Ars Amandi Concert History

Castillian Folk Metal band ARS AMANDI, created in October of 1996 by Dani Aller, debuted with the 2003 'Autoctono' album for Pies Discos, this outing closing with a TRIANA cover version 'Abre la Puerta Niña'. The group at this stage saw frontman Aller alongside guitarist Paco Moreno, bass player Alberto del Río and drummer Roberto 'Pelusa' Sánchez. Touring to promote the album found ARS AMANDI supporting MÄGO DE OZ on their 'Gaia' dates.

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Heavy Metal
Celtic Rock
Folk Metal
Spanish Metal
Latin Metal
Celtic Metal
Spanish Folk Metal
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2018 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert
2007 1 concert
2006 1 concert
2003 2 concerts
 Moski M

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