini / We Shot The Moon / The Briggs / The Pink Spiders / 1997 / Charlotte Sometimes / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Paramore / Horrorpops / The Lordz / Beat Union / Oreskaband / Dr. Madd Vibe / 12 Summers Old / Piotta / Entice / The Pinkertones / Story of the Year / MC Chris / You, Me, & Everyone We Know / Novella / Midnight to Twelve / Breva / Say Goodbye / Cyanide City / NINE LIFE FIRE / Stick To Your Guns / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / The Maine Show all bands
Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Maryland Heights, Missouri, United States
Show Duplicate for Jul 01, 2008
Jun 29, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Reel Big Fish / Against Me! / Say Anything / Street Dogs / Pennywise / As I Lay Dying / Norma Jean / From First to Last / Alesana / The Audition / Cobra Starship / Anberlin / 3OH!3 / Set Your Goals / The All-American Rejects / Family Force 5 / The Devil Wears Prada / Relient K / August Burns Red / Protest the Hero / The Color Fred / Evergreen Terrace / Every Time I Die / Broadway Calls / Gym Class Heroes / The Higher / Valencia / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Aggrolites / Braille / The Bronx / The Academy Is... / Jeffree Star / Shwayze / Tickle Me Pink / Angels and Airwaves / Animo / Greeley Estates / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Farewell / Between The Trees / Murs / T.A.T / The Briggs / Shiragirl / 1997 / Charlotte Sometimes / Love Equals Death / Horrorpops / The Lordz / Beat Union / The Fabulous Rudies / Oreska / Oreskaband / The Epilogues / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Piotta / Now On / Phathom / Entice / The Pinkertones / Defy Everything / Story of the Year / MC Chris / Breva / Phantom / Lost Point / 3am / Vices I Admire / The Big Spank / Ancient Mith / Thanks to You / Lasting Effect / Stick To Your Guns / Treaty Of Paris / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / The Maine Show all bands
Invesco Field Denver, Colorado, United States
Show Duplicate for Jun 29, 2008
Jun 28, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Angels and Airwaves / Between The Trees / Oreskaband / Stick To Your Guns / Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / Cobra Starship / Relient K / The Maine / Anberlin / August Burns Red / Shwayze / Say Anything / Reel Big Fish / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Academy Is... / Story of the Year / Pennywise / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / Family Force 5 / Every Time I Die / Murs / Chelsea Grin / Set Your Goals / From First to Last / Jeffree Star / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / MC Chris / Valencia / Street Dogs / The Aggrolites / Horrorpops / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Briggs / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Tickle Me Pink / The Color Fred / T.A.T / 1997 / Piotta / The Lordz / Longway / Love Equals Death / Treaty Of Paris / Shiragirl / Beat Union / Larusso / The Action Design / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Now On / Victim Effect / Breva / Phathom / Entice / The Pinkertones / Melodramus / Lost Point / Poética / Paige Wood / HonorTheFallen / Aurora Falls / Self Expression Music / Riots of Eighty / Defy Everything / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / A Day to Remember / Pierce the Veil Show all bands
Unknown venue Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
May 16, 2008
Bright Light Fever / Self Against City / Middle Class Rut / Breva César Chávez Plaza Sacramento, California, United States
Apr 19, 2008
Breva / Red Host / Eightfourseven / Prieta / Midnight Academy The Underground Roseville, California, United States

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Frank Hannon / Aroarah / Breva / Judhead
Dec 30, 2006
 Orangevale, California, United States
  Embedded by Mike Ee

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Breva / Them Hills / Eightfourseven on Mar 28, 2008 [501-small]

Breva / Them Hills / Eightfourseven
Mar 28, 2008
 Citrus Heights, California, United States
  Uploaded by Sacramento Shows

The stalking distance / Breva / A Single Second on Sep 18, 2008 [331-small]

The stalking distance / Breva / A Single Second
Sep 18, 2008
 Sacramento, California, United States
  Uploaded by Sacramento Shows

Alternative Rock
Folk Rock
Soft Rock
Alternative Metal
Mellow Gold
Nu Metal
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2011 7 concerts
2010 1 concert
2009 1 concert
2008 13 concerts
2007 7 concerts
2006 7 concerts
2005 2 concerts
2004 1 concert
 Josh Walker
 Denver Concert Dude
 Sacramento Shows
 Cori Louise22
 Katrina Mc Grady
 Mindless Electro
 Ls Jackman
 Jodah G
 Steve M
 Ron Mc Intyre
 Aye Aye Music
 Ang Foreman
 Chandler Guardado Rivera

As Seen On: