Isolation Berlin / Schwarz / Dispatch / Mogli / Francobollo / Raw By Peppers / My Baby / Iguana Death Cult / Shijo X / Adulescens / Krakow loves Adana / Black River Delta / Selig / Millionaire / Tuys / Amadou & Mariam / All Them Witches / Velvet Volume / Daniel Brandt / Banfi / IRAH / SYML / All We Are / Moop Mama / MEUTE / Childhood / Weirds / Charlie Cunningham / Ankathie Koi / Alex The Astronaut / Ant Antic / WILDES / Gold Class / Fast Romantics / Arcane Roots / Somme Partel / Everything Everything / Dillon / Pixx / The Districts / Fazerdaze
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Lewis Capaldi / Portugal. The Man / Noah Kahan / Dean Lewis / Novo Amor / The Drums / SYML / Matt Maltese / Greta Van Fleet / Dermot Kennedy / Yungblud / Tom Walker / Mahalia / Ella Eyre / Dennis Lloyd / Fink / Everything Everything / Dispatch / Maxïmo Park / Tom Grennan / Yellow Days / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Jakob / Sinead Harnett / Newton Faulkner / Nilüfer Yanya / Waxahatchee / Amadou & Mariam / Gizmo Varillas / Timber Timbre / Alice Merton / Flora Cash / Charlie Cunningham / Superorganism / Marika Hackman / Marcus King / Oscar and the Wolf / Rhys Lewis / All Them Witches / Johnnyswim / This Is The Kit / The Aces / The Districts / Welshly Arms / Lisa Mitchell / SWMRS / Rationale / Meute / The Amazons / Matthew and the Atlas / Jade Bird / Henry Green / Current Swell / Beth Ditto / King Creosote / Dardan / Kelly Lee Owens / Hypnotic Brass Ensemble / Joe Fox / Zeal & Ardor / Black Honey / Fenne Lily / Let’s Eat Grandma / Dillon / Marlon Williams / EMA / Skott / Isaac Gracie / joan / Vök / Faber / Fazerdaze / sir Was / Nadine Shah / Fyfe / The King Blues / Dream Wife / Naaz / Tyler Shaw / Brutus / Loney Dear / Jane Weaver / Songhoy Blues / Noah Slee / Mogli / All We Are / Sólstafir / Omar Souleyman / IDER / Ary / Sarah Klang / The Delta Riggs / Beans on Toast / To Kill A King / Aliocha Schneider / Theme Park / The Wanton Bishops / Astronautalis / Yasmine Hamdan / Leoniden / MY BABY / HMLTD / Findlay / Childhood / Martin Kohlstedt / Kalandra / Joshua Burnside / J. Bernardt / Adna / Arcane Roots / Moop Mama / SLØTFACE / Palm / Dear Rouge / Blood Command / Skinny Lister / Will Varley / Lil Peep / Otzeki / Jen Cloher / WILDES / Kat Frankie / Noëp / Tua / Kill J / Matt Holubowski / Milk Teeth / Life / Millionaire / Mavi Phoenix / Pixx / BETSY / Isolation Berlin / Adam Naas / JFDR / INHEAVEN / Souls / Jordan Klassen / Lydmor / Fizzy Blood / Zugezogen Maskulin / Cosima / Audio Dope / ÄTNA / Jules Ahoi / Jordan Max / Ruby Empress / The Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer / First Hate / 47soul / Banfi / Mo Kenney / Fast Romantics / Francobollo / Shy Luv / Adaline / One Bad Son / Sero / Tom Rogerson / lùisa / The Lazys / Barbagallo / Kalipo / Lion Sphere / Love A / Antje Schomaker / Ilgen-Nur / Trevor Sensor / Close Talker / Grand Analog / Marie Bothmer / Kraków Loves Adana / Gold Class / Tinpan Orange / Pabst / Flawes / Port Cities / Wandl / Schwarz / Joseph J. Jones / La Bronze / Boniface / Black River Delta / The Standstills / Farewell Dear Ghost / Outlya / Wucan / Fibel / CRIMER / Chantal Acda / Paceshifters / Blonde Diamond / Erregung öffentlicher Erregung / MOGLEBAUM / Mauno / Debrah Scarlett / Vita and the Woolf / Lygo / Le Trouble / Veronica Fusaro / Fayzen / The Jerry Cans / Cocaine Piss / Egopusher / Tom Hickox / The Tourist Company / Dangers of the Sea / Ankathie Koi / Sarah MacDougall / Get Your Gun / Weirds / Bergfilm / Sol Heilo / Fabrizio Cammarata / Ant Antic / Sate / Mise En Scene / Friends of Gas / Xavier Darcy / Taylor Knox / Candelilla / FARVEBLIND / Megan Nash / Jordan Prince / Lisa Who / Tuys / Heim / the brood / THE CHAIRMAN / Sampson / The Bongo Club / iLLvibe / The Weyers / Polar Circles / White Wine / The Amistad / Einarindra / Adulescens / LeVent / When 'Airy Met Fairy / HEARTBEAST / DiscoCtrl / EDSUN / the other shi / Old Cabin / Soda Pony / Wunderwelt / Lord Youth / BoiBand / Maybe Canada / ANA ANA / Ingold / SIGURVIN SIGURDSSON / jbxdr / LONG LINE DOWN / THE DEVILS TINY CHAINS / Owen Pallett w/ Stargaze / Daniel Brandt & Eternal Something / Slowy & 12 Vince / VINCENT HALL / Lynn Maring / Emily-Mae Lewis / Eveline (official) / SUFF DADDY & THE LUNCH BIRDS / JACE & Die Flavour Gang
