Boxbomb Concert History

BOXBOMB began in the spring of 2003, finding all of its members under the age of 21. During this post-hardcore era many of their contemporaries explored the “emo” style, or the various forms of indie rock. Boxbomb, however, chose another route: early 90’s grunge/alt rock, using the inspiration and successes of those before them. Their self-released “Golden EP” (2005) paid homage to such bands as Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead (circa The Bends), and other late 20th century greats.

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Indie Rock
Hard Rock
Triangle Indie
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2008 5 concerts
2007 10 concerts
2006 3 concerts
2005 6 concerts
2004 1 concert
 Kalani Naihe
 Brandon Ainsworth

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