In cities and suburbs around the world, the next generation of young musicians are emerging. Inspired by the underground music of the last 30 years, they are unencumbered by the restrictions of style and attitude that traditionally divided genres. Cities that once tried to emulate New York or London are coming to the forefront, newly confident in their local blends. The youth are coming into their own, cheering the home team, celebrating wherever they can stay out late and telling their stories with cracked software and cheap guitars.
Feist / Flosstradamus / The Antlers / BadBadNotGood / How to Dress Well / The Hold Steady / Timber Timbre / Andrew W.K. / Russian Circles / Shabazz Palaces / Hayes Carll / Thurston Moore / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / Tim Hecker / Daedelus / Boris / Teen Daze / And So I Watch You from Afar / Hannibal Buress / The Zolas / CFCF / Trust / Young Empires / Night Beats / Jolie Holland / Archers Of Loaf / The Strange Boys / Hot Snakes / Doldrums / Larry and His Flask / Willis Earl Beal / Death by Stereo / Lou Barlow / The Sadies / Travis Bretzer / Humans / Reigning Sound / Craig Finn / Hooded Fang / Nomeansno / Prince Rama / The Spits / Todd Barry / We Are The City / Natasha Leggero / Parlovr / Ladyhawk / Duchess Says / Yamantaka // Sonic Titan / Terry Malts / Rococode / Chelsea Light Moving / The Blind Shake / Devon Sproule / Gothic Tropic / Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet / The Ruffled Feathers / Emma-Lee / Urinals / grave babies / Tim Heidecker / Dirty Ghosts / Dog Day / Neil Hamburger / Indian Handcrafts / Monomyth / No Sinner / Collapse / Bonjay / Joe Pernice / The Evaporators / Doug Hoyer / Twin River / Snailhouse / White Poppy / Jon McKiel / Jessica Jalbert / Shotgun Jimmie / Mountaineer / K-Holes / Black Wizard / Renny Wilson / Sorry (US) / Les Jupes / Freak Heat Waves / Cannon Bros. / The British Columbians / Fiver / Monokino / Cherie Lily / Nate Young / Samantha Savage Smith / Basketball / Ketamines / Double Fuzz / B.A. Johnston / Quaker Parents / Chron Goblin / Reuben Bullock / Black Mastiff / Slates / Organ Thieves / Waster / Brazilian Money / Windom Earle / Aleister X / The Schomberg Fair / Magas / Victories / The Parish of Little Clifton / Jeans Boots / The Bitterweed Draw / The You Are Minez / Madcowboys / Castle River / Goose Hut / Bad Brilliance / Cripple Creek Fairies / Outlaws of Ravenhurst / Night Committee / The Cable-knits / The Gooeys / DJ Jonathan Toubin / Bel Riose / Gavin Mcinnes / Jon Gant / Micro Organs / Dirty Sill / Forest Tate
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The Pains of Being Pure at Heart / Osees / Dan Mangan / Chad VanGaalen / Braids / Born Gold / Chixdiggit! / Amelia Curran / Charlotte Cornfield / Bruce Peninsula / QUIVERS / Cousins / Dog Day / Ben Caplan & the Casual Smokers / Bonjay / Acres Of Lions / dd/mm/yyyy / Ambition / Adam & The Amethysts / Deadhorse / Envision / Carmen Townsend / Carleton Stone / A Sight For Sewn Eyes / Quaker Parents / Banded Stilts / Chris Page / Animal Faces / Cold Warps / The Burdens / Dance Movie / Duzheknew / Daniel Ledwell / English Words / Bugs in the Dark / Die Brucke / Amanita Bloom / Bloodhouse / Bend the River / Audrey and the Agents / Isbn / Dream Friends / Bike Rodeo / Cailean Lewis / Cat Bag
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AWOLNATION / Cold War Kids / Mother Mother / City and Colour / De La Soul / Broken Social Scene / Ra Ra Riot / The Knocks / Gomez / TOKiMONSTA / Nosaj Thing / blackalicious / Felix Cartal / The Cave Singers / Machinedrum / J Mascis / Sage Francis / Suuns / Lyrics Born / Braids / AraabMuzik / P.O.S / Eskmo / The Coup / Kim Churchill / The Besnard Lakes / The Pack A.D. / Hollerado / Ko / Giant Sand / Jim-e Stack / Pepper Rabbit / Eliot Lipp / Hawksley Workman / Wildlife / Painted Palms / Trouble Andrew / The Funk Hunters / Royal Wood / LA Riots / Karkwa / Matthew Barber / U.S.S / Jokers of the Scene / The Belle Game / Redbird / We Are