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Tom Walker / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Raye / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Frightened Rabbit / The Charlatans / Temples / Slaves / Dan Caplen / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Lewis Watson / Tom Grennan / Palace / Turin Brakes / Shy FX / Sea Power / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Young Guns / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Otherkin / Tribe / Crows / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Black Slate / SHVPES / Featurecast / Banfi / Matt Wills / Jerry Williams / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / Madeline / Lauran Hibberd / Tom Martin / Cut Capers / Timeless / Kassassin Street / Mayfield / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Elixir / The Curious Incident / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / The Silver Beatles / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Jamin / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Subgiant / Des-C / Tom Bertram / Arcade Hearts / Coax / Seething Akira / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Rhythm of the 90s / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Marley Blandford / Richard Morris / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Lucas & King / Matuki / Toffees / Bemis / Good Times Roll / Shoot the Duke / Archie Langley / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Our Propaganda / SOUL 45 / Tim Cheatle / Emptifish / Paddy Taylor / Brock Landers / Strumdiddlyumptious / Colour of the Jungle / DRGM / Lily Garland / Harmonie London / Josh & Daisy / The Bog Rolling Stones / Panthalassa / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Megan Linford / Marmalade Moonshine / Minque / Four Folds Law / The Aim (UK) / Skaraman / Devin-Jade / The Mantic Muddlers / Brandon Rivers / Grand Tradition / Ben Brookes / Los Cojones / Kelly Woods / Becky Jerams / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Nine Ace Deck / Indiana Quiet Cats / Kate Bush-Ka / Archive 45 / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Joe Mongan / Paul Dillon / The Philosipha / Ruby and the Revelators / Bella Estelle / Jamie Hiron / Naan Breddaz / Kingz of Leon / Fellowship of Groove / Alice Milburn / Southerlies / The Smiley Campbell Band / The Vinalls / Waif & Stray / Jesse Ray / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Crown Of Thieves / Jake Hassell / Chip Jacks / Yeehaa Granma / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Robyn Grace / Wesley Brown / Dave Baker Project / Hannah Hay / Rachel Broad / Kojak's Revenge / Remedy Sounds / John Adams (UK) / Ade Cull / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Josh Tremain / Livvy / Mark Handley / Dan O'Farrell / Rhythm City Six / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Charlotte Neal / Marcus Payne / The Tuesday Trend / The Vela Tides / Too Much 2Tone / Becky Anderson / Roy Peplow / Fjorka / Katie Louise Ball / Lennon Taylor / The Machete (UK) / The Urban Vocal Group / The Plucking Missfits / Dextasy (UK) / Brent Hutchinson Band / Prince Brandon / Justsayyes / Francisco Jones / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Percival Elliot / Basement 83 / Lily Rendle-Moore / The Bootlegs (UK) / Alaina Sparkes / Andy Osman / Assorted Sax / Clayton Connor / Erin Gracie / Fainties / Foxier / Goldlaw / Hanna Doswell / Harrison Etherington / Jessica Lawler / Joshua Sanderson / Lauren Barker / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Los Cranes / Miami Driveway / Mollie Scott & Parv / Paisley Jones / Rebekka Nightingale / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Sophie & The Darlings / The Morning (UK) / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / Duke Bossa / Inner Gold International Sound System / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Los Hombres Inglese / Big Noise Rhythms / Mechelle Medeelee / Latin Dance Workshop / Silver Rejects / Jerry Williams (UK)
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / RAYE / Jake Bugg / Elbow / Madness / KT Tunstall / The Dandy Warhols / Tom Walker / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / The Charlatans / Palace / Tom Grennan / Frightened Rabbit / Temples / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Shy FX / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Dan Caplen / Lewis Watson / Turin Brakes / Sea Power / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Deaf Havana / Young Guns / Field Music / Will Joseph Cook / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Leo Stannard / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / SikTh / Macka B / Tribe / Hacktivist / The Slow Readers Club / Silhouettes / Black Foxxes / Crows / Otherkin / Jerry Williams / SHVPES / Black Slate / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Lauran Hibberd / Lazy Habits / Banfi / Featurecast / Fort Hope / Matt Wills / Madeline / Cut Capers / Tom Martin / Timeless / Mayfield / Kassassin Street / Craig Charles / Normanton Street / Jamin / Elixir / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Seán McGowan / The Curious Incident / Mirror Fury / Pets / Dean Dyson / Wren / The Silver Beatles / Michael Baker / Seething Akira / Folsom / Is Bliss / Ben Pryer / The Great Scott / The Jackobins / Novatones / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Tom Millichamp / Subgiant / Arcade Hearts / Tom Bertram / Coax / Des-C / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / The Racketeers / BigTopp / Rhythm of the 90s / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Grant Sharkey / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Harmonie London / Matuki / Lucas & King / Our Propaganda / The Day of the Rabblement / Toffees / Shoot the Duke / Bemis / Emptifish / Archie Langley / Good Times Roll / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / DRGM / Colour of the Jungle / Brock Landers / Tim Cheatle / SOUL 45 / Strumdiddlyumptious / Paddy Taylor / Lily Garland / Josh & Daisy / Kate Bush-Ka / Four Folds Law / Megan Linford / The Bog Rolling Stones / The Aim (UK) / Minque / Panthalassa / Marmalade Moonshine / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Brandon Rivers / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Ben Brookes / Grand Tradition / Becky Jerams / Skaraman / Los Cojones / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Naan Breddaz / Joe Mongan / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Bella Estelle / Indiana Quiet Cats / Alice Milburn / Nine Ace Deck / Archive 45 / Kelly Woods / Jamie Hiron / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Paul Dillon / Jake Hassell / Waif & Stray / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Livvy / Fellowship of Groove / Kingz of Leon / Yeehaa Granma / Rachel Broad / Marcus Payne / Chip Jacks / Wesley Brown / Robyn Grace / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Jesse Ray / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / The Tuesday Trend / Hannah Hay / Charlotte Neal / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Dave Baker Project / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / Mark Handley / Josh Tremain / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Roy Peplow / Remedy Sounds / Kojak's Revenge / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Jessica Lawler / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Justsayyes / Prince Brandon / Brent Hutchinson Band / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / The Machete (UK) / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Fjorka / Becky Anderson
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Tom Walker / Frank Turner / Raye / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Frightened Rabbit / The Charlatans / Temples / Dan Caplen / Slaves / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Lewis Watson / Tom Grennan / Turin Brakes / Shy FX / Sea Power / Palace / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Young Guns / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Otherkin / Crows / Tribe / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Black Slate / Featurecast / SHVPES / Banfi / Matt Wills / Jerry Williams / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / Madeline / Tom Martin / Lauran Hibberd / Timeless / Kassassin Street / Cut Capers / Mayfield / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / The Curious Incident / Elixir / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / The Silver Beatles / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Jamin / Subgiant / Des-C / Tom Bertram / Arcade Hearts / Coax / Seething Akira / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / Rhythm of the 90s / SUBMARINER / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Lucas & King / Matuki / Archie Langley / Shoot the Duke / Good Times Roll / Bemis / Toffees / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Our Propaganda / Tim Cheatle / SOUL 45 / Strumdiddlyumptious / Brock Landers / Paddy Taylor / Emptifish / DRGM / Lily Garland / Colour of the Jungle / Josh & Daisy / Panthalassa / Bog Rolling Stones / Harmonie London / Four Folds Law / Megan Linford / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / The Aim (UK) / Minque / Brandon Rivers / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Marmalade Moonshine / Skaraman / Grand Tradition / Ben Brookes / Indiana Quiet Cats / Nine Ace Deck / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Becky Jerams / Archive 45 / Kelly Woods / Los Cojones / Joe Mongan / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Bella Estelle / Naan Breddaz / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Paul Dillon / Kate Bush-Ka / Jamie Hiron / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Alice Milburn / Fellowship of Groove / Kingz of Leon / Yeehaa Granma / Chip Jacks / Jake Hassell / Robyn Grace / Waif & Stray / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Jesse Ray / Rachel Broad / Hannah Hay / Dave Baker Project / Wesley Brown / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / The Tuesday Trend / Marcus Payne / Charlotte Neal / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / Mark Handley / Livvy / Josh Tremain / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Remedy Sounds / Kojak's Revenge / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Jessica Lawler / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Justsayyes / Prince Brandon / Brent Hutchinson Band / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / The Machete (UK) / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Fjorka / Roy Peplow / Becky Anderson
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Tom Walker / Frank Turner / Raye / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Frightened Rabbit / The Charlatans / Temples / Dan Caplen / Slaves / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Lewis Watson / Tom Grennan / Turin Brakes / Shy FX / Sea Power / Palace / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Young Guns / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Otherkin / Crows / Tribe / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Black Slate / Featurecast / SHVPES / Banfi / Matt Wills / Jerry Williams / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / Madeline / Tom Martin / Lauran Hibberd / Timeless / Kassassin Street / Cut Capers / Mayfield / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / The Curious Incident / Elixir / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / The Silver Beatles / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Jamin / Subgiant / Des-C / Tom Bertram / Arcade Hearts / Coax / Seething Akira / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / Rhythm of the 90s / SUBMARINER / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Lucas & King / Matuki / Archie Langley / Shoot the Duke / Good Times Roll / Bemis / Toffees / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Our Propaganda / Tim Cheatle / SOUL 45 / Strumdiddlyumptious / Brock Landers / Paddy Taylor / Emptifish / DRGM / Lily Garland / Colour of the Jungle / Josh & Daisy / Panthalassa / Bog Rolling Stones / Harmonie London / Four Folds Law / Megan Linford / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / The Aim (UK) / Minque / Brandon Rivers / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Marmalade Moonshine / Skaraman / Grand Tradition / Ben Brookes / Indiana Quiet Cats / Nine Ace Deck / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Becky Jerams / Archive 45 / Kelly Woods / Los Cojones / Joe Mongan / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Bella Estelle / Naan Breddaz / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Paul Dillon / Kate Bush-Ka / Jamie Hiron / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Alice Milburn / Fellowship of Groove / Kingz of Leon / Yeehaa Granma / Chip Jacks / Jake Hassell / Robyn Grace / Waif & Stray / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Jesse Ray / Rachel Broad / Hannah Hay / Dave Baker Project / Wesley Brown / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / The Tuesday Trend / Marcus Payne / Charlotte Neal / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / Mark Handley / Livvy / Josh Tremain / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Remedy Sounds / Kojak's Revenge / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Jessica Lawler / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Justsayyes / Prince Brandon / Brent Hutchinson Band / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / The Machete (UK) / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Fjorka / Roy Peplow / Becky Anderson
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / RAYE / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / Madness / KT Tunstall / The Dandy Warhols / Tom Walker / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Palace / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Tom Grennan / The Charlatans / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Frightened Rabbit / Temples / Shy FX / The Hunna / Sundara Karma / Dan Caplen / Lewis Watson / Sea Power / Turin Brakes / Peter Doherty / Lady Leshurr / Deaf Havana / Rationale / Young Guns / Field Music / Will Joseph Cook / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Bad Sounds / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Leo Stannard / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / Tribe / SikTh / Macka B / The Slow Readers Club / Hacktivist / Black Foxxes / Silhouettes / Crows / Otherkin / Jerry Williams / Lauran Hibberd / SHVPES / Black Slate / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Lazy Habits / Banfi / Featurecast / Fort Hope / Matt Wills / Madeline / Cut Capers / Tom Martin / Timeless / Mayfield / Kassassin Street / Jamin / Craig Charles / Normanton Street / Elixir / Pets / Seán McGowan / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / The Curious Incident / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / Wren / The Silver Beatles / Seething Akira / Michael Baker / Folsom / Is Bliss / Ben Pryer / The Great Scott / The Jackobins / Novatones / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Tom Millichamp / Subgiant / Arcade Hearts / Tom Bertram / Coax / Des-C / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / The Racketeers / BigTopp / Rhythm of the 90s / SUBMARINER / Grant Sharkey / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Harmonie London / Matuki / Our Propaganda / Lucas & King / Toffees / The Day of the Rabblement / Shoot the Duke / Bemis / Emptifish / Archie Langley / Good Times Roll / Andrew Foster / DRGM / Colour of the Jungle / Southsea Alternative Choir / Brock Landers / Tim Cheatle / SOUL 45 / Paddy Taylor / Lily Garland / Strumdiddlyumptious / Kate Bush-Ka / Josh & Daisy / Four Folds Law / Megan Linford / The Bog Rolling Stones / The Aim (UK) / Minque / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Panthalassa / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Marmalade Moonshine / Brandon Rivers / Grand Tradition / Becky Jerams / Skaraman / Los Cojones / Ben Brookes / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Naan Breddaz / Joe Mongan / Bella Estelle / Indiana Quiet Cats / Alice Milburn / Nine Ace Deck / Archive 45 / Kelly Woods / Jamie Hiron / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Livvy / Paul Dillon / Marcus Payne / Waif & Stray / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Fellowship of Groove / Kingz of Leon / Yeehaa Granma / Rachel Broad / Chip Jacks / Wesley Brown / Jake Hassell / Robyn Grace / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Jesse Ray / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / The Tuesday Trend / Hannah Hay / Charlotte Neal / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Dave Baker Project / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / Mark Handley / Josh Tremain / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Roy Peplow / Remedy Sounds / Kojak's Revenge / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Jessica Lawler / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Justsayyes / Prince Brandon / Brent Hutchinson Band / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / The Machete (UK) / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Fjorka / Becky Anderson
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Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / Band of Skulls / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Raye / Tom Walker / Maxïmo Park / Frightened Rabbit / Feeder / The Charlatans / Temples / Dan Caplen / Slaves / Sundara Karma / Lewis Watson / The Hunna / Turin Brakes / British Sea Power / Tom Grennan / Shy FX / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Palace / Young Guns / Rationale / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Pulled Apart By Horses / Echobelly / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / Otherkin / Crows / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Tribe / Black Slate / Featurecast / Banfi / Matt Wills / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / SHVPES / Madeline / Jerry Williams / Tom Martin / Kassassin Street / Timeless / Mayfield / Lauran Hibberd / Cut Capers / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Elixir / The Curious Incident / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / The Silver Beatles / Dean Dyson / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Subgiant / Jamin / Des-C / Coax / Arcade Hearts / Tom Bertram / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / Seething Akira / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Rhythm of the 90s / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Matuki / Lucas & King / Good Times Roll / Shoot the Duke / Bemis / Archie Langley / Toffees / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Tim Cheatle / Our Propaganda / SOUL 45 / Strumdiddlyumptious / Brock Landers / Emptifish / Paddy Taylor / DRGM / Lily Garland / Bog Rolling Stones / Josh & Daisy / Panthalassa / The Aim (UK) / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Harmonie London / Colour of the Jungle / Minque / Megan Linford / Four Folds Law / Marmalade Moonshine / Brandon Rivers / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Grand Tradition / Skaraman / Becky Jerams / Kelly Woods / Ben Brookes / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Nine Ace Deck / Archive 45 / Los Cojones / Joe Mongan / Indiana Quiet Cats / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Naan Breddaz / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Kingz of Leon / Paul Dillon / Bella Estelle / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Alice Milburn / Fellowship of Groove / Yeehaa Granma / Kate Bush-Ka / Jamie Hiron / Chip Jacks / Jake Hassell / Waif & Stray / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / Rachel Broad / Hannah Hay / Dave Baker Project / Wesley Brown / Robyn Grace / Mark Handley / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Kojak's Revenge / Jesse Ray / The Tuesday Trend / Marcus Payne / Jessica Lawler / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Justsayyes / Brent Hutchinson Band / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / The Machete (UK) / Livvy / Josh Tremain / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Fjorka / Remedy Sounds / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Charlotte Neal / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Prince Brandon / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Roy Peplow / Becky Anderson
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Two Door Cinema Club / Clean Bandit / Stereophonics / The Vaccines / Jake Bugg / Kate Nash / Nothing But Thieves / Declan McKenna / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Cast / Slaves / Dan Caplen / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / DMA'S / Tom Grennan / Palace / Twin Atlantic / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Fickle Friends / The Magic Gang / Bury Tomorrow / Jaws / Teleman / Blaenavon / Boxed In / Pulled Apart By Horses / Beans on Toast / ROAM / CABBAGE / King No-One / Tigercub / Black Foxxes / Catherine McGrath / Crows / MistaJam / Kagoule / Menace Beach / Corella / SHVPES / Banfi / Muncie Girls / Penelope Isles / Haus / Courts / God Damn / Norman Jay MBE / False Heads / The Modern Strangers / Outlya / King Kong Company / Heck / The Everly Pregnant Brothers / SUGARTHIEF / Curse of Lono / Grumble Bee / Bud / EYRE LLEW / Bad Sign / The Brass Funkeys / Atlas Wynd / King Pleasure & The Biscuit Boys / ROB.GREEN / JAXN / MOONOVERSUN / Joseph Knight / New Luna / Louis and The Shakes / Example & DJ Wire / Deco (UK) / Trash (UK) / Charlie And The Villas / jafarismusic / Wylde (UK)
