ANYONE is a band from Southern California that emerged from the short lived Sylvia project. Their LIVE ACID'S raw unedited LIVE performance earned the band the distinction of OUTSTANDING ORANGE COUNTY ARTIST at the 1999 Los Angeles Music Awards. Several tours of Europe followed and the band met with raves from the European press. They played Europe's summer festival circuit including READING, LEEDS, PUKLEPOP, and LOWLANDS . . and according to METAL HAMMER "delivered one of the most memorable sets of the festival".
Eminem / Green Day / The Strokes / System of a Down / Queens of the Stone Age / Papa Roach / Marilyn Manson / Iggy Pop / Cat Power / Bright Eyes / Staind / PJ Harvey / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / Elbow / Eels / Mogwai / D12 / Travis / Manic Street Preachers / The Cult / Rancid / Alien Ant Farm / xzibit / Run–D.M.C. / Reel Big Fish / Feeder / Gary Numan / Ladytron / Ash / Roots Manuva / The Freestylers / Moldy Peaches / Richard Hawley / Lostprophets / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Fear Factory / Supergrass / American Hi-Fi / Mercury Rev / Teenage Fanclub / Guided By Voices / Green Velvet / The Posies / Frank Black / The Donnas / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / The Living End / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / Kosheen / (Hed) P.E. / Mad Caddies / I Am Kloot / Stephen Malkmus / Save Ferris / Richie Hawtin / OPM / Electrelane / Arab Strap / So Solid Crew / Good Riddance / Tahiti 80 / Wookie / Delinquent Habits / Ugly Duckling / Backyard Babies / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Public Domain / Hundred Reasons / Rocket from the Crypt / Gene / Mouse on Mars / Ignite / Folk Implosion / Murder City Devils / Evan Dando / The Electric Soft Parade / Godhead / Oxide & Neutrino / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Frank Black & The Catholics / Snuff / Skinny / My Vitriol / Hell Is for Heroes / Hefner / Amen / Nebula / Ben Onono / David Kitt / 28 Days / Mull Historical Society / Linea 77 / Capdown / Shelter / Grooverider / Boy Hits Car / Haven / COUSTEAUX / South (LON) / Gloss / Angelica / Clearlake / Lift to Experience / Backyard Dog / Gay Dad / Infinite Mass / Goldrush / Vex Red / Ikara Colt / Seafood / Cosmic Rough Riders / Dirty Harry / Proud Mary / Andy Votel / Easyworld / Lowgold / Grand Theft Audio / Hopewell / Mark B And Blade / Bridge and Tunnel / King Adora / Mower / Bs 2000 / Crackout / Spek / The Zephyrs / Colin MacIntyre / Pattern / Regular Fries / The Parkinsons / The Cooper Temple Clause / Anyone / Big Dog / Dislocated Styles / Terris / Soft Parade / Mo Solid Gold / Defenestration / Bravecaptain / Thirteen13 / Pepe Delux / Kids Near Water / Little Hell / Voy / Hammel On Trial / Xposure / Fuzz Lightyears
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Eminem / Green Day / The Strokes / System of a Down / Queens of the Stone Age / Papa Roach / Marilyn Manson / Iggy Pop / Cat Power / Bright Eyes / Staind / PJ Harvey / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / Elbow / Eels / Mogwai / Travis / Manic Street Preachers / The Cult / Rancid / Alien Ant Farm / Run-D.M.C. / Reel Big Fish / Feeder / Gary Numan / Ladytron / Ash / Roots Manuva / Supergrass / The Freestylers / Moldy Peaches / Richard Hawley / Fear Factory / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Guided By Voices / Teenage Fanclub / Lostprophets / Mercury Rev / American Hi-Fi / Tone-Lōc / Iggy & the Stooges / Green Velvet / The Posies / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / The Donnas / The Living End / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / (hed) p.e. / Kosheen / Mad Caddies / Richie Hawtin / I Am Kloot / Save Ferris / Arab Strap / Electrelane / OPM / Good Riddance / So Solid Crew / Delinquent Habits / Tahiti 80 / Wookie / Ugly Duckling / Backyard Babies / Hundred Reasons / Gene / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Rocket from the Crypt / Ignite / Public Domain / Mouse on Mars / Murder City Devils / Evan Dando / The Electric Soft Parade / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Godhead / Oxide & Neutrino / Skinny / Frank Black & The Catholics / Amen / Snuff / My Vitriol / Nebula / Hell Is for Heroes / Hefner / Haven / Ben Onono / David Kitt / Shelter / Linea 77 / Capdown / Mull Historical Society / Grooverider / Boy Hits Car / Gloss / Lift to Experience / South (LON) / Clearlake / Gay Dad / Backyard Dog / Infinite Mass / Dirty Harry / Vex Red / Goldrush / Ikara Colt / Cosmic Rough Riders / Seafood / Proud Mary / Andy Votel / Lowgold / Easyworld / Grand Theft Audio / Hopewell / Mark B And Blade / King Adora / Bridge and Tunnel / Mower / Crackout / Bs 2000 / Spek / The Zephyrs / Pattern / Colin MacIntyre / The Parkinsons / Regular Fries / The Cooper Temple Clause / Anyone / Big Dog / Terris / Dislocated Styles / Mo Solid Gold / Defenestration / Pepe Delux / Voy / Kids Near Water / Little Hell / Hammel On Trial / Xposure / Fuzz Lightyears / 28 Days
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Eminem / Green Day / The Strokes / System of a Down / Papa Roach / My Vitriol / Marilyn Manson / Bright Eyes / Cat Power / Iggy Pop / Staind / Ben Onono / Eels / Elbow / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / PJ Harvey / Mogwai / Hell Is for Heroes / Travis / Manic Street Preachers / Run DMC / The Cult / Snuff / Rancid / Oxide & Neutrino / Alien Ant Farm / Reel Big Fish / Feeder / Nebula / Ladytron / Lostprophets / The Freestylers / Mull Historical Society / Gary Numan / Moldy Peaches / Amen / Roots Manuva / Fun Lovin' Criminals / South (LON) / American Hi-Fi / The Posies / David Kitt / Richard Hawley / Fear Factory / Mercury Rev / Grooverider / Supergrass / The Donnas / Capdown / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Guided By Voices / Tone-Lōc / Boy Hits Car / Teenage Fanclub / The Living End / Linea 77 / I Am Kloot / Clearlake / Kosheen / Green Velvet / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / (Hed) P.E. / Skinny / Mad Caddies / OPM / Electrelane / Tahiti 80 / Shelter / Arab Strap / Richie Hawtin / Haven / Backyard Dog / Public Domain / Gay Dad / Ikara Colt / Good Riddance / Infinite Mass / Hundred Reasons / Goldrush / So Solid Crew / Ugly Duckling / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Seafood / Gene / The Electric Soft Parade / Backyard Babies / Cosmic Rough Riders / Mouse on Mars / Lift to Experience / Dirty Harry / Wookie / Evan Dando / Delinquent Habits / Vex Red / Ignite / Easyworld / Lowgold / Murder City Devils / Mark B And Blade / Godhead / Frank Black & The Catholics / Hopewell / Proud Mary / Andy Votel / Hefner / Grand Theft Audio / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Gloss / Bridge and Tunnel / King Adora / Bs 2000 / Crackout / Colin MacIntyre / Spek / Pattern / Regular Fries / The Zephyrs / Rocket from the Crypt / The Cooper Temple Clause / Mower / Big Dog / The Parkinsons / Anyone / Dislocated Styles / Terris / Mo Solid Gold / Pepe Delux / Kids Near Water / Defenestration / Little Hell / Voy / Hammel On Trial / Xposure / Fuzz Lightyears / Queens of the Stone Age / Iggy & the Stooges / Save Ferris / Ash
