Bobby Tank emerged from the UK dubstep scene over the course of 2011. His music is an aggressive mix of grooving 80’s funk and glitch heavy beats. He likens his music to “Rick James riding a flying unicorn along Orion's belt whilst smoking a crack pipe.” ...
Elton John / Bastille / Disclosure / Clean Bandit / The 1975 / M.I.A. / Franz Ferdinand / James Blake / Rudimental / Wu-Tang Clan / The Flaming Lips / London Grammar / The Roots / Bombay Bicycle Club / Tom Odell / Belle and Sebastian / Jessie Ware / DJ Fresh / Sinéad O'Connor / Crystal Fighters / Chic / Jon Hopkins / The Knife / Parquet Courts / Caravan Palace / Lissie / Maribou State / Hudson Mohawke / Peace / Lewis Watson / Savages / Angel Haze / Jagwar Ma / Squarepusher / The Walkmen / While She Sleeps / The Polyphonic Spree / Rustie / Johnny Marr / Valerie June / Swim Deep / Hot Natured / Musical Youth / Max Romeo / Jamie Jones / Drenge / Is Tropical / The Strypes / Jaws / The Wonder Stuff / Matthew E. White / John Cooper Clarke / To Kill A King / Merchandise / Chloe Howl / Barbarossa / East India Youth / Devilman / The Correspondents / The Champs / Bodhi / The Slow Show / Duke Special / Mikill Pane / Sarah Close / Sexy Sushi / Courtney Pine / Evian Christ / Roska / True Tiger / Greg Wilson / Dexys / Molotov Jukebox / Little Axe / Myles Sanko / Tom Williams / The Cuban Brothers / Reeps One / By the Rivers / Moulettes / Tankus the Henge / Isaiah Dreads / Troumaca / Bobby Tank / Signals. / CC Smugglers / London Afrobeat Collective / Filthy Boy / Golden Fable / Le Carousel / Seán McGowan / Micky Finn / New City Kings / Lewis Mokler / Story Books / Tantz / Lloyd Yates / Wheelchair Sports Camp / Jerome Hill / Tythe / Ben Hoo / Fleetwood Bac / Woodpecker Wooliams / The Keepsakes / Howard Marks / Ouse Valley Singles Club / Mojo Filter / Benoit Viellefon / The Goat Roper Rodeo Band / Cable Street Collective / Electric Jalaba / Airtist / Parlour Flames / A.J. Holmes and The Hackney Empire / The Congo Faith Healers / Muha / Charley Macaulay / Jaipur Kawa Brass Band / J-Cats / Pete Callard / Velvet Stream / Mr. Tom / Rabbit Foot / Lokandes / Kawa Circus / Martin Newnham / Cherishport / Heavenly Jukebox / Rev Milo Speedwagon / Chris Tofu / Modeste Hughes / Warm DJs / Olli Dutton / The Dudes (DJs) / Skinny Lister
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Elton John / Bastille / Disclosure / M.I.A. / Clean Bandit / Franz Ferdinand / The 1975 / James Blake / The Flaming Lips / Rudimental / Wu-Tang Clan / The Roots / Bombay Bicycle Club / London Grammar / Belle and Sebastian / Tom Odell / Jessie Ware / DJ Fresh / Sinéad O'Connor / Crystal Fighters / Chic / The Knife / Jon Hopkins / Lissie / Parquet Courts / Caravan Palace / Hudson Mohawke / Jagwar Ma / Savages / Peace / The Walkmen / Angel Haze / Maribou State / Lewis Watson / Squarepusher / Rustie / The Polyphonic Spree / Swim Deep / Valerie June / Johnny Marr / While She Sleeps / Musical Youth / Hot Natured / Max Romeo / Drenge / Is Tropical / Jamie Jones / The Strypes / Jaws / The Wonder Stuff / Matthew E. White / To Kill A King / Merchandise / John Cooper Clarke / East India Youth / Chloe Howl / Barbarossa / The Champs / Bodhi / Duke Special / The Correspondents / Devilman / Courtney Pine / The Slow Show / Evian Christ / Sexy Sushi / Mikill Pane / Sarah Close / Roska / True Tiger / Dexys / Molotov Jukebox / Greg Wilson / Little Axe / Tom Williams / The Cuban Brothers / Myles Sanko / Moulettes / Reeps One / By the Rivers / Troumaca / Bobby Tank / Tankus the Henge / Isaiah Dreads / Signals. / CC Smugglers / Filthy Boy / Golden Fable / London Afrobeat