Aubrey Haynie Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 18, 2012 –
Jul 21, 2012
Musicians Against Childhood Cancer 2012
The SteelDrivers / Tony Rice / Blue Highway / Dailey & Vincent / Doyle Lawson And Quicksilver / The Grascals / Lonesome River Band / J.D. Crowe and the New South / Carl Jackson / Aubrey Haynie / Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out / Dale Ann Bradley / Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper / Bradley Walker / Darin and Brooke Aldridge / Larry Cordle And Lonesome Standard Time / Kenny And Amanda Smith Band / Randy Kohrs / Monster Mash / Joe Mullins & the Radio Ramblers / Junior Sisk & Ramblers Choice / Jim Hurst / Josh Williams Band / The Rarely Herd / Don Rigsby & Midnight Call / Crowe Brothers / Larry Sparks And The Lonesome Ramblers / Jerry Salley / The Larry Stephenson Band / the James King Band / Alan Bibey & Grasstowne / Clay Hess Band / David Parmley And Continental Divide / Marty Raybon & Full Circle / The Lost & Found Band (Bluegrass) / Ronnie Bowman, Don Rigsby, Kenny Smith, Terry Baucom / Steve Sutton / Irl Hees Show all bands
Hoover Y Park Columbus, Ohio, United States
United States
Progressive Bluegrass
Instrumental Bluegrass
Appalachian Folk
Traditional Bluegrass
String Band
Bluegrass Fiddle
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