The City / Michael Rault / Young Rival / Young Liars / Daniel Wesley / Old Man Luedecke / Xi / Outsider / Rococode / Archers / Mike Edel / No Sinner / Vince Vaccaro / Lance Herbstrong / Bonjay / Acres Of Lions / Freedom or Death / St Christopher / The Coppertone / The Provincial Archive / Eames / Monolithium / Wool on Wolves / Beekeeper / Prison Garde / Mindil Beach Markets / Man Made Lake / Olenka / Lindsay Bryan / Lola Parks / The Tower of Dudes / Righteous Rainbows of Togetherness / The Scale Breakers / Sunhawk / Randy Ponzio / NikTex / The Dirty Mags / The Circadian Kingdom / Kuba Oms and the Velvet Revolution / Cityof9s / Full Function / DJ Anger / DJ Speedyshoes / Spilly Gs / Shuyler Jansen & Foam / Sheroams / Adam Barter / Big Reds
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AWOLNATION / Cold War Kids / City and Colour / Broken Social Scene / De La Soul / Ra Ra Riot / The Knocks / Gomez / TOKiMONSTA / Nosaj Thing / blackalicious / Mother Mother / Felix Cartal / The Cave Singers / Machinedrum / J Mascis / Sage Francis / Braids / Suuns / AraabMuzik / Lyrics Born / Eskmo / P.O.S / The Coup / The Besnard Lakes / The Pack A.D. / Kim Churchill / Hollerado / Giant Sand / Pepper Rabbit / Eliot Lipp / Hawksley Workman / Painted Palms / Wildlife / Ko / Trouble Andrew / LA Riots / Royal Wood / Jim-e Stack / Jokers of the Scene / U.S.S / The Belle Game / Matthew Barber / Karkwa / The Funk Hunters / We Are The City / Redbird / Young Rival / Young Liars / Daniel Wesley / Michael Rault / Rococode / Old Man Luedecke / Outsider / Xi / Mike Edel / Vince Vaccaro / No Sinner / Freedom or Death / Acres Of Lions / Lance Herbstrong / Bonjay / The Archers / St Christopher / The Coppertone / The Provincial Archive / Monolithium / Wool on Wolves / Eames / Beekeeper / Prison Garde / Mindil Beach Markets / Man Made Lake / Lindsay Bryan / Olenka / The Tower of Dudes / Lola Parks / The Scale Breakers / Sunhawk / Righteous Rainbows of Togetherness / Randy Ponzio / NikTex / The Dirty Mags / The Circadian Kingdom / Shuyler Jansen & Foam / Kuba Oms and the Velvet Revolution / Cityof9s / Full Function / DJ Anger / Adam Barter / DJ Speedyshoes / Spilly Gs / Sheroams / Big Reds
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Grimes / Charles Bradley / Owen Pallett / Little Scream / Julie Doiron / Hooded Fang / Rich Aucoin / Sandro Perri / Ladyhawk / The Burning Hell / Jim Bryson / Bonjay / Apollo Ghosts / Mantler / Andre Ethier / Greg MacPherson / Ghostkeeper / Grey Kingdom / Fond of Tigers / Allie Hughes / Homo Duplex / The Woodshed Orchestra / Long Weekends / Hash Jesus / No More Shapes / Lucas Hicks
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Ed Sheeran / Foster The People / Bastille / Grouplove / Young the Giant / Sufjan Stevens / The Naked and Famous / Ben Howard / Daughter / Little Dragon / SBTRKT / The Vaccines / DJ Shadow / Warpaint / Cults / Friendly Fires / Katy B / Twin Shadow / The Antlers / The Joy Formidable / Frank Turner / K.Flay / Max Richter / Lucy Rose / Villagers / Holy Ghost / Okkervil River / White Denim / Yuck / The Jezabels / Wolf Gang / Guillemots / Dustin O'Halloran / Cloud Control / Anna Calvi / Kyla La Grange / Dry the River / Ghostpoet / Alela Diane / Matthew and the Atlas / The Secret Sisters / Said the Whale / Gang Gang Dance / Art Brut / Star Slinger / Braids / Suuns / Actress / EMA / The Soft Moon / Mona / Hey Rosetta! / Hauschka / Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows / Tribes / Dark Dark Dark / Young Empires / Anoraak / Seekae / Breton / Kitten / Dutch Uncles / Dent May / DZ Deathrays / Big Deal / Lanterns on the Lake / Factory Floor / John Cooper Clarke / Deep Sea Arcade / The Phoenix Foundation / I Am Oak / The Wave Pictures / TEETH / Bleeding Knees Club / Team Me / Luke Abbott / PVT / Fear of Men / Frankie & The Heartstrings / Marcus Foster / Dels / Holidays / Josh T. Pearson / Rachel Sermanni / The Sound of Arrows / Moddi / Smoke Fairies / Alice Gold / 2:54 / Trophy Wife / Brasstronaut / Fight