Bonnacons of Doom's 2019 Concert History

Whilst the line-up of Bonnacons Of Doom has been known to morph with each undertaking, the prime movers in the principally Liverpool-based collective endeavour have included members of Mugstar, Forest Swords, Jarvis Cocker’s band and Youthmovies, donning robes and masks to sculpt altered states and subsume themselves to the ritual. “Initially it was that we were interested in how British ritualistic costume took things from everyday life and make them otherworldly and slightly grotesque” notes Rob.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 30, 2019
Manchester Psych Fest 2019
Courtney Barnett / Temples / Crocodiles / The Holydrug Couple / Babe Rainbow / Goat Girl / The Orielles / The Lovely Eggs / Sam Evian / Tess Parks / Our Girl / Snapped Ankles / The Cult of Dom Keller / Solis / Richard Fearless / Dead Vibrations / MaidaVale / Penelope Isles / Echo Ladies / Working Men's Club / Bonnacons of Doom / Yama Warashi / Indian Queens / Cosmic Strip / The Bad Vibrations / URF / The Bleaches / Donna Leake / Pigspigspigspigspigspigspigs / URF (UK) / JANE WEAVER (DJ SET) / Astral Elevator DJs / Loose Articles / Belle Sonder / Panda Palm DJs / The Beat Chics DJs Show all bands
Manchester Psych Fest 2019 Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Experimental Rock
Noise Rock

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 Josh King
 No Code
 Darren Higham
 James Fowler
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 Phil Dennis
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