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Travis / Manic Street Preachers / Eminem / Green Day / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Marilyn Manson / PJ Harvey / Supergrass / Papa Roach / Iggy Pop / Feeder / Queens of the Stone Age / The Strokes / Rancid / The Cult / Eels / Frank Black and the Catholics / System of a Down / Run-D.M.C. / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Fear Factory / Lo Fidelity Allstars / OPM / (hed)PE / The Living End / Public Domain / Staind / The Donnas / Terris / Boy Hits Car / Ash / Mogwai / Mercury Rev / Evan Dando / Teenage Fanclub / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / Bs 2000 / My Vitriol / Gene / Amen / The Folk Implosion / Lowgold / King Adora / Elbow / Mark B / Cosmic Rough Riders / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Alien Ant Farm / Mull Historical Society / Guided By Voices / Grand Theft Audio / South / Dislocated Styles / Seafood / The Moldy Peaches / The Electric Soft Parade / Hundred Reasons / Crackout / Goldrush / Murder City Devils / Easyworld / The Zephyrs / Biffy Clyro / Green Velvet / Rocket from the Crypt / Grooverider / Gary Numan / Reel Big Fish / Wookie / Richie Hawtin / Good Riddance / Roots Manuva / Backyard Dog / Snuff / Oxide & Neutrino / DJ Erol / Mad Caddies / Freestylers / Mouse on Mars / Ignite / Regular Fries / Pepe Deluxe / Dropkick Murphys / Delinquent Habits / Big Dog / Shelter / Kosheen / Andy Votel / Capdown / So Solid Crew / Original Bedroom Rockers / Save Ferris / Ben Onono / Ugly Duckling / Linea 77 / Dj Dee Kline / Spek / Kids Near Water / Infinite Mass / Arab Strap / Backyard Babies / Hefner / The Posies / Lostprophets / Gay Dad / I Am Kloot / Nebula / Clearlake / Mo Solid Gold / Defenestration / Cat Power / Proud Mary / Anyone / David Kitt / Richard Hawley / The Cooper Temple Clause / Ladytron / American Hi-Fi / Voy / Godhead / Hamell On Trial / Lift to Experience / Haven / Bright Eyes / Hell Is for Heroes / Gloss / Tahiti 80 / Skinny / Electrelane / Danny Cichuta / Vex Red / Fuzz Light Years / The Pattern / Thirteen:13 / Hopewell / Little Hell / Dirty Harry / Mower / Ikara Colt / Bridge & Tunnel / Redwood / The Parkinsons
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Spek / xzibit / Bridge and Tunnel / Save Ferris / Teenage Fanclub / Shelter / The Freestylers / Queens of the Stone Age / Clearlake / Rocket from the Crypt / The Electric Soft Parade / Easyworld / Roots Manuva / Capdown / Rancid / Hefner / Gary Numan / COUSTEAUX / Lowgold / Grand Theft Audio / Mo Solid Gold / Ignite / Mower / Ben Onono / Staind / Pepe Delux / Soft Parade / Mark B And Blade / Hammel On Trial / Big Dog / Nebula / Fuzz Lightyears / Hell Is for Heroes / Godhead / The Zephyrs / Terris / Angelica / (hed) p.e. / Bravecaptain / Richie Hawtin / Mouse on Mars / Andy Votel / Regular Fries / Arab Strap / Kids Near Water / Thirteen13 / Skinny / Defenestration / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Wookie / Goldrush / Moldy Peaches / Backyard Dog / Public Domain / The Murder City Devils / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / Gay Dad / Delinquent Habits / Gloss / So Solid Crew / American Hi-Fi / Proud Mary / Snuff / Backyard Babies / The Cult / The Donnas / South (LON) / The Posies / Eminem / Guided By Voices / Frank Black / Vex Red / Elbow / Manic Street Preachers / Folk Implosion / Richard Hawley / Mad Caddies / Alien Ant Farm / Hundred Reasons / Anyone / Crackout / Pattern / Dislocated Styles / Good Riddance / Gene / Oxide & Neutrino / Little Hell / 28 Days / Seafood / Voy / The Parkinsons / Infinite Mass / Xposure / Tahiti 80 / Ugly Duckling / Cat Power / Ladytron / I Am Kloot / OPM / Papa Roach / Dirty Harry / Grooverider / Green Velvet / Mercury Rev / Colin MacIntyre / Stephen Malkmus / Electrelane / Bright Eyes / David Kitt / Haven / Boy Hits Car / Hopewell / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Ikara Colt / Ash / Green Day / The Strokes / System of a Down / Marilyn Manson / Iggy Pop / Biffy Clyro / PJ Harvey / Dropkick Murphys / Lift to Experience / Eels / Mogwai / Travis / D12 / Run-D.M.C. / Reel Big Fish / Feeder / Lostprophets / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Fear Factory / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Supergrass / The Living End / Kosheen / Evan Dando / Frank Black & The Catholics / My Vitriol / Amen / Mull Historical Society / Linea 77 / Cosmic Rough Riders / King Adora / Bs 2000 / The Cooper Temple Clause
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Eminem / Green Day / The Strokes / System of a Down / Queens of the Stone Age / Papa Roach / Marilyn Manson / Iggy Pop / Cat Power / Staind / PJ Harvey / Bright Eyes / Dropkick Murphys / Biffy Clyro / Elbow / Eels / D12 / Travis / Mogwai / Manic Street Preachers / The Cult / Rancid / Run-D.M.C. / Alien Ant Farm / xzibit / Reel Big Fish / Supergrass / Feeder / Ash / Gary Numan / Ladytron / Guided By Voices / Roots Manuva / Moldy Peaches / Richard Hawley / Fear Factory / The Freestylers / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Teenage Fanclub / Mercury Rev / American Hi-Fi / Lostprophets / Green Velvet / Frank Black / The Posies / The Living End / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / The Donnas / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / (hed) p.e. / Kosheen / Mad Caddies / Stephen Malkmus / Arab Strap / Richie Hawtin / Save Ferris / Electrelane / I Am Kloot / Delinquent Habits / OPM / Good Riddance / So Solid Crew / Wookie / Tahiti 80 / Gene / Hundred Reasons / Ugly Duckling / Backyard Babies / Ignite / Rocket from the Crypt / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Mouse on Mars / Folk Implosion / Public Domain / Murder City Devils / Evan Dando / The Electric Soft Parade / Gorky's Zygotic Mynci / Haven / Amen / Oxide & Neutrino / Skinny / Nebula / Godhead / Frank Black & The Catholics / Snuff / Hell Is for Heroes / My Vitriol / Hefner / 28 Days / David Kitt / Ben Onono / Shelter / Linea 77 / Gloss / Capdown / Mull Historical Society / Lift to Experience / Grooverider / Boy Hits Car / Angelica / COUSTEAUX / Dirty Harry / South (LON) / Infinite Mass / Clearlake / Gay Dad / Backyard Dog / Vex Red / Ikara Colt / Goldrush / Cosmic Rough Riders / Seafood / Proud Mary / Lowgold / Andy Votel / Easyworld / Grand Theft Audio / Hopewell / King Adora / Mark B And Blade / Bridge and Tunnel / Pattern / Mower / Bs 2000 / Crackout / Spek / The Zephyrs / The Parkinsons / Colin MacIntyre / Regular Fries / The Cooper Temple Clause / Anyone / Big Dog / Terris / Dislocated Styles / Soft Parade / Defenestration / Mo Solid Gold / Thirteen13 / Bravecaptain / Pepe Delux / Voy / Little Hell / Kids Near Water / Hammel On Trial / Xposure / Fuzz Lightyears