Like Apes / Winter Gloves / The History of Apple Pie / DM Stith / AnR / Fredrika Stahl / Treefight For Sunlight / Evergreen Official / Viva Brother / P.S. I Love You / Heathers / Fiction / Hobbie Stuart / The Heartbreaks / Echo Lake / LCMDF / Seams / Mondkopf / Cocknbullkid / Gallops / In-Flight Safety / Woodhands / Paris Suit Yourself / Team Ghost / Worship / Die! Die! Die! / Two Wounded Birds / Idiot Glee / Spark / Let's Buy Happiness / Rebeka / Nedry / David J. Roch / Lewis Floyd Henry / General / Visions of Trees / worriedaboutsatan / Dad Rocks! / My First Tooth / Bonjay / Black Lungs / The Victorian English Gentlemens Club / Gable / Becoming Real / Tripwires / Bonfires / Freeze the Atlantic / The Mountains & the Trees / Dan Parsons / Melodica, Melody and Me / Paper Crows / Oh So Quiet / We Are The Physics / Delta Maid / Lucy Swann / Us Baby Bear Bones / Modern Superstitions / Marina Gasolina / Malpas / Jumping Ships / Look, Stranger! / I Dream In Colour / Babe, Terror / NLF3 / Marques / Hot Horizons / Nicholas Stevenson / CAP PAS CAP / Skinny Machines / Cat Matador / Young Empire / Folie Ordinaire / Deadwax / Anoorak / Louis Abbott / Megan Goodwin
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Ed Sheeran / Foster The People / Bastille / Sufjan Stevens / Grouplove / Young the Giant / Ben Howard / The Naked and Famous / Daughter / Little Dragon / The Vaccines / SBTRKT / Cults / DJ Shadow / Warpaint / Friendly Fires / K.Flay / Max Richter / Katy B / Twin Shadow / Frank Turner / The Antlers / The Joy Formidable / Villagers / Lucy Rose / Holy Ghost / Okkervil River / White Denim / Yuck / Dustin O'Halloran / The Jezabels / Wolf Gang / Anna Calvi / Cloud Control / Ghostpoet / Kyla La Grange / Guillemots / Dry the River / Alela Diane / Matthew and the Atlas / The Secret Sisters / Said the Whale / Suuns / Actress / Gang Gang Dance / Art Brut / The Soft Moon / Star Slinger / Braids / EMA / Mona / Hey Rosetta! / Hauschka / Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows / Seekae / Dark Dark Dark / Tribes / DZ Deathrays / Anoraak / Dent May / Kitten / Young Empires / John Cooper Clarke / Breton / Dutch Uncles / Lanterns on the Lake / Big Deal / I Am Oak / The Wave Pictures / The Phoenix Foundation / Deep Sea Arcade / Factory Floor / TEETH / Bleeding Knees Club / Luke Abbott / Team Me / Fear of Men / PVT / Moddi / Marcus Foster / Dels / Frankie & The Heartstrings / Rachel Sermanni / Holidays / Josh T. Pearson / Smoke Fairies / The Sound of Arrows / Alice Gold / Brasstronaut / 2:54 / Trophy Wife / Fight Like Apes / Fredrika Stahl / The History of Apple Pie / Winter Gloves / DM Stith / AnR / Treefight For Sunlight / Hobbie Stuart / Viva Brother / P.S. I Love You / Evergreen Official / Heathers / Fiction / Seams / Mondkopf / Echo Lake / The Heartbreaks / LCMDF / Anita Blay / Gallops / In-Flight Safety / Woodhands / Worship / Paris Suit Yourself / Team Ghost / Spark / Die! Die! Die! / Two Wounded Birds / Lewis Floyd Henry / Rebeka / Idiot Glee / Let's Buy Happiness / David J. Roch / Nedry / worriedaboutsatan / General / Visions of Trees / Dad Rocks! / Bonjay / My First Tooth / Black Lungs / Bonfires / Freeze the Atlantic / Gable / The Victorian English Gentlemens Club / Becoming Real / Tripwires / Dan Parsons / Oh So Quiet / Lucy Swann / The Mountains & the Trees / Melodica, Melody and Me / Paper Crows / Delta Maid / Us Baby Bear Bones / Marques / We Are The Physics / Modern Superstitions / Marina Gasolina / Malpas / Jumping Ships / Look, Stranger! / I Dream In Colour / Babe, Terror / NLF3 / Nicholas Stevenson / Hot Horizons / CAP PAS CAP / Skinny Machines / Deadwax / Cat Matador / Folie Ordinaire / Young Empire / Louis Abbott / Anoorak / Megan Goodwin
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The New Humans / Bonjay / Dusty Brown / Tha Fruitbat / Two Playa Game / Seventh Swami / Paper Pistols / Chachi Jones / Hearts & Horses / Mike Diamond / Sex & Weight / My Cousin Vinny
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