Boskops Concert History

Boskops were a German Hardcore Punk Band founded in the early 80s in Hannover. They were the successors of Blitzkrieg (most prominent song "Frisch aus England"). Boskops started in 1983 with a very rough debut LP. Three more releases and some contributions to compilations followed until they disbanded in 1990.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 18, 2013 –
May 19, 2013
Ruhrpott Rodeo Festival 2013
Bad Brains / Black Flag / Argy Bargy / Die Kassierer / Bonsai Kitten / Boskops / Cockney Rejects / Das Pack / Dritte Wahl / Eisenpimmel / El Fisch / Kein Hass Da / Knochenfabrik / Kotzreiz / Mad Caddies / Mad Sin / Monsters Of Liedermaching / Nothington / Ska-P / Sondaschule / Sonic Boom Six / Strung Out / The Adicts / The Baboon Show / The Generators / The Queers / The Skatoons / Tim Vantol / UK Subs / Zaunpfahl / Zwackelmann Show all bands
Schwarze Heide Hünxe, Germany
Hardcore Punk
German Punk
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