Boris The Sprinkler's 1999 Concert History

Boris the Sprinkler is a punk band that formed in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 1992, known for their zaniness and abnormality. Their aesthetic seemed to borrow from Devo and they display a xerox sci-fi bizarro style reminiscent of Buckaroo Bonzai. They also are fringly associated with the queercore movement of the nineties. Their lead singer, Reverend Norb, who wrote a zine called Sick Teen, and also a former writer for Maximumrocknroll and current writer for Razorcake...

Punk Rock
Pop Punk
Ska Punk
New French Touch
Power-Pop Punk
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1999 3 concerts
1997 2 concerts
1996 1 concert
 Suburban Argyle
 C M Dugan
 Kyla B
 Dave Schwentker
 Brian Ellison
 James Bandy
 Dan Bustos
 Jim Thomson
 Nick Fanelli

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