Bedlam Crooks Concert History

Check it ooowwwwwt. Bedlam Crooks are a five piece band from the South East of London; equipped with a barrage of Dirty Club Tune Synth, Rock 'n' Roll Guitar Licks and Dance Beats, Bedlam Crooks have been well received in the time they have been together. From killer riffs to fast paced club beats and rapping verses, there's just no holding back. From start to finish a explosive degree of highly animated performance, chemistry and Die Hard passion; with wall-to-wall energy and a hunger to play, Bedlam Crooks take no prisoners.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 20, 2011
Jar Music Live @ O2 Academy2 Islington
Jar Music Live / Blue Nation / Vice Like Grip / Bedlam Crooks / Your Other Lover / Kaos / The Effects
O2 Academy2 Islington London, England, United Kingdom

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