Blank Blue Concert History

Elvin Estela, aka Nobody, met Niki Randa at Fingerprints, an indie record store in Long Beach, California, where they have worked together since 2001. Estela was mulling over ideas for a sequel to Pacific Drift, his 2003 release on Ubiquity, and realized that the album he wanted to make needed only one vocalist. He had often heard that "Niki can sing!" and eventually would give Randa a CD-R of beats and tracks that he was considering for his new album to see if she was interested in being the one.

Date Concert Venue Location
No concerts found
2010 1 concert
2009 8 concerts
2008 2 concerts
2007 18 concerts
 Sacramento Shows
 Buz Zann
 Bryan P.
 Jen Pope
 Dan Stapleton
 Ashleigh Huber
 Leah Docktor
 Keith Morris
 Donald Carson
 Eazel Rodulfa
 Jessika Lynn22

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