Benjamin Bear Concert History

Benjamin Bear, Benjamin Bear has existed for thousands of years, affecting the world however he can via his powerful magicks. It was he who protected the realms of men from the dragons and the orcs, it was he who befriended the trolls and elves, and it was he who first brought fire to civilization.

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 21, 2013
The Day After! 3: Charm-Tastic
YTCracker / King Pheenix / Creative Mind Frame / Alpha Riff / Scumbag Steve / Richie Branson / D&D Sluggers / Death&Star / 9k1 / Epic-1 / Shammers / Dj RoboRob / HDninja / K-Murdock / My Parents Favorite Music / StarF / Benjamin Bear / Ben Briggs / MagiTek / B-Type / Doug Funnie / 1uP / Random aka Mega Ran / Rappy McRapperson / mc wreckshin Show all bands
Sleuth's Dinner Mystery Theater Orlando, Florida, United States
Nov 03, 2009
Benjamin Bear Chop Suey Seattle, Washington, United States
Jan 20, 2009
Friday Mile / Ed Wang / H is for Hellgate / Benjamin Bear Chop Suey Seattle, Washington, United States
Oct 15, 2008
Slow Skate / Benjamin Bear / A.W.O.R. Sunset Tavern Seattle, Washington, United States
Sep 23, 2008
Hotels / Smile Brigade / Benjamin Bear Chop Suey Seattle, Washington, United States
Mar 03, 2008
Philo Giant / Benjamin Bear / The Beautiful Confusion Chop Suey Seattle, Washington, United States
Hip Hop
Nerdcore Hip-Hop
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2013 1 concert
2009 2 concerts
2008 3 concerts

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