Collective / Le Carousel / Lewis Mokler / New City Kings / Story Books / Micky Finn / Seán McGowan / Tantz / Lloyd Yates / Wheelchair Sports Camp / Tythe / Woodpecker Wooliams / Ben Hoo / Jerome Hill / Fleetwood Bac / The Keepsakes / Mojo Filter / Benoit Viellefon / Howard Marks / Cable Street Collective / Ouse Valley Singles Club / Parlour Flames / The Goat Roper Rodeo Band / Airtist / A.J. Holmes and The Hackney Empire / Electric Jalaba / The Congo Faith Healers / Charley Macaulay / Jaipur Kawa Brass Band / Velvet Stream / J-Cats / Muha / Pete Callard / Mr. Tom / Rabbit Foot / Lokandes / Kawa Circus / Martin Newnham / Cherishport / Rev Milo Speedwagon / Chris Tofu / Heavenly Jukebox / The Dudes (DJs) / Olli Dutton / Warm DJs / Modeste Hughes / Dog Is Dead / Fat Boy Slim / Jaguar Skills / Snoop Dogg aka Snoop Lion / DJ Yoda / Ghostpoet / Bicep / Nina Nesbitt
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Bastille / MØ / Regina Spektor / John Newman / London Grammar / Faithless / JP Cooper / Django Django / Wolf Alice / Lissie / Modestep / Temples / Nick Mulvey / Soulwax / Wilkinson / Jamie N Commons / Dan Croll / The Staves / Embrace / Shout Out Louds / Hadouken! / Roo Panes / Jamie Lawson / Lee Fields & The Expressions / Public Service Broadcasting / Luke Sital-Singh / Willy Mason / Ayah Marar / Goldie / Dodge & Fuski / The Strypes / The Prototypes / Leo Stannard / Monarchy / Josh Butler / The Wytches / Loadstar / He's My Brother She's My Sister / Evil Nine / Eliza and The Bear / Deep Sea Arcade / Janet Devlin / Childhood / Big Youth / Phildel / Lovestarrs / The Correspondents / Findlay / Foamo / Robyn Sherwell / Joel Baker / The Other Tribe / A.N.I.M.A.L. / The Family Rain / Son of Dave / Treetop Flyers / Ben Caplan / Farao / MistaJam / Emily Burns / Dismantle / Elite Force / Phil Kieran / Mamas Gun / Zane Lowe / Keston Cobblers Club / Little Axe / Annie Eve / The Bombay Royale / Serafina Steer / Losers / Ava Leigh / Winston Francis / The Willows / Bobby Tank / Ethan Ash / Backbeat Soundsystem / Illaman / Chainska Brassika / Pixel Fist / Das Kapital / London Afrobeat Collective / Sam Bradley / Le Carousel / Formidable Vegetable / Danni Nicholls / More Like Trees / Subsource / Ruth Theodore / Z-Star / The Mariner's Children / Perhaps Contraption / Victoria & Jacob / Solko / They Say Jump / Mojo Filter / Dog Chocolate / Ladykillers / Rory Lyons / Lonesound / Eyes & No Eyes / Joe Innes & The Cavalcade / Opera Chaotique / Parlour Flames / House Of Hats / Dan Clews / The Caulfield Beats / The Magnus Puto / Rodigan / Steve Hooker / John Kennedy / Dog Legs / Babilondon / Aloosh / David Icke / Folie Ordinaire / Kit Rice / Dpplgngrs / Black Bombers / Natalie Ross / Jacksun Fear / Goldierocks / John Blood & the Highlys / Eureka Stockade / Toni Jarvis / Audio Razor / Jardares Por Fuera / Liz Lawerence / Clark & Carter / Eddy Tm / Phil Clifton
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Bastille / MØ / Regina Spektor / London Grammar / John Newman / Faithless / JP Cooper / Wolf Alice / Django Django / Lissie / Nick Mulvey / Wilkinson / Temples / Modestep / Soulwax / The Staves / Jamie N Commons / Dan Croll / Embrace / Shout Out Louds / Roo Panes / Hadouken! / Jamie Lawson / Lee Fields & The Expressions / Public Service Broadcasting / Luke Sital-Singh / Willy Mason / Goldie / Ayah Marar / Dodge & Fuski / The Prototypes / The Strypes / Josh Butler / Leo Stannard / Monarchy / The Wytches / Loadstar / Evil Nine / He's My Brother She's My Sister / Janet Devlin / Eliza and The Bear / Deep Sea Arcade / Big Youth / Childhood / The Correspondents / Phildel / Findlay / Lovestarrs / Emily Burns / Joel Baker / Foamo / Mamas Gun / A.N.I.M.A.L. / Robyn Sherwell / Ben Caplan / Son of Dave / The Other Tribe / The Family Rain / Treetop Flyers / MistaJam / Farao / Dismantle / Phil Kieran / Elite Force / Keston Cobblers Club / Zane Lowe / Little Axe / Annie Eve / The Bombay Royale / Serafina Steer / Losers / Ava Leigh / Winston Francis / The Willows / Backbeat Soundsystem / Bobby Tank / Ethan Ash / Chainska Brassika / Illaman / London Afrobeat Collective / Das Kapital / Pixel Fist / Formidable Vegetable / Le Carousel / Sam Bradley / More Like Trees / Danni Nicholls / Subsource / Ruth Theodore / Z-Star / The Mariner's Children / Perhaps Contraption / Victoria & Jacob / Mojo Filter / They Say Jump / Solko / Dog Chocolate / Ladykillers / Rory Lyons / Lonesound / Eyes & No Eyes / Opera Chaotique / Joe Innes & The Cavalcade / House Of Hats / Parlour Flames / Rodigan / Dan Clews / The Caulfield Beats / The Magnus Puto / John Kennedy / Steve Hooker / Dog Legs / Babilondon / Aloosh / David Icke / Kit Rice / Folie Ordinaire / Natalie Ross / Dpplgngrs / Black Bombers / Jacksun Fear / Goldierocks / Eureka Stockade / John Blood & the Highlys / Toni Jarvis / Audio Razor / Jardares Por Fuera / Clark & Carter / Eddy Tm / Liz Lawerence / Phil Clifton / Sister Bliss / James Lavelle
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Arctic Monkeys / Mumford & Sons / The Rolling Stones / The xx / Bastille / Tame Impala / Tyler, The Creator / The Lumineers / alt-J / Disclosure / Of Monsters and Men / Vampire Weekend / Two Door Cinema Club / The Smashing Pumpkins / Phoenix / Nas / James Blake / George Ezra / Zac Brown Band / Foals / Rita Ora / Rudimental / Ben Howard / Alabama Shakes / HAIM / London Grammar / Local Natives / Portishead / Tom Odell / Daughter / Crystal Castles / AlunaGeorge / Cat Power / Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds / The Vaccines / SBTRKT / Dizzee Rascal / First Aid Kit / Jake Bugg / Jessie Ware / Example / Editors / Chase & Status / KT Tunstall / The Hives / Elvis Costello / Azealia Banks / Devendra Banhart / Primal Scream / Rufus Wainwright / Lianne La Havas / The Proclaimers / Sinéad O'Connor / Wiley / Gabrielle Aplin / Hurts / BadBadNotGood / The Heavy / Sub Focus / Kenny Rogers / Professor Green / Everything Everything / Netsky / Villagers / Glen Hansard / Enter Shikari / Gold Panda / Miles Kane / Lucinda Williams / The Courteeners / Frightened Rabbit / Half Moon Run / Billy Bragg / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Bicep / Little Boots / Laura Mvula / Public Image Ltd. / The View / Peace / Savages / Jagwar Ma / Jack Savoretti / Martha Wainwright / Julio Bashmore / Alice Russell / Johnny Marr / Amanda Palmer / Charles Bradley / Stornoway / Hot Natured / Jamie Jones / The 2 Bears / Drenge / Zebra Katz / Ady Suleiman / Eats Everything / I Am Kloot / Alex Metric / Toy / Ed Harcourt / The Strypes / Deap Vally / Teleman / Rokia Traoré / The Congos / Robyn Hitchcock / Josh Record / Seth Lakeman / Beans on Toast / David Rodigan / Psychemagik / System 7 / Gretchen Peters / Dr Meaker / Sam Brookes / Prata Vetra / The Undercover Hippy / Y LUV / Skream & Benga / Sweet Billy Pilgrim / Shooglenifty / Dena / Tankus the Henge / Pete Roe / Feral / Njena Reddd Foxxx / Riot Jazz Brass Band / Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings / Bobby Tank / Pinkunoizu / CC Smugglers / Christeene / Kanji Kinetic / Formidable Vegetable / Twin Falls / Anklepants / Stevie Winwood / The John Langan Band / Ben Gomori / The Courteneers / The Family Stone / The Imprints / Perhaps Contraption / Bridie Jackson & the Arbour / The Age of Glass / Dogblood / Seven Little Sisters / Pip Mountjoy / Ste McCabe / Bert Miller and the Animal Folk / CAMP STAG / The Tatsmiths / Breaksjunky / Waitress for the Bees / Lieutenant Jam / Sculpture Music / Martin Stevenson & The Daintees / Bill Wyman's Rythm Kings / Dog Pilot / Moths & Mosques / lilymermaid
