Branden Daniel and the Chics Concert History

Keep Em Flying: Rotten fruit, beer bottles, spit, a half-eaten slice of pizza, panties and bras, a crowd surfers stray shoe. You never know what might be coming your way.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 16, 2016
Branden Daniel and the Chics / Whitney Monge / West / Trees and Timber

Branden Daniel and the Chics @ The Crocodile - Old Location

The Crocodile - Old Location Seattle, Washington, United States
Apr 05, 2012
Dirty Ghosts‏ / Panama Gold / Branden Daniel and the Chics

Dirty Ghosts‏ @ The Crocodile - Old Location

The Crocodile - Old Location Seattle, Washington, United States
2016 1 concert
2012 1 concert

As Seen On: