Blackpool Lights Concert History

Blackpool Lights are a rock band from Kansas City, MO. featuring members of The Get Up Kids, The Belles, The Start, Buffalo Saints, and The Creature Comforts. The band was formed in the Fall of 2004 by Jim Suptic and Billy Brimblecom, and they were joined shortly after by Brian Everard and JD Warnock.

Indie Rock
Power Pop

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2010 2 concerts
2007 32 concerts
2006 79 concerts
2005 18 concerts
 Andy Levitz
 Taylor L
 Sacramento Shows
 Jeff Holmes
 Rob Holland
 Natasha Gbw
 Dave Shapero
 Jessica Fowler
 Paul Kragenbrink
 Ryan O’shaughnessy
 Brian C Sherman
 Chuck Fensch

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