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Arctic Monkeys / The Rolling Stones / Mumford & Sons / Tyler, The Creator / Tame Impala / The xx / The Lumineers / Bastille / alt-J / Disclosure / Of Monsters and Men / Vampire Weekend / Two Door Cinema Club / The Smashing Pumpkins / Nas / Phoenix / George Ezra / James Blake / Zac Brown Band / Foals / Rita Ora / Rudimental / Ben Howard / Alabama Shakes / HAIM / Tom Odell / London Grammar / Local Natives / Portishead / Daughter / Crystal Castles / Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds / Cat Power / AlunaGeorge / The Vaccines / Dizzee Rascal / First Aid Kit / SBTRKT / Jake Bugg / Jessie Ware / Example / Editors / Chase & Status / KT Tunstall / The Hives / Azealia Banks / Elvis Costello / Devendra Banhart / Primal Scream / Lianne La Havas / Rufus Wainwright / The Proclaimers / Sinéad O'Connor / Wiley / Gabrielle Aplin / BadBadNotGood / Sub Focus / Hurts / The Heavy / Kenny Rogers / Everything Everything / Professor Green / Netsky / Villagers / Enter Shikari / Glen Hansard / Gold Panda / Miles Kane / The Courteeners / Lucinda Williams / Bicep / Half Moon Run / Frightened Rabbit / Billy Bragg / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Little Boots / Laura Mvula / Public Image Ltd / The View / Peace / Savages / Jagwar Ma / Jack Savoretti / Martha Wainwright / Julio Bashmore / Johnny Marr / Alice Russell / Amanda Palmer / Charles Bradley / Stornoway / Jamie Jones / Hot Natured / The 2 Bears / Drenge / Zebra Katz / Ady Suleiman / Eats Everything / I Am Kloot / Alex Metric / Toy / The Strypes / Ed Harcourt / Teleman / Deap Vally / Rokia Traoré / The Congos / Robyn Hitchcock / Josh Record / Seth Lakeman / Beans on Toast / David Rodigan / Psychemagik / Gretchen Peters / System 7 / Dr Meaker / Prata Vetra / Sam Brookes / The Undercover Hippy / Y LUV / Skream & Benga / Sweet Billy Pilgrim / Shooglenifty / Dena / Tankus the Henge / Feral / Pete Roe / Riot Jazz Brass Band / Njena Reddd Foxxx / Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings / Bobby Tank / Pinkunoizu / CC Smugglers / Christeene / Kanji Kinetic / Formidable Vegetable / Twin Falls / Anklepants / Stevie Winwood / The John Langan Band / Ben Gomori / The Courteneers / The Family Stone / The Imprints / Perhaps Contraption / Bridie Jackson & the Arbour / The Age of Glass / Dogblood / Seven Little Sisters / Pip Mountjoy / Ste McCabe / Bert Miller and the Animal Folk / CAMP STAG / The Tatsmiths / Breaksjunky / Waitress for the Bees / Lieutenant Jam / Bill Wyman's Rythm Kings / Sculpture Music / Martin Stevenson & The Daintees / Dog Pilot / Moths & Mosques / lilymermaid
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Mumford & Sons / Arctic Monkeys / The Rolling Stones / The xx / Bastille / The Lumineers / alt-J / Of Monsters and Men / Tame Impala / Disclosure / Vampire Weekend / Two Door Cinema Club / Tyler, The Creator / Phoenix / The Smashing Pumpkins / Nas / James Blake / Zac Brown Band / Foals / George Ezra / Rita Ora / Rudimental / Ben Howard / Alabama Shakes / HAIM / Local Natives / London Grammar / Daughter / Portishead / AlunaGeorge / Crystal Castles / Cat Power / Tom Odell / The Vaccines / SBTRKT / Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds / Jake Bugg / Example / Dizzee Rascal / First Aid Kit / Jessie Ware / Editors / Chase & Status / KT Tunstall / The Hives / Elvis Costello / Azealia Banks / Devendra Banhart / Rufus Wainwright / Primal Scream / The Proclaimers / Wiley / Sinéad O'Connor / Hurts / Lianne La Havas / Gabrielle Aplin / The Heavy / Kenny Rogers / Sub Focus / BadBadNotGood / Professor Green / Everything Everything / Gold Panda / Netsky / Glen Hansard / Frightened Rabbit / Miles Kane / Villagers / Enter Shikari / Lucinda Williams / Half Moon Run / The Courteeners / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Billy Bragg / Little Boots / Laura Mvula / The View / Peace / Public Image Ltd. / Savages / Jagwar Ma / Bicep / Martha Wainwright / Julio Bashmore / Jack Savoretti / Alice Russell / Charles Bradley / Johnny Marr / Amanda Palmer / Stornoway / Hot Natured / The 2 Bears / Jamie Jones / Drenge / Zebra Katz / I Am Kloot / Eats Everything / Ady Suleiman / Alex Metric / Ed Harcourt / Toy / The Strypes / Deap Vally / Teleman / Rokia Traoré / Robyn Hitchcock / The Congos / Josh Record / Seth Lakeman / Beans on Toast / David Rodigan / Psychemagik / System 7 / Gretchen Peters / Dr Meaker / Sam Brookes / Y LUV / Prata Vetra / The Undercover Hippy / Skream & Benga / Sweet Billy Pilgrim / Dena / Shooglenifty / Pete Roe / Tankus the Henge / Njena Reddd Foxxx / Bobby Tank / Pinkunoizu / Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings / Riot Jazz Brass Band / Feral / CC Smugglers / Christeene / Kanji Kinetic / Twin Falls / Formidable Vegetable / Anklepants / Stevie Winwood / The John Langan Band / Ben Gomori / The Courteneers / The Family Stone / Perhaps Contraption / Bridie Jackson & the Arbour / The Imprints / The Age of Glass / Dogblood / Seven Little Sisters / SAINT MCCABE / Pip Mountjoy / Bert Miller and the Animal Folk / CAMP STAG / Breaksjunky / The Tatsmiths / Waitress for the Bees / Lieutenant Jam / Bill Wyman's Rythm Kings / Martin Stevenson & The Daintees / Sculpture Music / Dog Pilot / lilymermaid / Moths & Mosques
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Devendra Banhart / HAIM / The 1975 / Njena Reddd Foxxx / Stornoway / Eats Everything / Bert Miller and the Animal Folk / Y LUV / Tom Odell / Teleman / Lieutenant Jam / The xx / The John Langan Band / Ste McCabe / Pete Roe / Martin Stevenson & The Daintees / Feral / Tyler, The Creator / Jagwar Ma / Sam Brookes / Kanji Kinetic / Bobby Tank / Psychemagik / Pinkunoizu / Riot Jazz Brass Band / Seven Little Sisters / Breaksjunky / Waitress for the Bees / Sculpture Music / Billy Bragg / Lianne La Havas / Azealia Banks / Bicep / Skream & Benga / Dena / London Grammar / Disclosure / Portishead / Sub Focus / Frightened Rabbit / AlunaGeorge / Mumford & Sons / Chase & Status / Twin Falls / Shooglenifty / Seth Lakeman / The Proclaimers / Dog Pilot / Dizzee Rascal / The Rolling Stones / Gretchen Peters / First Aid Kit / Netsky / Toy / Rita Ora / Rokia Traoré / Deap Vally / Gabrielle Aplin / Formidable Vegetable Sound System / SBTRKT / Daughter / The Imprints / Christeene / Sweet Billy Pilgrim / CAMP STAG / Alice Russell / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Beans on Toast / The Tatsmiths / Of Monsters and Men / Moths & Mosques / Ady Suleiman / Pip Mountjoy / Wiley / Hot Natured / Tankus the Henge / Bill Wyman's Rythm Kings / Gold Panda / Robyn Hitchcock / Zebra Katz / The Congos / The Age of Glass / lilymermaid / Charles Bradley / Hurts / Josh Record / The Family Stone / Courteeners / CC Smugglers / Sinéad O'Connor / David Rodigan / Jake Bugg / Anklepants / Julio Bashmore / The Undercover Hippy / Crystal Castles / Villagers / George Ezra / Jamie Jones / System 7 / Prata Vetra / Foals / Bridie Jackson & the Arbour / Perhaps Contraption / Peace / Cat Power / Lucinda Williams / Editors / The Strypes / Johnny Marr / Vampire Weekend / alt-J / The Smashing Pumpkins / Everything Everything / Two Door Cinema Club / Courteeners / Savages / Glen Hansard / Tame Impala / Miles Kane / Local Natives / Amanda Palmer / Half Moon Run / The Vaccines / The Hives / Martha Wainwright / Professor Green / Enter Shikari / Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings / The Lumineers / Public Image Ltd / Bastille / Elvis Costello / Ben Howard / Nas / Laura Mvula / Example / Ed Harcourt / The View / Primal Scream / KT Tunstall / Alabama Shakes / Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds / Phoenix / Drenge / Jack Savoretti / BadBadNotGood / The Heavy / Rudimental / Dr Meaker / Little Boots / James Blake / Kenny Rogers / Alex Metric / Rufus Wainwright / The 2 Bears / Jessie Ware / Stevie Winwood / Ben Gomori / Zac Brown Band / I Am Kloot / Arctic Monkeys / The 1975 / Dog Blood
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Arctic Monkeys / The Rolling Stones / Mumford & Sons / Tyler, The Creator / Tame Impala / The Lumineers / The xx / Bastille / alt-J / Disclosure / The Smashing Pumpkins / Two Door Cinema Club / Vampire Weekend / Of Monsters and Men / Nas / Phoenix / George Ezra / Zac Brown Band / James Blake / Foals / Tom Odell / Rudimental / Rita Ora / Ben Howard / Alabama Shakes / HAIM / Crystal Castles / Portishead / London Grammar / Local Natives / Daughter / Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds / The Vaccines / Cat Power / Dizzee Rascal / First Aid Kit / AlunaGeorge / Chase & Status / SBTRKT / Jessie Ware / Jake Bugg / Azealia Banks / Example / Editors / The Hives / KT Tunstall / Devendra Banhart / Elvis Costello / Lianne La Havas / Primal Scream / The Proclaimers / BadBadNotGood / Rufus Wainwright / Sub Focus / Wiley / Sinéad O'Connor / Gabrielle Aplin / The Heavy / Hurts / Bicep / Netsky / Everything Everything / Villagers / Kenny Rogers / Professor Green / Enter Shikari / Half Moon Run / Glen Hansard / Miles Kane / Billy Bragg / Lucinda Williams / Gold Panda / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Frightened Rabbit / Little Boots / Laura Mvula / Public Image Ltd / The View / Peace / Savages / Jagwar Ma / Jack Savoretti / Jamie Jones / Martha Wainwright / Johnny Marr / Julio Bashmore / Alice Russell / Amanda Palmer / Stornoway / Charles Bradley / Hot Natured / The 2 Bears / Drenge / Ady Suleiman / Zebra Katz / Eats Everything / Teleman / Toy / I Am Kloot / Deap Vally / Alex Metric / Ed Harcourt / The Strypes / Rokia Traoré / The Congos / Robyn Hitchcock / Seth Lakeman / Beans on Toast / Josh Record / Psychemagik / David Rodigan / Gretchen Peters / System 7 / Prata Vetra / Dr Meaker / The Undercover Hippy / Sam Brookes / Y LUV / Skream & Benga / Shooglenifty / Tankus the Henge / Sweet Billy Pilgrim / Dena / Feral / Riot Jazz Brass Band / Pete Roe / Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings / Njena Reddd Foxxx / Bobby Tank / Christeene / Pinkunoizu / CC Smugglers / Formidable Vegetable / Kanji Kinetic / Anklepants / Twin Falls / Stevie Winwood / Ben Gomori / The John Langan Band / The Courteeners / The Courteeners / The Imprints / The Family Stone / Perhaps Contraption / The Age of Glass / Bridie Jackson & the Arbour / Dogblood / Seven Little Sisters / Pip Mountjoy / Ste McCabe / Bert Miller and the Animal Folk / CAMP STAG / Breaksjunky / The Tatsmiths / Waitress for the Bees / Lieutenant Jam / Bill Wyman's Rythm Kings / Martin Stevenson & The Daintees / Sculpture Music / Dog Pilot / lilymermaid / Moths & Mosques / Solange / Swim Deep
