Ben Cyllus's 2003 Concert History

When you listen to the music of Ben Cyllus you can hear the influences of the geographic trail he has left behind - the organic surroundings of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, where he was raised, the spirit of Texas where he played in a series of bands with his brothers, and the straight-forward honesty of the city of Detroit where he has lived for the past ten years and where he recently recorded his full-length debut "Cinnamon Matinee".

2014 1 concert
2009 2 concerts
2008 3 concerts
2004 1 concert
2003 2 concerts
2002 5 concerts
 Houston Hh
 Ken Swanson
 Margrethe Baekgaard
 Patty Miller
 Macey Taylor
 Melody Rose
 John Lee Leatherwood
 Jennifer Atkins

As Seen On: