Born In The Flood Concert History

Born in the Flood was created in a little town of 2,700 people named Hermann Missouri. Nathaniel Rateliff: Vocals/Guitar } Joseph Pope III: Bass and Sounds} Matt Fox: Lead Guitar and Noise} mike hall: Drums and Toys}

Date Concert Venue Location
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Roots Rock
Oth Indie
Denver Indie
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2013 2 concerts
2012 1 concert
2009 1 concert
2008 6 concerts
2007 7 concerts
2006 2 concerts
2005 5 concerts
2002 1 concert
 Lucas J.
 Denver Concert Dude
 Tand A
 Scott Hughes
 Reid Schumacher
 Patrick Dunn
 Chuck Creme
 Denise Bernal
 Matt Wilkson

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