Arlo Guthrie & Pete Seeger's 1985 Concert History

Arlo Guthrie is Woody Guthrie's son; Arlo was very popular in 1960's hippie communities for his lyrics, always looking for fun, chronicling the values of the day, sample verbiage "You can get everything you want in Alice's Restaurant" And Alice's Restaurant was also a movie as well as an album, Arlo Guthrie made the music for the film, devised it and featured in it. Woody Guthrie, obviously performing a generation earlier, was a folk-singer, singing solo songs to speak out for his fellow downtrodden Americans...

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 11, 1985
Arlo Guthrie & Pete Seeger Civic Center Des Moines, Iowa, United States

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 Louise Halsey
 Zachary Casperson
 Bryan Roy
 Jim Pittz
 Daniel Schmeder
 Julie La Bonte

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