New Zealander Antony Milton has been making records, exhibiting sound installations and performing live under various nom de plumes (A.M (exactly so, without the second dot after M), The Nether Dawn, clay man in the well, Paintings of Windows, Mrtyu, Paintings Of Indian Windows, Swagger Jack, Birdcatcher, Black Boned Angel, Claypipe, Glory Fckn Sun, The Stumps, Sunken, Van The Van, With Throats As Fine As Needles etc) since the early 1990s. He is also the curator of the PseudoArcana record label.
These are photos from concerts where Antony Milton played, so they may be of other bands that played the concert as well.
Antony Milton / Living Breathing Music / Art Lessing & The Flower Vato Nov 21, 2006 Sacramento, California, United States Uploaded by Sacramento Shows