Boytoy's 2014 Concert History

BOYTOY from NYC float somewhere between 60s surf jams and 90s grunge rock. Glenn Van Dyke and Saara Untracht-Oakner founded the band in 2013 with two guitars and drums, soon realizing bass wasn't necessary. They craft catchy, fuzzy, rock nuggets that create dreamy summer vibes all year round and have been regularly apperaing in the quality small venues around New York City and LA.

Indie Rock
United States
Power Pop
Modern Power Pop
Chinese Hip Hop
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2018 13 concerts
2017 14 concerts
2016 9 concerts
2015 23 concerts
2014 12 concerts
2013 7 concerts
 Music Collective
 Daisy Head
 Dave Schwentker
 Deirdre Koala

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