Barry & Holly Tashian's 2008 Concert History

Barry & Holly Tashian are duet singers, songwriters and touring musicians who have known each other since high school in Westport, CT. They have performed and recorded together since 1972 and continue to perform together as a duo, a trio (with bass) or a foursome (with mandolin/fiddle).

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 17, 2008 –
Jul 19, 2008
Risør Bluegrass Festival 2008
Jirka Kralik & Rowdy Rascals / Marit Jordbræk / Norwegian Breeze / Maggie’s Farm / Paradise Mountainboys / Barry & Holly Tashian / Ila Auto / Acousticure / Kreni / Blue Railroad Train / Yngve M. Nymoen / Stambordet / Roberto Dalla Vecchia / Colonel Laceration / Akaustisk Soda / Hemisfair / Meantime / Rambling Hobo / Olav Larsen & Alabama Rodeo Stars / Bergen Mandolinband / Rio Bravo / Onkel Tuka / Erik Moll & Friends / Christiania Fusel & Blaagress / Blue Bell Show all bands
Hest i Villmark Risør, Norway
Traditional Bluegrass
2016 1 concert
2008 1 concert
1998 1 concert
1996 1 concert
 Gary Joann Elgin
 Ms2171 Jp
 Brian Savage
 Jeff Ridinger

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