Bon Scott Concert History

Bon Scott was a Scottish-born Australian rock musician, best known for being the lead singer and lyricist of Australian hard rock band AC/DC from 1974 until his death in 1980.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 04, 2016 –
Aug 06, 2016
Wacken Open Air 2016
1349 / 9mm / Alcest / Arch Enemy / asrock / Aura Noir / Auðn / Axel Rudi Pell / Barb Wire Dolls / Bembers / Beyond the Black / Blaas of Glory / Blechblosn / Bliksem / Blind Guardian / Blue Öyster Cult / Bodhaktan / Bon Scott / Borknagar / Budderside / Buffalo Summer / Bullet for My Valentine / Bury Tomorrow / Caliban / Callejon / Calm Hatchery / Clutch / Carrion / Cripper / Crows Crown / Dagoba / Deez Nuts / Der Weg einer Freiheit / DevilDriver / Die Krupps / Dio Disciples / DragonForce / Doom Birds / Dritte Wahl / Drone / Dystopia / Eat the Turnbuckle / Einherjer / Ektomorf / Elemental / Eluveitie / Elvenking / Entombed A.D. / Equilibrium / Eric Fish & Friends / Eskimo Callboy / Fateful Finality / Feuerschwanz / Foreigner / Forgotten North / Freiwächter / Girlschool / Gloryhammer / Hämatom / Hansen & Friends / Henry Rollins / Honky / Horror Dance Squad / Hteththemeth / Ihsahn / Immolation / Insidious Disease / Iron Maiden / Jesus Chrüsler Supercar / John Coffey / Kampfar / King Dude / Knasterbart / Krayenzeit / Legacy of Brutality / Legion of the Damned / Lepergod / Lieveil / Loudness / Lynchpin / Mambo Kurt / Marduk / Metal Church / Michael Monroe / Miles to Perdition / Mindtaker / Ministry / Monstagon / Monuments / Mr. Hurley und die Pulveraffen / Myrkur / Nasty / Negative Approach / Orden Ogan / Orphaned Land / Overthrust / Pain Is / Pampatut / Panzerballett / Parkway Drive / Phil Campbell's All Starr Band / Preternatural / Profaner / Pyogenesis / Pyraweed / Red Fang / Red Hot Chili Pipers / Reliquiae / Ritual Day / Saxon / Sébastien / Sector / Serious Black / Serum 114 / Sinphobia / Skyline / Snowy Shaw / Steel Panther / Steak Number Eight / Sub Dub Micromachine / Sunless Dawn / Svartmalm / Symphony X / Syndemic / Tarja / Testament / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Dead Daisies / The Goddamn Gallows / The Haunted / The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats / The Other / The Raven Age / The Vintage Caravan / Therapy / Therion / Tidal Dreams / Torfrock / Triptykon / Tsjuder / Tulkas / tuXedoo / Twisted Sister / Unisonic / Vader / Versengold / Victims of Madness / Vimoksha / Vogelfrey / W:O:A Firefighters / Watch Out Stampede / While She Sleeps / Whitesnake / Wirrwahr / Year of the Goat / Zhora / Zombies Ate My Girlfriend Show all bands
Wacken Open Air Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Show Duplicates for Aug 04, 2016
May 09, 2013
Saxon / Alphaville / Bon Scott / Cashbar Club / D-A-D / D.B.S. / Die toten Ärzte / DISCO..OSLO / FiddelalterMolk
Hafen Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Jul 30, 2009 –
Aug 01, 2009
Wacken Open Air
Bullet for My Valentine / Volbeat / Machine Head / Epica / In Flames / Amon Amarth / Bring Me The Horizon / Korpiklaani / Motörhead / Lacuna Coil / Dragonforce / Hammerfall / Anthrax / Turisas / Heaven Shall Burn / Coheed and Cambria / Walls of Jericho / Testament / Airbourne / Saxon / Pain / Napalm Death / In Extremo / Nevermore / Gwar / Heaven & Hell / Enslaved / Tristania / The Boss Hoss / Gamma Ray / Mambo Kurt / Doro / Vreid / Grand Magnus / Schandmaul / Kampfar / Borknagar / Axel Rudi Pell / UFO / subway to sally / Whiplash / Eths / Endstille / ASP / Engel / Cathedral / Kingdom of Sorrow / Pentagram / Trouble / Rage / Running Wild / Einherjer / Tracedawn / Mägo de Oz / Dad / Nervecell / Sarke / Bon Scott / Onkel Tom / Drone / Feuerschwanz / Callejon / The Fading / Bai Bang / Insidious Disease / Victims of Madness / Bloodwork / Der W / Freiwild Show all bands
Wacken Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Show Duplicate for Jul 30, 2009
Jul 20, 2009 –
Aug 01, 2009
Wacken Open Air 2009
5th Avenue / Adorned Brood / Airbourne / Amon Amarth / Anthrax / Axel Rudi Pell / ASP / Bai Bang / Bloodwork / Borknagar / Bon Scott / Bring Me the Horizon / Bullet for My Valentine / Callejon / Cathedral / Charly Beutin / Coheed and Cambria / Cumulo Nimbus / D-A-D / Der W / Doro / DragonForce / Drone / Einherjer / Endstille / Engel / Enslaved / Epica / eths / Fejd / Feuerschwanz / Frei.Wild / Gamma Ray / Grand Magus / Gwar / Hammerfall / Heaven and Hell / Heaven Shall Burn / Ingrimm / In Extremo / In Flames / Insidious Disease / J.B.O. / Korpiklaani / Lacuna Coil / Machine Head / Mambo Kurt / Motörhead / Napalm Death / Nervecell / Nevermore / Onkel Tom / Pain / Pentagram / Rabenschrey / Rage / Ragnaröek / Reincarnatus / Retrospect / Running Wild / Sarke / Saxon / Schandmaul / Skyline / Subway to Sally / Suidakra / Swashbuckle / Testament / The BossHoss / The Fading / The Smackballz / The Waltons / Torment / Tracedawn / Tristania / Trouble / Turisas / UFO / UK Subs / Victims of Madness / Volbeat / Vreid / Walls of Jericho / Whiplash Show all bands
Wacken Open Air Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Dec 26, 1990
Lonely Boys / Bon Scott

Let There Be Rock (Film & Live Event)

Odeon Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Hard Rock
Classic Rock
2016 1 concert
2013 1 concert
2009 2 concerts
1990 1 concert
 Jay O. Tea
 R H
 Moritz Neumann
 Morton Ichabod
 Will Revill
 Marcus Zander

As Seen On: