Bal's 2008 Concert History

There are at least two artists sharing the name Bal or BAL: 1) a Hungarian drum & bass DJ/Producer who goes by Bal, real name: Bálint Forgács; 2) BAL, a post-grunge / indie rock band from North Carolina, USA.

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 07, 2008
Pendulum / / Marka / Bal / Vida G / Vida L
Vasúttörténeti Park Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Aug 13, 2008
Sziget Festival
"Sziget Festival" / Alanis Morissette / Anti-Flag / MGMT / Flogging Molly / Mercedes Peon / Leningrad / Pujara / Hocus Pocus / Seun Kuti / Chase & Status / Delinquent Habits / The Kooks / Romeo Verzik / Black Out / Road / Volbeat / Avantasia / Kalapacs / Junkies / Vastrabant / Pete Philly / Perquisite / Zagar / MC Jakes / Bal Show all bands
Óbudai-sziget (Óbuda Island) Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Aug 12, 2008 –
Aug 18, 2008
Sziget Festival 2008
The Killers / MGMT / The Kooks / Iron Maiden / Justice / Alanis Morissette / José González / Kaiser Chiefs / Jamiroquai / The Wombats / Chase & Status / Volbeat / Flogging Molly / Parov Stelar / Apocalyptica / The Presidents of The United States of America / Ferry Corsten / Babyshambles / The Cribs / Serj Tankian / Róisín Murphy / Anti-Flag / Meshuggah / Foreign Beggars / Modeselektor / R.E.M. / Vitalic / Millencolin / Sabaton / Exodus / Kraak & Smaak / Ky-Mani Marley / Lee "Scratch" Perry / Iced Earth / TC / Carcass / Danko Jones / Die Ärzte / Adam Green / Goran Bregovic / Avantasia / Bruce Dickinson / John Digweed / Hocus Pocus / Maceo Parker / Rokia Traoré / Delinquent Habits / Natacha Atlas / 3 Inches Of Blood / Mory Kante / Yonderboi / Fish / Ленинград / Smooth / Pete Philly & Perquisite / Pro-Pain / Kutiman / Sunshine / Altan / Vektor / Mademoiselle K / Real Lies / The Brains / Moog / Brisa Roché / Moke / Sex Pistols / New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble / Kočani Orkestar / Adrian Sherwood / Anima Sound System / Marcus Intalex / Lacrimas Profundere / Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 / Flash / Coyote / Nils / Neo / Che Sudaka / Eths / Mass Hysteria / Quimby / Punnany Massif / The Youngsters / Ziggi / Voicst / Tankcsapda / Hollywood Rose / Kultur Shock / Fine Cut Bodies / Irie Maffia / Freedom Fighters / Kispál és a Borz / Izabo / Junkies / Dew-Scented / Besh O Drom / Terrakota / Vono Box / Beta / DJ Storm / Dalriada / Markscheider Kunst / Missill / Péterfy Bori & Love Band / Amanda Somerville / Junkie / PUNISH YOURSELF / La Caravane Passe / Insane / CHROM / Vad Fruttik / Hiperkarma / Kowalsky Meg A Vega / Kiscsillag / Parno Graszt / Csokolom / The Road / Scan X / Csik Zenekar / Rotor / Komonazmuk / Belmondo / Ostava / Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra / Alamaailman Vasarat / Peet / DJ Haze / Carbonfools / Selim Sesler / Lauren Harris / Heaven Street Seven / Trees / Sayag Jazz Machine / Sankofa / Harcsa Veronika / Crimson / Kumm / Muzsikas / Rhoda Scott / Karanyi / Anna & the Barbies / Singas Project / Kovary / Subscribe / Balkan Fanatik / N.u.k.e. / DJ Bootsie / Akkezdet Phiai / Alvin és a Mókusok / Depresszió / Magna Cum Laude / Erik Sumo Band / The Ivory Coast / Zum / HEIKE has the giggles / Wedge / Fanfara Tirana / Black Out / Supernem / Sear Bliss / Dijf Sanders / Deák Bill Gyula / Oszibarack / Kerekes Band / Nikola Parov / Beatrice / Colorstar / Kaukazus / Nevergreen / N&SK / Mystery Gang / Animal Cannibals / The Qualitons / Amber Smith / Mercedes Peon / Lajko Felix / Dopeman / Little Cow / Zanzibar / Chiki Liki Tu-a / Pál Utcai Fiúk / DST / Bridge To Solace / Jack De Marseille / Bal / Copy Con / Lollobrigida / Korai Orom / Beat Dis / Katapult / Anselmo Crew / Barabas Lorinc Eklektric / Kistehén Tánczenekar / Acquaragia Drom / Kalman Balogh / Blind Myself / Masfel / Paul Lamb & The King Snakes / Bornholm / Da Taz / Isu / Zuboly / Enzo Avitabile And Bottari / Nemjuci / Jambalaya / Replika / O'riás / Archaic / Hetkoznapi Csalodasok / Isten Hata Mogott / Rómeó Vérzik / The Last Charge / Superbutt / Romano Drom / Takats Tamas Dirty Blues Band / Jacked! / Prosectura / Kovbojok / DJ Bailey / Vladimir Cetkar / the KOLIN / Fókatelep / Airtist / Remorse / Operentzia / FRENK / Riddim Colony / Tudosok / Picasso / Dj Observer / Bankos / Szalóki Ági / Ladánybene 27 / Les Touffes Krétiennes / Дети Picasso / suhancos / Cadaveres / … И Друг Мой Грузовик / EZ Basic / Ris / Goya-project / Barbaro / Tom White / Ideas / Jazzékiel / Hangmás / The Trousers / Tigrics / Kampec Dolores / Sikztah / Dj Nonames / Shell Beach / Balaton / Red Star / DJ NA-GA / Hollywoodoo / MC Jakes / Sziámi / Psycho Mutants / Mory Kant / Karen Carroll / Collins And Behnam / Realistic Crew / Slipper / Maravilla De Florida / Kalapács / sZempöl / Nigun / A Kutya Vacsorája / Transglobal Underground & Natacha Atlas / Deti Picasso / Zorall / Zagar Feat. Underground Divas / Yellow Spots / Dj Palotai / Dj Lucca / DJ TAGADA / Sex Action / Terne Čhave / Nitelight / Hatóságilag Tilos / Tape Underground / Egy Kiss Erzsi Zene / SECTA CHAMELEON / Horda / European Mantra / Navrang / Kasko / Uzgin Uver / KEBAB / Urh / Pupilla / Mystery Gang Rockabilly Trio / Jamie Winchester & Hrutka Róbert / Esclin Syndo / Chief Rebel Angel / My New Zoo / Turn Of Mind / Hairy / Ludditák / WACKOR / Khl / Bobakrome / Üllői Úti Fuck / Anorganik / Tereskova / jurij / Orange the Juice / Kaltenecker Trio / Varga Zsuzsa / Mantra Porno / Török Ádám és a Mini / Ágoston Béla / Malacka és a Tahó / Cozombolis / Katan / ErkA / Myster Möbius / Dj Felipe / Room Of The Mad Robots / Vidámpark / DJ Clairvo / Hippikiller / My Small Community / Eatme / Tündérground / Mátyás Pribojszki Band / Szilvasi Gipsy Folk Band / Mangod Inc. / Honeyball / Gyöngyvér / Brisa Roch / Colombre Band / Fusio Group / Vida G / DJ Cadik / Gypsy Sound System / Amundsen / Tango Underground / Nulladik Változat / Mátyás Attila / zselenszky / Dan Von Schulz / Cskolom / Sinko / Ági és a Fiúk / Stenk / Folkfree / Hot X / Jza / Slam Jr. / Muzsiks / Ef. Zámbó Happy Dead Band / Utolsó Alkalom / Nové Mapy / Szimi / Vanessa & Sorba / Sulukule / Krízis / Kuhl / Tesstimony / Kispl S A Borz / Mercedes Pen / Kistehn Tnczenekar / Takács Eszter / Váczi Eszter és a Szörp / Mesterházy / A Kutya Vacsorja / Dek Bill Gyula / Ludditk / Ladnybene 27 / Depresszi / Hawky / Joint Ventura / Palomita / Gumilap / Naga&beta / Nasmith / C0p / Pterfy Bori & Love Band / unoYmedio / Rotkreis / Saint Petrol / Kaukzus / Pl Utcai Fik / Zanzibr / Csk Zenekar / Jutasi / Cserepes / Lajk Flix / Korai Rm / Msfl / Vidmpark / Vczi Eszter S a Szrp / Kalapcs / Pujara / Lopunk / Zubrowka / DJ Frequent / Lolobrigida / Grasshop / Met Spuug / Terne Have / Isten Hta Mgtt / Tndrground / Nov Mapy / Hangms / dijf / Ashowka / Free Style Chamber Orchestra / Tudsok / Szilvsi Gipsy Folk Band / Zgin Ver / Embers / Thirty Seconds to Mars Show all bands
Óbudai-sziget (Óbuda Island) Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Jul 24, 2008
Felsziget / Peninsula Festival
"Felsziget / Peninsula Festival" / Guerillas / Altar / Epica / Tankcsapda / Avantasia / The Underskies / Spitalul De Urgenta / Mandinga / Ghymes / Peterfy Bori & Love Band / Slip / Za'Duff / byron / Trenul de Noapte / Butterflies In My Stomach / Bal / LTJ Bukem / MC Conrad / DJ TRG / Safair Show all bands
Festival Grounds Targu-Mures, Romania
Jun 21, 2008
DJ Fresh / Shy FX / Skc / / Bulletproof / Bal / Longman / Safair / MC Ivory Mokka Cuka Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
May 10, 2008
Andy C / Skc / / MC Rage / Bal Events Hall Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Black Metal
Drum And Bass
Reggae Rock
Urbano Latino
Trap Latino
Reggaeton Colombiano
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2009 3 concerts
2008 6 concerts
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 Craig Ralston
 Nicolas H

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