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Newton Faulkner / Ben Howard / Beans on Toast / Sam Brookes / Formidable Vegetable Sound System / Perhaps Contraption / Y LUV / The Undercover Hippy / Bert Miller and the Animal Folk / Alice Russell / Dr Meaker / Example / London Grammar / Sub Focus / Pip Mountjoy / Zebra Katz / Julio Bashmore / Moths & Mosques / Seven Little Sisters / Pete Roe / Sculpture Music / Robyn Hitchcock / Eats Everything / alt-J / Little Boots / Savages / Anklepants / Christeene / Daughter / Charles Bradley / Netsky / Gold Panda / The Tatsmiths / Njena Reddd Foxxx / Hot Natured / The Family Stone / Rufus Wainwright / Stornoway / AlunaGeorge / The 2 Bears / The Age of Glass / Villagers / Lianne La Havas / The Rolling Stones / Twin Falls / BadBadNotGood / Bobby Tank / Deap Vally / Wiley / Jessie Ware / The xx / Cat Power / Bastille / CAMP STAG / Vampire Weekend / Two Door Cinema Club / The Smashing Pumpkins / Everything Everything / KT Tunstall / Rita Ora / Frightened Rabbit / Dizzee Rascal / Crystal Castles / Enter Shikari / The Vaccines / Arctic Monkeys / Half Moon Run / The Hives / Local Natives / The Lumineers / Disclosure / Glen Hansard / Jake Bugg / Miles Kane / Public Image Ltd. / Portishead / Sinéad O'Connor / Amanda Palmer / Johnny Marr / Professor Green / Martha Wainwright / Primal Scream / The Courteeners / Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings / Alabama Shakes / Devendra Banhart / Billy Bragg / Zac Brown Band / Jagwar Ma / Azealia Banks / Toy / Drenge / Ed Harcourt / Chase & Status / Laura Mvula / The View / Hurts / Ady Suleiman / Nas / Prata Vetra / Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds / James Blake / The Heavy / First Aid Kit / The Courteneers / Alex Metric / Gabrielle Aplin / Rudimental / The Proclaimers / SBTRKT / George Ezra / Sweet Billy Pilgrim / Tom Odell / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Skream & Benga / Bicep / Bridie Jackson & the Arbour / David Rodigan / Teleman / Jamie Jones / Mumford & Sons / Seth Lakeman / System 7 / Jack Savoretti / CC Smugglers / I Am Kloot / Rokia Traoré / Dena / Gretchen Peters / The Congos / Shooglenifty / Josh Record / Psychemagik / Pinkunoizu / Kanji Kinetic / Feral / Tankus the Henge / Stevie Winwood / Riot Jazz Brass Band / The John Langan Band / Ben Gomori / Dogblood / The Imprints / Ste McCabe / Breaksjunky / Waitress for the Bees / Bill Wyman's Rythm Kings / Martin Stevenson & The Daintees / Dog Pilot / lilymermaid / Kenny Rogers / Phoenix / Foals / The Strypes / Lieutenant Jam / HAIM / Tyler, The Creator / Lucinda Williams / Peace / Editors / Tame Impala / Elvis Costello / Of Monsters and Men
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Ellie Goulding / Steve Aoki / The Temper Trap / Ben Howard / Fatboy Slim / Bombay Bicycle Club / Plan B / The Vaccines / Jessie Ware / Example / Basement Jaxx / Madness / Above & Beyond / Lianne La Havas / Madeon / The Maccabees / Netsky / Newton Faulkner / Camera Obscura / Booka Shade / Skream / The Futureheads / Mat Zo / Redlight / Julio Bashmore / Reverend and The Makers / Joris Voorn / Benga / Alabama 3 / Zebra Katz / Alex Metric / Carl Craig / Scuba / Guy Gerber / Pan-Pot / Henrik Schwarz / Huxley / Kerri Chandler / D.I.D / Josh Wink / Nic Fanciulli / Proxy / Len Faki / Jaguar Skills / Jackmaster / Gary Beck / Harvey McKay / Bobby Tank / Mark-Henning / Hans Bouffmyhre / Rolando / Sensu / Animal Farm / Harri & Domenic / Beta & Kappa
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