Bennett Mitchell Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 19, 2024 –
Jun 23, 2024
Sled Island 2024
36? / Abrupt Decay / Aladean Kheroufi / Alice Longyu Gao / Alice Longyu Gao (DJ set) / Aniqa Dear / ArtSaves / Astrology Girl / Baby Jey / Bad Bodies / Bad Waitress / Banggz / Barbara / Bennett Mitchell / betaboys / Big Evil Rat / Big Rig / Bile Sister / Bill Can / BITTER/WASHED / Bluffing / Blume / Bog Bodies / Boy Wonder / Brain Bent / Brass Lip / bratboy / Bridgeland / Brock Geiger / bugswallow / Burro / Carissa Gem / Cassia Hardy / Cat Piss / Chairman / Cherry Glazerr / Cinna Peyghamy / cistern / Closetalkers / Corey Gulkin / Corridor / Crystal Eyes / Cuerpos / Culled / D.Blavatsky / Death Valley Girls / Dial Up / The Discussion / DJ Dine & Dash / Dot Cardigan / Double Rider / Echthros / Eine Kleine China / EKKSTACY / Eliza Niemi / Emilie Kahn / Enny Owl / Ethereal Tomb / Evan Hardy / Eve Parker Finley / Everythingyoueverloved / False Body / Fold Paper / Fraud Perry / The Furnace / Gadfly / Genizah / Ginger Beef / GLASSCULT / GOLPESAR / Gremlyn / Grimelda / Hailstones / Hair Control / Haleluya Hailu / Hardcore Makeout / Harsh / Heaven For Real / Hermitess / Hip Hip Thursday / Iron Tusk (AB) / Irreversible Entanglements / Jed Arbour / Jeff Parker / Juana Molina / k.burwash / Kari Faux / Kee Avil / Kehiw / Kerkland Jerks / Kilamanzego / Knitting / KTheChosen and The Knomads / Kue Varo & The Only Hopes / L4ZR GR1D / L4ZR GR1D / Lael Neale / Last waltzon / LATISHA / Laughing / Laura Hickli / Lavoro / Liminal Shroud / Liquor Mountain / Local Singles / Look Alive / Lost Decade / Lovelet / Lucy (Cooper B. Handy) / Lushings / Lustsickpuppy / Maky Lavender / Malaika Hailey / Malcolm Mooney & The Eleventh Planet / Man Meat / Mauvey / Michael Peter Olsen / Mick Jenkins / Midnight Channel / Midnight Peg / Miesha and the Spanks / mineo kawasaki / More Than Nothing / Mouraine / Mox Jet / myst milano / N NAO / Natlak / Neighbourly / Nesha Nycee / Never Plenty / New Age Doom / Niloufar Shiri & Caleb Klager / Nora Kelly Band / NPNP Trio / Nutrients / Obroa-Skai / OKGB / Okpk / Old Mound / Oranje / Paisley Fields / Pancake / Parisian Orgy / Pearly Moon / Phantom Orchid / Planet Giza / Pøltergeist / Pony Girl / Pop Pop Vernac / Quit It! / Radioactive Vampire Teeth / REBEL GRRRLZ / respectfulchild / The Rifle County Players / Ryan Bourne & the Plant City Band / S[K]IES / Sam Tudor / Samantha Savage Smith / Sarah Davachi / Sargeant X Comrade / Sea of Lettuce / The Sediment Club / Sentries / The Serfs (OH) / shn shn / Show Me The Body / SHY FRiEND / sid. / Skinny Dyck / Slauson Malone 1 / Smokey / So Tired / Soul Glo / Squelch / State n Division / stem champ / Still Depths / Stucco / Sub / / Cell / SuKha Never Dies / Sunflower Dreams / Sunforger / Sunglaciers / Sydanie / Tanajah / Tawni Bias / Tea Fannie & The Collective / Tebby & the Heavy / Temps / Tess Roby / Thanya Iyer / thisquietarmy / Thomas Thomas / Thunder Queens / TimberFang / Tomb Mold / Tova / Uncanny Valley / VERTTIGO / Victrix / viñu-vinu / Völur / W.I.T.C.H. / Wack / WAIT//LESS / Wallgrin / Wants / The Wesleys / Whiling / WifiGawd / Window Lamp Corp. / Witch Victim / Wombo / WUT / ZURGLIN Show all bands
Sled Island 2024 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Jun 21, 2023 –
Jun 25, 2023
Sled Island 2023
Liturgy / Spellling / Pom Pom Squad / THICK / Gustaf / PACKS / Haviah Mighty / Housewife / Laurence-Anne / Weird Nightmare / Jaywood / Miesha and the Spanks / Marlaena Moore / Pony Girl / Asko / Mother Tongues / Cinema Hearts / Mvll Crimes / Burs / La Sécurité / Bennett Mitchell / Roya (SE) / Amy Nelson (Calgary) / Yawn (CA) / Fold Paper (CA) Show all bands
The Royal Canadian Legion Calgary (alberta No. 1) Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Vocal Jazz
Big Band
Easy Listening
Traditional Pop
Christmas Music
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2024 1 concert
2023 1 concert
 Ashley Ehs

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