Boyhollow's 2017 Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 30, 2017
The UMS - Underground Music Showcase
"The UMS - Underground Music Showcase" / The Life and Times / Benjamin Booker / The Coteries / Infernal Racket / La Pompe Jazz / Decatur / Bison Bone / Porlolo / Ancient Elk / Bad Licks / Boyhollow / The Bright Silence / CITRA / Colfax Speed Queen / Behold The Brave / Sir / Chimney Choir / Ned Garthe Explosion / Wire Faces / Birch Street Show all bands
Various Venues Denver, Colorado, United States
Jul 27, 2017
The UMS - Underground Music Showcase
"The UMS - Underground Music Showcase" / The Coteries / Infernal Racket / La Pompe Jazz / Decatur / Bad Licks / Ancient Elk / Aldous Harding / Porlolo / Bison Bone / Anthony Ruptak / Boyhollow / Behold The Brave / CITRA / The Bright Silence / Colfax Speed Queen / Matt Rouch / Sir / Chimney Choir / Birch Street / Wire Faces / Ned Garthe Explosion / Christopher The Conquered / Holly Lovell / The Hollow Show all bands
Various Venues Denver, Colorado, United States
Apr 08, 2017
MC Lars / Random aka Mega Ran / Boyhollow Summit Denver, Colorado, United States
Jan 13, 2017
BadBadNotGood / Rubedo / Boyhollow Gothic Theatre Englewood, Colorado, United States
Indie Rock
Pov: Indie
Bedroom Pop
Dark Post-Punk
Grave Wave
Norwegian Indie
Deep Contemporary Country
Western Mass Indie
Bergen Indie
Show more genres
2023 1 concert
2019 1 concert
2017 4 concerts
2016 1 concert
2013 3 concerts
2012 4 concerts
2011 9 concerts
2010 2 concerts
2009 1 concert
2008 1 concert
 Denver Concert Dude
 Halo Eleven
 Buz Zann
 Mello Tron
 Tye Battistella
 Therese Denver
 Whitney Testa

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