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Jaws / Trash (UK) / Two Door Cinema Club / Clean Bandit / Stereophonics / The Vaccines / Jake Bugg / Kate Nash / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Twin Atlantic / Cast / Nothing But Thieves / Slaves / Sundara Karma / DMA'S / The Hunna / Declan McKenna / Bury Tomorrow / Pulled Apart By Horses / Palace / Fickle Friends / Teleman / Blaenavon / Boxed In / Beans on Toast / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / The Magic Gang / MistaJam / Kagoule / Menace Beach / ROAM / Crows / CABBAGE / Tom Grennan / Tigercub / Dan Caplen / God Damn / Black Foxxes / Muncie Girls / King No-One / Haus / Norman Jay MBE / Heck / Banfi / Courts / SHVPES / Bud / The Everly Pregnant Brothers / Catherine McGrath / Grumble Bee / King Kong Company / Bad Sign / King Pleasure & The Biscuit Boys / EYRE LLEW / Outlya / The Modern Strangers / ROB.GREEN / False Heads / Penelope Isles / The Brass Funkeys / SUGARTHIEF / Atlas Wynd / Corella / Curse of Lono / Joseph Knight / Example & DJ Wire / Louis Antoniou / New Luna / Charlie And The Villas / Deco (UK) / jafarismusic / Wylde (UK) / MOONOVERSUN / JAXN
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Vessels / Michael Kiwanuka / Sylvan Esso / Foals / Laura Marling / Bonobo / Bombino / Wild Beasts / Dan Croll / Margaret Glaspy / Soothsayers / Jake Isaac / Oumou Sangare / Aldous Harding / Cal Jader / Parcels / Nadine Shah / Hudson Taylor / Maggie Rogers / Yonaka / Lucky Chops / Ry X / Picture This / A Blaze of Feather / Banfi / XamVolo / Ardyn / Joseph J. Jones / Cosmic Strip / twin peaks / Charlie Straw / Snapped Ankles / Oscar Jerome / Tamu Massif / Stevie Parker / Enne / Videocean
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Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Bruno Major / Nick Mulvey / seafret / The Staves / Methyl Ethel / Rhys Lewis / Joy Crookes / Jade Bird / Arlissa / The Big Moon / Jordan Mackampa / Basia Bulat / Isaac Gracie / Fyfe / Gordi / Marlon Williams / Talos / ISLAND / Colouring / Spring King / Ten Tonnes / sir Was / Liv Dawson / Dan Owen / Minke / Palace Winter / Mosa Wild / Cortes / Banfi / The Wandering Hearts / Áine / Fours / Outlya / John Joseph Brill / Mirror Fury / Superglu / Avante Black / Tender Central / Krusoe / Dan Stock / Mikeala Davis
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The Growlers / Amber Run / Yellow Days / Lewis Capaldi / Sundara Karma / Parcels / Cosmo Pyke / Sondre Lerche / Cherry Glazerr / Tom Grennan / Pinegrove / Tender / Honeyblood / Nilüfer Yanya / All We Are / Hannah Georgas / To Kill A King / The Big Moon / The Night Café / Picture This / Mystic Braves / ISLAND / Overcoats / Vagabon / Confidence Man / Miya Folick / Matt Maltese / PINS / Liv Dawson / Easy Life / Ardyn / Ten Tonnes / Swimming Tapes / Sonny / Yonaka / Cassia / Otzeki / Louis Berry / Marsicans / Pixx / The Slow Readers Club / Parekh & Singh / Willie J Healey / Neon Waltz / Gurr / Horse Thief / Glass Caves / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / FREAK / Jack Ladder / Banfi / The Heaters / Stereo Honey / Low Island / Little Hours / Gothic Tropic / Kudu Blue / Sorry / Callum Beattie / Husky Loops / Larkins / Redfaces / Little Cub / Cuckoolander / Outlya / Anna Straker / Jordan Allen / Kolars / Jesse Terry / Artificial Pleasure / Keir / Avante Black / Kidsmoke / False Heads / EYRE LLEW / Dolomite Minor / Ellie Rose / Atlas Wynd / Plastic House / John Ainsworth / Holiday Oscar / Croox / Bad Sea / Jakl / C.Macleod / Alaska Alaska / Five Days North / KASHMERE (UK) / dot to dot / Crimsons (Manchester) / The New York Tourists