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Muse / Phoenix / Queens of the Stone Age / 3 Doors Down / Papa Roach / Nelly Furtado / The Prodigy / Placebo / Stone Temple Pilots / Röyksopp / Staind / 311 / Elbow / Dropkick Murphys / Eels / Mogwai / The Hives / Zero 7 / Four Tet / Michael Franti & Spearhead / Alien Ant Farm / The Avalanches / xzibit / Saliva / Tricky / Less Than Jake / The Ataris / Orbital / Starsailor / Moldy Peaches / The Sisters of Mercy / Fear Factory / Mercury Rev / Turin Brakes / Guided By Voices / The Spooks / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Green Velvet / The Living End / Kosheen / The Vandals / Zebrahead / (hed)PE / Powderfinger / I Am Kloot / Heather Nova / Andy C / Stanton Warriors / Stephen Malkmus / Madrugada / Richie Hawtin / Voodoo Glow Skulls / Reamonn / Zoot Woman / Slam / Wookie / Killah Priest / Plump DJs / Rocket from the Crypt / Canibus / Mouse on Mars / Folk Implosion / Red Snapper / Total Science / DJ Marky / Llorca / Ozark Henry / The Locust / Buscemi / Sahara Hotnights / Oxide & Neutrino / Pilote / My Vitriol / Howie B / Sophia / Cut La Roc / 28 Days / Millionaire / Boy Hits Car / Dom And Roland / South (LON) / Brainpower / Bastian / Lift to Experience / Gloss / Six by Seven / Miles / Ken Ishii / Sparklehorse / Zornik / Superheroes / Heideroosjes / Postmen / Fireside / Randall / Beulah / Uman / Hopewell / Agent Sumo / Mark B And Blade / Main / Starflam / DAAU - Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung / Think of One / Rolando / Mescalito / Max Normal / Undeclinable / Wevie Stonder / Bays / The Heartaches / Aka Moon / Anyone / Hypnoskull / Ping Pong Bitches / Natalia M King / Dislocated Styles / Kim Cascone / BS2000 / Krushed & Sorted / Mo Solid Gold / Gwenmars / Paul Daley / Bit_Meddler / The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen / Gore Slut / Chitlin' Fooks / Portables / Boenox / Sunzoo Manley / Thom Revolver / Ed And Kim / DJ Leno / Galacticamendum / Ovil Bianca / Jan Van Biesen / Lady Vortex / Wicona Airbag
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Muse / Nelly Furtado / Phoenix / Queens of the Stone Age / Papa Roach / 3 Doors Down / The Prodigy / Stone Temple Pilots / Placebo / Staind / Röyksopp / 311 / Dropkick Murphys / The Hives / Eels / Elbow / Four Tet / Zero 7 / Mogwai / The Avalanches / Michael Franti & Spearhead / Alien Ant Farm / Tricky / xzibit / Saliva / The Sisters of Mercy / Less Than Jake / Orbital / Guided By Voices / The Ataris / Moldy Peaches / Starsailor / Fear Factory / Mercury Rev / The Spooks / Turin Brakes / Green Velvet / The Living End / Zebrahead / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / The Vandals / (hed) p.e. / Kosheen / Madrugada / Andy C / Heather Nova / Stephen Malkmus / Richie Hawtin / Stanton Warriors / Powderfinger / I Am Kloot / Voodoo Glow Skulls / Reamonn / DJ Marky / Slam / Zoot Woman / Wookie / Killah Priest / Red Snapper / Plump DJs / The Locust / Rocket from the Crypt / Canibus / Mouse on Mars / Folk Implosion / Sophia / Total Science / Llorca / Ozark Henry / Oxide & Neutrino / Sahara Hotnights / Buscemi / Miles / My Vitriol / Howie B / 28 Days / Pilote / Millionaire / Gloss / Lift to Experience / Brainpower / Boy Hits Car / Dom And Roland / Cut La Roc / Ken Ishii / Zornik / Bastian / Heideroosjes / South (LON) / Six by Seven / Randall / Postmen / Sparklehorse / Superheroes / Fireside / Uman / Starflam / Main / Beulah / Hopewell / Mark B And Blade / Agent Sumo / Think of One / DAAU - Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung / Rolando / Aka Moon / Undeclinable / Mescalito / Natalia M King / Wevie Stonder / Max Normal / The Heartaches / Anyone / Bays / Hypnoskull / Ping Pong Bitches / Kim Cascone / Dislocated Styles / Krushed & Sorted / BS2000 / Mo Solid Gold / Paul Daley / Gwenmars / Bit_Meddler / The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen / Gore Slut / Chitlin' Fooks / Portables / Sunzoo Manley / Boenox / Thom Revolver / Ed And Kim / DJ Leno / Galacticamendum / Ovil Bianca / Lady Vortex / Jan Van Biesen / Wicona Airbag
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