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Her / Rag'n'Bone Man / Nothing But Thieves / Matt Maltese / Tom Walker / White Lies / AJ Tracey / Gabrielle Aplin / IDLES / seafret / Yellow Days / Tom Grennan / Gang of Youths / DMA’s / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Frightened Rabbit / Temples / Wild Beasts / Joy Crookes / The Hunna / The Pigeon Detectives / Hard Life / Nilüfer Yanya / Lewis Watson / Pale Waves / Jagwar Ma / The Academic / Puma Blue / Rationale / Laurel / The Amazons / Tender / Kllo / Jade Bird / The Big Moon / Fickle Friends / Jordan Mackampa / Yonaka / The Night Café / The Magic Gang / Kojey Radical / Joe Fox / Teleman / Black Honey / Bad Nerves / Let’s Eat Grandma / Jaws / Fazerdaze / Jake Isaac / Bad Sounds / carmody / Dream Wife / Geowulf / Honeyblood / Leo Stannard / Superfood / VANT / IDER / Fish / Clean Cut Kid / Ten Tonnes / Airways / Trudy and The Romance / The Orielles / HMLTD / Childhood / The Pale White / She Drew The Gun / Saint PHNX / Chinah / Scarlet / Liv Dawson / Siv Jakobsen / Sonny / Clay / Connie Constance / Joel Baker / Otzeki / Sivu / Marsicans / Amber Arcades / Ekkah / kwassa / The Moonlandingz / Life / Casey Lowry / MOSES / Gurr / Lea Porcelain / Mosa Wild / Pixey / Howl / Wyvern Lingo / Indoor Pets / Fangclub / The Gallery / Flamingods / XamVolo / Sam Brookes / King Nun / Off Bloom / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Jordan Max / Slang / The Wandering Hearts / The Age Of L.U.N.A / FREAK / Lisbon / Banfi / Husky Loops / Kovic / Francobollo / Shy Luv / Bryde / Paris Youth Foundation / October Drift / Strong Asian Mothers / Blackwaters / Áine / Johnny Lloyd / Plastic Mermaids / Little Hours / Kilo / Redfaces / Zach Said / ARC / Judas / Dead Pretties / Jordan Allen / Brian Deady / Anna Straker / FLING / Outlya / Alex Francis / The Bay Rays / Faux Pas / Be Charlotte / MarthaGunn / Artificial Pleasure / Dusk (USA) / Treeboy & Arc / Indigo Husk / Joy Room / Tom Hickox / Annabel Allum / JAGARA / Adian Coker / Tender Central / Weirds / Carys Selvey / TEAM PICTURE / Eat Fast / NGOD / Club Drive / Rory Butler / Shadowlark / Atlas Wynd / Rory Wynne / Dead Naked Hippies / Lamia / Jellyskin / Luxury Death / White Kite / Croox / Jakl / The Golden Age of Tv / Dead! (UK) / Noctürn / Chest Pains / Kell / Fletcher Jackson / Young Native / The Opera Comic / WUZI / Piles Of Clothes / The Tiny Minds / Sam Wilde / Roe Green / Heir (UK) / Plaza (UK) / Furr (UK)
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Her / Rag'n'Bone Man / White Lies / Nothing But Thieves / Gabrielle Aplin / Tom Walker / AJ Tracey / Yellow Days / Frightened Rabbit / Wild Beasts / seafret / Temples / IDLES / Slaves / Gang of Youths / The Pigeon Detectives / The Hunna / DMA'S / Tom Grennan / Lewis Watson / Matt Maltese / Jagwar Ma / Easy Life / Nilüfer Yanya / Pale Waves / Joy Crookes / Rationale / Fickle Friends / Kllo / The Amazons / Tender / The Academic / Joe Fox / Jade Bird / The Magic Gang / Puma Blue / The Night Café / Kojey Radical / Laurel / The Big Moon / Jordan Mackampa / Let’s Eat Grandma / Jaws / Teleman / Black Honey / carmody / Leo Stannard / Yonaka / Honeyblood / Geowulf / Jake Isaac / Superfood / Fazerdaze / Bad Sounds / Dream Wife / VANT / IDER / Fish / Clean Cut Kid / Ten Tonnes / Childhood / The Orielles / Chinah / Liv Dawson / She Drew The Gun / The Pale White / Scarlet / HMLTD / Trudy and The Romance / Saint PHNX / Airways / Sonny / Sivu / Siv Jakobsen / Joel Baker / Otzeki / Amber Arcades / kwassa / Marsicans / Connie Constance / Clay / The Moonlandingz / Ekkah / Mosa Wild / MOSES / Wyvern Lingo / Gurr / Howl / Indoor Pets / The Gallery / Lea Porcelain / XamVolo / Sam Brookes / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Off Bloom / Casey Lowry / Fangclub / Flamingods / The Age Of L.U.N.A / Lisbon / Jordan Max / Slang / Banfi / FREAK / Shy Luv / Francobollo / Husky Loops / Kovic / Life / King Nun / The Wandering Hearts / Bryde / Strong Asian Mothers / Little Hours / Johnny Lloyd / Paris Youth Foundation / Áine / Redfaces / ARC / Judas / Kilo / Plastic Mermaids / Zach Said / Jordan Allen / Pixey / Blackwaters / Brian Deady / Anna Straker / FLING / Dead Pretties / Outlya / October Drift / The Bay Rays / Faux Pas / Dusk (USA) / Artificial Pleasure / Indigo Husk / Be Charlotte / MarthaGunn / Joy Room / Alex Francis / Tom Hickox / Annabel Allum / JAGARA / Adian Coker / Weirds / Tender Central / Carys Selvey / Eat Fast / TEAM PICTURE / NGOD / Treeboy & Arc / Club Drive / Atlas Wynd / Rory Wynne / Rory Butler / Shadowlark / Dead Naked Hippies / Luxury Death / Bad Nerves (UK) / Lamia / White Kite / Croox / Jakl / The Golden Age of Tv / Dead! (UK) / Chest Pains / Noctürn / Fletcher Jackson / Young Native / Kell / The Opera Comic / Jellyskin / WUZI / Piles Of Clothes / Sam Wilde / The Tiny Minds / Heir (UK) / Roe Green / Plaza (UK) / Furr (UK)
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